Sunday, July 09, 2023

Von Braun record on Civil rights


…if you are a pacifist, antiracist person, or a noble man/woman, you will get shocked visiting this page below, don’t fall back off you chair. Make sure to hold on to something and if you have high blood pressure, please do not visit this link.  

I thought I knew of him as a scientist but never what his personal political affiliation was. I am shocked!

See by yourself, not through my words.

...if you went to the link, now you know what Von Braun was and what Wallace was.

I had to do this to tell the American people, mostly the black skin one, that NASA used to be a racist integrated research and scientific federal department and who really  WALLACE WAS.

George Wallace (left), NASA administrator James Webb (center) and Marshall Space Flight Center dir. Wernher Von Braun (right) meet at the MFSC to witness the first test firing of a Saturn V Booster, Image credit: NASA-MSFC

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