US, EU and Latin America VS. China, Major Asia and the South
China Sea nations: Tech competition on the last. Tech creation on the first.
In America, US is, as well as Canada, the creators of
In Europe, Great Britain, France
and a little of the others as Italy are the creators of tech, one much more than others.
In Major Asia, China is the only creator of major tech,
Japan not included, and all the rest are tech consumers.
Japan is been set aside by China …has no
business to deal with China due to historical crimes committed by Japan against
China and it doesn’t forget.
Japan is
quietly set to stay alone on tech production.
US and EU …not including Latin America are tech creators VS.
China alone, a tech producer on the plannet.
"They create, and we produce".
could be a logo to be attributed to China, that's what I think they, China is thinking of the rest of the world.
China is growing big and bigger each and every day.
One thing China been using since President
Nixon accepted China in the business empire of USA, is, China copies whatever
the rest of the world creates and reproduces that copy in devices to be sold to
themselves and all around the world.
There is a big and really difference between US, EU and them the
Chinese Nation State: the price and its ethic.
Things created and produced by non-Chinese industries
contains a lot of details in its functioning and complex mechanism in tech: it contains copyrights, ethics,
human rights and manner of use; all that regulated by laws elaborated by Westerners,
they are politicians educated under the philosophy of Human Freedom and Human
Greed. China on the contrary: produce whatever Westerners invent, no copyrights,
ethics and human rights in it; all that regulated by laws elaborated by a stern
governmental way of ruling it ...of which its politicians (the Chinese) follow one rule: the
philosophy of Human dictatorship and Human sharing.
‘Cause in the first philosophy, things produced here makes
it too expensive for, each and every step involved needs a lot of energy to be
used for its built and it ends with a higher cost, aside the builder greed makes it much and more
For instance: a medication
produced in a Western Nation State could cost up to $300 dollars, the same
produced in any Major Asian Nation State could cost, at the most: $3.00
dollars. But, there is a but worth to mention here: in any Asian Nation States
if the consumer is hurt by using their products in their lands, the consumer can’t sue the
producer nor demand to its politician to update its law to protect them; and if the politician wishes, they arrest any big device producer with no due
cause, just like that and accuse them of any thing up to treason.
Once anyone is arrested, they loose all their
constitutional rights, even if a lawyer represents them, the lawyer too could
lose his/her constitutional rights cause politicians bend the law on their
A politician is above the law if
the politician fallows the law.
They are the law made human, It is an
irony, no? Like a god or King.
The benefits receiving or possessing cheap devices in China is
followed with the user been intruded in their human rights; and the benefits of
receiving or possessing expensive devices in a Western Civilization is followed
with the user been respected in their human rights and the right to be
protected by the laws as is.
These two
manners of possession of devices created by techs, as seen here, differs greatly
on human rights. Just one problem: in the Western World, exploitation of the user is a rule, a custom, 'cause super and mega-rich individuals control law makers with former politicians that advice other active law makers; they are called "Lobbyists". Lobbyists work for the Mega-rich as well for the Super-rich people, mostly for complex institutions, its like a mafia legalized in a Democracy. Industries and or individuals out of the Democratic System are not accepted. A business located in Russia or even in China can't do what a like-business from any other Democratic Nation States does: France, Spain, England or Austria, whichever of them, could invest in any Democratic System, exploit the region or the like location. China is setting its gear to revive its old decade Silk Road that existed in 114 BCE to 1450's CE. They expect to give a major blow to capitalism existing in Democratic Nations; that is in Africa and all of Asia with the so-called Silk Road that will be extended to all of Europe. That way, USA power will be bended to its knee until it falls by its own weight: Extreme Capitalism supported by "Lobbyists" in any Democracy. Remember: China is a Capitalist Communist Nation State thanks again to President Nixon that opened the door for them. Just observe world history including mostly its economy, its wars, invasions and revolutions and you would come to the same conclusions enumerated here by me, I, myself and my id. -that's why I sent so many warnings to the Democratic System ...with no attention paid here. Everything said is plotted in: "Plot" subtitle: "a dialog with Flag".

Silk Road the way it existed on Guttenberg time.
If it existed then, why not now. China is working hard, very hard to displace any Nation State of its Laurel, they are making their own, they compite and in doing so no rules is followed. EU/USA are sleeping, they are hibernating the feast of Extreme Capitalism, not just Capitalism which is good.
Human rights and copyrights are two of the essences of
Democracy, it, Democracy has a process of intricated roads to meet its end:
Human rights and copyrights don't exist in a dictatorship of philosophy. Cheap-ness has a price in US, EU and Latin America VS. China, Major Asia and the South China Sea Nations.

Tech competition on the last, tech creation on the first.
Note: Western World and Eastern World are plotted differently, depends on the person who expresses what is West and what is East.

Here Major and Minor Asia including the North of Africa and most of Arab countries are considered Eastern Nations or Eastern economies. The more geographers and historian are consulted, the more they differ on their presentations 'cause what they have in mind is the division of all the lands of the world into two sections: civilized world and under civilized world or underdeveloped nations, all based on racial discrimination. Communist countries included, not excluded and physical characteristics too. It is a good topic to discuss as of now on the 21st. Century.
See how the mind-set has changed in Europe ...mostly:

This is Europe
...and how it is in US by some of those immigrants (not all of them) that came sometime ago and their descendants: they were feed and treated with respect, here below seems to be in "Governor Island" in New York City.

They posted (their sons and daughters) the pic here below
In USA, protesters tell them you are:
Below here: the mother of President Donald J. Trumpf, now Donald J. Trump.
this lady did benevolent work helping the needed, she dedicated part of her life doing good for those in needs... my thanks to you distinguished dear Madam, heaven is for you and those like you.
Mary Anne Trump.
In USA, natives were fighting illegal immigrants that invaded their mother land.
Now those invaders tell the world: "Immigrants Are Not Welcome"
Invaders or former immigrants posted this sign.
See below how the new mind-set has changed in Europe ...mostly
But not this man.
Above: this man, is the President of USA as of 2018, Donald J. Trump hates immigrants unless they are his type., what's the point. The point is that America was built by immigrants and still been built, they are still coming to US, work very, very hard. Thanks to them US is what it is as of now but, there is a but worth to mention: few racists, closed minded people and mostly with lack of knowledge, historical knowledge and low in the understanding of who is doing the tech work on behalf of this nation, are disliked by them racists. Just to mention the tip of the iceberg: most computer engineers are immigrants, they are either US citizens or residents of USA, but their origins are not from this land. They work hard, they create computer programs for mainland US and the military but most of their parents, friends and close other relatives still live abroad in their land of origins, the USA president wants to expel them off USA, American Tribunals halted him and later killed his intentions as they interpreted the American Constitution, its Magna Carta. This is just a very small tip of the iceberg; the rest of the iceberg is that the whole thing, devices, and things of utilities is made by immigrants ...including one of the greatest genus of the plannet earth: Albert Einstein; the father of the creation of the atomic bomb: Robert Oppenheimer and all those that worked very closed to him too. They all were immigrants. Don't feel offended, my apologies if, but American born, very few helped in the making of any tech that contributed to the greatness of USA; they, mostly all had been immigrants. Europe had and still has very extraordinary scientists, there is no need to mention them here, just see their last huge invention:
CERN, Western World's people study since primary school until they graduate with a University Degree, those inventions, discoveries and formulas are used in scientific and tech work. Immigrants were all of them from their own European regions, not from here the USA. Some came here but most are from Arab countries and from Eastern regions. Many of them are creators of such companies like Google, Microsoft, Tesla and so many not to mention here, 'cause that would take a lot of written pages which don't "wane do that. The President of the United States of America doesn't want them here! ...the same as some racist too, don't want them here 'cause they, mostly, don't know what I am telling here 'cause are ignorant in knowledge of science and tech.
The contrary with China.
They had great people too, but 'cause they built the "Great wall", China existed isolated from the rest of the world, falling behind in tech and science thought they had too, very great people though were mostly warriors. By final of 20th. Century and beginning of this 21st. Century, China dedicated its time to steal science and tech from the outside. It first created a system that killed millions of its own people but, here my but that is worth to mention: Nixon open the door of the world of business for them to be what they are becoming now: a superpower. China was nothin but a nation in miseries overpopulated region, with lack of food, tech and the likes; imported and stolen tech opened a bigger land to them, it was such, they had to kill any newborn if it was a second new born, only the first one survives, if not, the parents were denied freedom.
With iron laws, China survived. After President Nixon, China grew bigger -economically... such is the case that China is confronting Europe and the USA looking to control the rest of the world using its economy as a weapon, its industries as a weapon and its people as a guarantee of having a survival in case of a war 'cause China has same tech as US and Europe but still must consolidate that power ...they are desperate to confront anyone and wish to own the Sea next to them, all of it. Russia's doing the same thing, but practices a wrong strategy.
The European Union and USA creates Techs ...China owns it.
Facts that support the above are abundant, here a Canadian, professor in a University, his invention, it wasn't made by a racist 'cause it is very hard to be racist and inventor, it doesn't fit in the brain, I think.
...if the above link doesn't work, just copy it and paste it in your address bar to go there.
Just wait until China learns of that recent invention: the copy right whatever others create, pay no fee. first China will rob the blueprint and all of its design, then will reverse engineer it giving to it a totally different design, but he same principle, or China just enter wherever this professor has his files stored in whichever computer it could be even the Prof buries the computer, China will get it. Who is going to claim its copyright? Who do you think? All Western Democracy and China would present its war cannon's right on the face of those who intent to do that, USA will be the first to see those cannons. And USA all together with NATO will be seen as the bad ones in the game. Wait and see.