Sunday, July 08, 2018

Infowar or whatever the name of this site is.

...Infowars or whatever the name of this site is, is the best example of what Democracy is; this is by means: only in a real, real Democracy a person could see, read and write such nefarious articles as shown and said here.  In any other type of government rather than in a Democratic Nation State, it is impossible to see such articles as seen here, and I mean it.  Go to any other region of the world and write and say or video the things said here, and you get chopped in pieces, not by a court, but by its authoritarian’s administrative people who govern the Nation State.  Just to mention some, not all because they are too many: Venezuela, China, Russia, the Philippines, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Iran, most African nations, most Asian nations, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the blah, blah, blah of other non-democratic Nation States. Even though, this is a nefarious site, and be it known, it is, this site as I just experience, is able to tell things that are extremely wicked and of the type of conspiracy plot to the well been of this Nation State and others around the globe such as England, Italy, France, Spain, the Dominican Republic and many other Democratic Nation State. Permit me to tell what NEFARIOUS is:  Adj.1. nefarious - extremely wicked; "nefarious schemes"; "a villainous plot"; "a villainous band of thieves “villainous wicked - morally bad in principle or practice...and that could be said only in a real Democratic Nation State as that as the USA.

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