Sunday, July 30, 2023

Ownership Syndrome ...of the American people.


Pentagonhit by ‘critical compromise’ of US air force communications – report (

The problem with American people (when working for the USA securities and governmental entities): “they snoop on things not pertaining to their obligations or responsibilities that belong to others withing their departments or take home their known work without ‘doing that, had not been authorized by their superiors”. Or something that could be called: “gossip”: Psychology To fill in gaps in one's memory with fabrications that one believes to be facts, as the former President (Donald Trump) is doing and had been doing for long. In short: spying within one’s own department (taking work that belongs to one’s department and is not of the worker’s property).

The above is penalized by the laws or rules set up for that environment. That, I call ownership syndrome, which is not a disease but a culture of stealing. It is popular at almost all levels in the American and political culture, which is many times called: “whistle blower” instead of “CHISMOSO: ‘Rumor … it had gone like a fire in dry grass —William Faulkner”. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

I am not guilty your honor!

 I am not guilty your Honor!

Why you declare "yourself" not guilty Mr. Trumph!

Cuz of freedom of choice!

...and what was it?

See your Honor...those things in my bathroom were just paper, toilet paper to clean my... you know, just when needed.

...but they were secret, you know, secrets!

Right you are, your Honor! Secrets to use, and made my choice: cuz they were all paper and were in my bathroom, why not to use it to clean secret parts of my body? This is a part that you never show, cuz it is secret, your honor.  So, I gave them secret uses. Those donkeys are just asses too, don't they your honor? They are asses, I have big elephants and by 24 there on, need a lot of them, your honor, to clean their secrets too.  And that's why I kept them, where they belong and save money. See your Honor? To be ahead of time. As you could see, I have my head up, I am not guilty.

Do you mean, amigo: have (one's) head up (one's) ass?

To behave in an ignorant or foolish manner. That's what you mean for 2024 elections? got my point, your Honor!

...the judge looked around to all his assistants in court and crashes his head.

"I will eliminate the Constitution of USA and replace it with mine"


Let us analyze what the New York publish based on Former President Donald J. Trump.

Notice that Donald is giving a warning to all, if the majority of people vote for him. But permit, you readers to know, that a president of USA, has no right to change the constitution, it is Congress, by majority, which has the right to do so and …when a person tells that if he is elected president to this nation, he will change it. That is a blatant indication of the intention to do so, once given the power. He, Donald J. Tramp, indicated that all those that participated in his impeachment and took part in it, would be punished. This means that the Supreme Court will be abolished and substituted, if possible, for people that respond to his needs and not to the director of the Magna Carta of the USA. Below is the said by the New York Times:

{The New York Times published an article Monday that's bone-chilling for anyone who cherishes our freedom, democracy and constitutional governance. The story recounted, with full cooperation of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, his plans to eliminate executive branch constraints on his power if he is elected president in 2024.

The obstacles to be eliminated include an independent Justice Department, independent leadership in administrative agencies and an independent civil service. Richard Neustadt, one of the country’s best known students of the American presidency, has said that in a constitutional democracy the chief executive “does not obtain results by giving orders – or not. ... He does not get action without argument. Presidential power is the power to persuade.”

Former President Donald Trump speaks to campaign volunteers in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on July 18, 2023.© Charlie Neibergall/AP

Trump’s plan would substitute loyalty to him for loyalty to the Constitution. This vision is simultaneously frightening and unsurprising. In 2019, he said, “I have to the right to do whatever I want as president.” And in December, Trump called for the “termination of ... the Constitution.”}

Now, it would be a good question to ask any member of the Congress of USA, if they agree with that …and some one who would dare to direct and open letter to the Supreme Court, to ask them if Donald Trump is or is not attempting to eliminate the fabric of this country that had such a great success in building itself in been a rich, free and powerful territory.

And that open letter is the one published here.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Share this with the world.

 Share this with the world.

This man is either crazed or desperate to see his country as a free nation.

Hope he is not thrown through a window, yet the KGB would not travel there. Hopefully he knows how to save himself and his beloved family. Hey man, Russians need people like you ...then freedom would reborn, it is highly needed now to set this country free forever after all its people had suffered in all its history. Dictators are not made to last as long as stones, for those that think so, they shall be pulverized and set on the bottom of the sea. Let's make Russia a free independent region in which its people govern themselves.

Поделитесь этим со всем миром.

Этот человек либо сумасшедший, либо отчаянно хочет видеть свою страну свободной нацией.

Надеюсь, его не выбросят в окно, но ФСБ (бывший КГБ, который изменил свое название на новое, но все еще делает то же самое, что и раньше) не поедет туда. Надеюсь, он знает, как спасти себя и свою любимую семью. Эй, чувак, русским нужны такие, как ты... Тогда свобода возродится вновь, она крайне необходима сейчас, чтобы навсегда освободить эту страну после того, как весь ее народ пострадал за всю ее историю. Диктаторы не созданы для того, чтобы существовать так долго, как камни, для тех, кто так думает, они будут стерты в порошок и посажены на дно моря. Давайте сделаем Россию свободным независимым регионом, в котором ее народы будут управлять собой.

Podziel się tym ze światem.

Ten człowiek jest albo szalony, albo zdesperowany, aby widzieć swój kraj jako wolny naród.

Mam nadzieję, że nie zostanie wyrzucony przez okno, ale FSB (dawne KGB, które zmieniło nazwę na nową, ale wciąż robi to samo, co wcześniej) nie pojedzie tam. Miejmy nadzieję, że wie, jak uratować siebie i swoją ukochaną rodzinę. Hej stary, Rosjanie potrzebują ludzi takich jak ty ... Wtedy odrodzi się wolność, jest teraz bardzo potrzebna, aby uwolnić ten kraj na zawsze po tym, jak wszyscy jego ludzie cierpieli w całej swojej historii. Dyktatorzy nie są stworzeni do trwania tak długo jak kamienie, dla tych, którzy tak myślą, zostaną sproszkowani i ustawieni na dnie morza. Uczyńmy Rosję wolnym, niepodległym regionem, w którym rządzą się jej obywatele.

Biden said he never falls, cuz he's a winner

 Coming next:

Biden said he never falls, cuz he is a winner.

I want to make jokes on Biden but, Chatbot does not want to make what I ask. Why?

Well... only if spying on me, that might be the "why".

...any way, I like him as my President but, it seems there is no tolerance to whatever wane tell.

Biden, I'm in! (That means, will vote for you!).

So, guys, see you next.

President Bidden, Now and then 2 

God, send US Bidden in 2024, Si?

But I wane joke on him, make people laugh, make people feel he is good that making US laugh on politicians tell others that USA is the best after all!
I made mocks on Russia's President, China's President ...Why not on USA politicians too? Si?
It is not making dirty jokes but clean ones: black and why (it sounds as white).
Like this one: erase una vez habia un presidente that used to fall on bananas without there been any banana.
The above is spaninglish.
Translated to Spanish: "erase una vez habia un presidente que se cahia sobre bananas sin haber ninguana banana.
Translate to the English language: Once upon a time there was a president that used to fall on bananas without there been any banana!
Guess who!

...stop the press, stop the press, stop the press. NOT GUILTY!

 ...stop the press, stop the press, stop the press. NOT GUILTY!

...stop the press, stop the press, stop the press, stop the story, stop the story ...if former President of the United States of America, had not been charge of any crime, of raping, of been a Russian Mole, of defamation, of abuse of power, of violating the Constitution, of setting this country at the edge of a monumental economic down fall, of steeling or demanding money to other foreign nations in order for him to issue the money that the Congress of USA designated for them to help themself protect themselves of foreign virtual aggressions, of using his power of office to get foreign loans for his son in law and daughter and friends and menacing news broadcasters and making mock of them and asking his mob in a close meeting to beat-up a black man and a lot things that if mentioned here it will take more than an hour to write it down ...then, why is this angel asked to go to court to indict him? Why? Of what? Listen you Judges, Attorney Generals, District Attorneys, and other grasses. STOP, STOP AND STOP PLEASE! Remember, this angel already said that if he wins the next elections, will fry your b...lls (I am missing one vocal from a, e, i, o, u pick one of it and might be, might be it will create a word in English, in Spanish, then after remove one l and put one vocal and see what word it makes in this language)

...that is witch-hunt!

Witch hunt!

Witch hunt!  

I've been the best President elected from 2016-2020
Let's make America Great Again!
I never had told a lie (this people such, they believe anything!).
Donald Trumph, his real name, is the best to be President forever!

Biden in next topic to enjoy!
He said he never falls (coming next) cuz he's a winner.

Your presentation is not so bad, but...

  Edited from the original presentation.

...your presentation is not so bad, but you, in it as the main character in the front, is too distractive, it is not known if it is your physical feeling in some part of it to be seen such as your face expressions: "happy of what is going on, surprised or disliked". The point is: you distract a lot your viewers or is it you who want your viewers to look at you? Hmm, anyway, my advice: next, do not put yourself as the main subject to be seen in a presentation if possible, stop it (“you” in such situation) and introduce your opinions, not your physical emotions as the main character; if wanted, in your opinion express your emotions (emotions are full of signals or prejudices interpreted differently by readers, they wish to be feed with facts, not personal emotions -keep them for yourself- as to make the presentation having validity) it distracts a lot! ...and for the knowledge of others, be it known that: slavery has existed since the history of humans. Romans invaded other territories and enslaved their people, and sold and enjoyed them or married some women, which is one of the many reasons they fought at war. The Spartans did that to Atenas, and Atenas to Spartans for many varied reasons. Native American’s aboriginal to other Americans Indian’s Aboriginal. Spain to the now known Latin American Nations. Something interesting to tell: one of the creators of the Constitution had slaves that he acquired through marriage and did not give them freedom, here why: when some slave's owners gave freedom to any of his/her slaves, another slave owner sequestered them and took them to the south of America to keep them as slaves (ONE of the reasons of the revolution). So, what that person who told everyone (by a decree) had to give freedom to their slaves, choose to keep his (inherited from his wife who was a widow before he knew of her) slaves, it was cuz few reasons: if set free and let go, they were going to be hunted by slave holders and taken to the South of America. The best thing to do was to let them stay on his land, give them lots to build their homes, ask them to work for themselves wherever they wish and raise their family in such a way, that other slave holders would not "steel them" and enslave them and taken them to the south or slave hunters do not hunt them. He, that person fought hard to enforce the decree that all slaves are free. His slaves (whom he did not consider slaves) stayed with him and slowly moved off yet some stayed and worked for him but kept themselves there, earning money for their families. This was a clever way to protect his own former slaves (of the creator of the Magna Carta of the North of America or USA) and still have some labor to work for him, not slaves but, workers. Historians do not want to admit it; it is tacitly seen here. You mentioned that man in your presentation of the story you do not tell who its creator was (of the video shown), please, give credit to them and intervene from time to time to give your understanding of the VIDEO COPYRIGHT PRESENTATION, avoid calling viewer to see you as the main character and distract so much!

A Verb: calumniate - charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone

Drugs in USA and using some government family's figure to get him involved.

The USA, actually, is having great difficulties trying to keep some part of its society free from drug uses (in reference to the use of damaging drugs been introduced into the social fabric of this nation).

This government, the same as most governments, is trying and elaborating to keep drugs off the use of US population. But there is a problem, a problem that I call here: the Godiva problem.

19th-century equestrian statue of the legendary ride, by John Thomas, Maidstone Museum, Kent.

…also, this gave origen to the world “peeping” of the English language.

Find the story in TheFreeDictionary by Farlex, under: “Lady Godiva”.

…that is what the Biden’s family is going through: Gossip:




1. Rumor or talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature.

2. A person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts.

3. Trivial, chatty talk or writing.

4. A close friend or companion.

5. Chiefly British A godparent.

intr.v. gos·siped, gos·sip·ing, gos·sips

To engage in or spread gossip: gossiped about the neighbors.


The below gossip (Chisme in Spanish,

 m. Noticia verdadera o falsa con que se pretende meter discordia o murmuración.

fam.Baratija o trasto viejo).

It is known that the president son used to consume drugs, of which he is no longer using due to his inner self-esteem of moving off that negative habit, and succeeded …and it is known that his father, Biden, is going to seek reelection as well as it is to be known that the Mexican Carter dreams to see USA the same as is seen Mexico, a center of drug traffic that controls an integral part of the government of this country, which government is fighting for long and had not succeeded yet (but still continue fighting) drugs.

Someone, cleverly, put some drug in a place that is frequently visited by the public, with the intention to discredit the fight USA is making against its introduction, US is even, traveling to foreign countries to see how on earth to stop this secret war against US or to see that those government could control that but, all in vain.

So then, those drug cartels, local ones and foreign ones, are playing dirty tricks to her President Bidden intention for reelections. USA is a country that tries and does follow the rule of the laws. This Godiva problem might affect not only the presidential family but the nation in its whole.  Luckily, the USA is a well-organized society yet there is a lot of problems been solved day by day as they arrive, including interventionist countries that wish to destroy the system of Democracy not only here but worldwide.

Here, it is inserted a portion of the story of “Godiva.”



Godiva - according to legend she rode naked through Coventry in order to persuade her husband not to tax the townspeople so heavily; the only person to look at her as she rode by was a man named Tom and Peeping Tom has become a synonym for voyeur (circa 1040-1080)


  • Notice here, that she did not have to do what the story says, cuz she was the one who could certify and approve of such a decree, cuz she was the one in charge that could do that.  The story is pure and simple: Gossip the same as the one in: “The cocaine found at the White House was discovered in an area where guests drop off their cell phones.
  • Secret Service is investigating who, specifically, dropped the drugs.


  • The cocaine found at the White House was discovered in an area where guests drop off their cell phones.
    • Secret Service is investigating who, specifically, dropped the drugs.
    • It's not the first-time recreational drugs have been on White House grounds.

    The English Dictionary of National Biography gives a meticulous account of the literary sources.[34] The historian Paul de Rapin (1732) reported the Coventry lore that Lady Godiva performed her ride while "commanding all Persons to keep within Doors and from their Windows, on pain of Death" but one man could not refrain from looking and it "cost him his life"; Rapin further reported that the town commemorates this with a "Statue of a Man looking out of a Window."[35]

    Next, Thomas Pennant in Journey from Chester to London (1782) recounted how "the curiousity of a certain taylor overcoming his fear, he took a single peep".[36] Pennant noted that the person enacting Godiva in the procession was not fully naked of course, but wore "silk, closely fitted to her limbs", which had a colour resembling the skin's complexion.[36] (In Chester's time around 1782 silk was worn, but the annotator of the 1811 edition noted that a cotton garment had since replaced the silk fabric.[36]) According to the Dict. Nat. Biog., the oldest document that mentions "Peeping Tom" by name is a record in Coventry's official annals, dating to June 11, 1773, documenting that the city issued a new wig and paint for the wooden effigy. There is further description given on the Godiva procession under the sub-article Lady Godiva in popular culture.

    There is also said to be a letter from pre-1700, stating that peeper was actually Action (pronounced Actæon?), Lady Godiva's groom.[37]

    Additional legend proclaims that Peeping Tom was later struck blind as heavenly punishment, or that the townspeople took the matter in their own hands and blinded him.[38]

    The Peeping Tom story is absent from the few sources contemporary with Godiva. It has been pointed out that Tom (Thomas) is not an Anglo-Saxon name, and therefore hardly likely to be a name of a townsperson governed by Leoffric. Coventry was still a small settlement, with only 69 families (and the monastery) recorded in the Domesday Book some decades later. Lastly, the only recorded tolls were on horses. Thus, it remains doubtful whether there is any historical basis for the famous ride. The story is particularly doubtful since Countess Godiva would herself have been responsible for setting taxation in Coventry; Salic law, which excluded females from the inheritance of a throne or fief, did not apply in Anglo-Saxon society. If only because of the nudity in the story, its popularity has been maintained, and spread internationally, with many references in modern popular culture.

    The word “drug”, in US, in the burgo, refers to illegal harmful substances.

    Read from here, a well describe story of the Lady Godiva: the "Godiva Problem" mention above.

    Monday, July 17, 2023

    Wrong steps to colonize the Moon and Mars.

     Wrong steps to colonize the Moon and Mars.

    Note of attention: the last link at the bottom, it shows the real king dress, just facts, not dreams.

    Governments, the militaries, and private entities are arduously designing architectural devices to travel to the Moon and Mars and return to Earth.  None of them had ever made designs of the type of infrastructure to built on those celestial planets. People, not working on that and movie makers had made and built designs of that “infrastructure” but not any entities as mentioned above directly interested in traveling there. In other words, as I put it: “the king dressed in invisible dress”, this is, no place where humans will leave up there (or down there once they get up there).

    Just to mention one of them: the National Space Agency or NASA. Once on Earth moon or Mars planet, then what? Return to Earth after a couple of hours?  If Robot are left there to start building, build what with no design? Had the material up there had been tested? No test was ever done but hypothesis of the material to be used.  Had an AI robot had been left on the Earth moon or Mars? Where is as said here AI robot going to find material that had not been tested? Just by the divine grace of power of God to decide and find it?

    First, many rocks must depart, first to the moon and bring some moon soil to use on this planet and b build a habitat. If just traveling to Mars, wow! How long it would take to do the same as it could be done just traveling to Earth's moon? Would it take the same cost and time to do that? The same expertise? It is like creating an invisible king’s dress and putting it to on the king, telling him it, that, is the most beautiful and perfect dress ever made on the country, for the king to go to a meeting of sovereign nations to deal with his nation foreign exchange or as the sovereign country to trust his (the king nation) on a deal cuz they are a powerful country with great inventions that will be a win-win transaction? …as the foreign ministers look at the king with big open eyes, surprised, ready to stop any deal and move back to their country countries, laughing all the way and their countries newscaster writing horrible stories of the “King’s Dress”, exposing his masculinity parts, just an ill crazed man.

    The above is what those entities are making: “a dress for a King” that no one had ever made.

    Yes, inhabiting Earth's moon could be done, the same as Mars but, stop and think thrice, not twice.  Do as kid do when they learn math: 1st. Plan …2nd. Operation …and 3rd. response.  Be adults, not just …making the “Operation”, the middle part of it (not making a plan). Just to save a lot of money but make the plan too, do that as you are still alive, the result comes by itself to enjoy your dress: Human Future.

    Here the real dress for the king ...facts, not dreams. Now go for it.
    Reviewed and updated on Tuesday, October 12 @ 8:25 am.

    Oh! Just forgot, the error they committed was that they did not insert ants. worms, birds (to pollinate flowers and other small animals and artificial rain such as showering devices and things like that. Got it?

    Friday, July 14, 2023

    Knowledge is Power


    Knowledge is Power




    20 minutes ago (edited)

    ...when I was a young man, I found an object, that looked like a bracelet or something like that. A crown? I put it on and hope it rains, and it might rain right away if not in a few days. So, when in the Northwest it has not rained for long time, I make torrented rain to fill out its rivers and lakes. I think twice if not thrice about doing that. The benefit to the US is worth even though there is a lot of damage to the location as it is happening now in the Northeast. I am using it very often to control the weather. That crown (crown?) been in my possession for years. It had been converted, for me, as a device to be used to protect our nation, when needed, as needed, and use it to make quakes, create weather phenomena in other countries that menace the US, I mean you and all of us. Is it, the thing I have, a UFO device? Or am I nuts? Possible. ...if you believe in UFO, then believe in my story. Oh! Just forgot am going to write a book on that to sell it and make a lot of money with the support of people that would believe in it. Good Idea? Will advertise it as you do here with yours. Competition man, competition. Just check on strange inexplicable natural phenomena going on at nations that hate US (the day is calm, suddenly, from nowhere, lot of snow start falling and the land to shake, buildings falling apart, diluvia just start heavy torrential rains, sweeping large towns, or large fire on the woods are stop by unexpected heavy rain. You are a witness. No? ...if you don't believe in UFO ...don't believe in my story but if you do. C'mon! Wait and see.




    3 weeks ago

    Why isnt this topic being given the serious coverage it deserves? If true, this would be the biggest story in the history of the human species. This needs to be seriosuly investigated and not brushed off like its some joke



    69 replies



    3 weeks ago

    Thank you for covering this in an intellectually honest way Ezra. Please keep pushing on this subject to get to the truth, there is great public interest.



    Sunday, July 09, 2023

    Von Braun record on Civil rights


    …if you are a pacifist, antiracist person, or a noble man/woman, you will get shocked visiting this page below, don’t fall back off you chair. Make sure to hold on to something and if you have high blood pressure, please do not visit this link.  

    I thought I knew of him as a scientist but never what his personal political affiliation was. I am shocked!

    See by yourself, not through my words.

    ...if you went to the link, now you know what Von Braun was and what Wallace was.

    I had to do this to tell the American people, mostly the black skin one, that NASA used to be a racist integrated research and scientific federal department and who really  WALLACE WAS.

    George Wallace (left), NASA administrator James Webb (center) and Marshall Space Flight Center dir. Wernher Von Braun (right) meet at the MFSC to witness the first test firing of a Saturn V Booster, Image credit: NASA-MSFC


    Data extracted from the New York Times.

    Opinion based on observations on things going on around the world by Freedomsdmocracy1st.

    China is hurt, economically, morally, and militarily.


    The USA and many other countries (Democratic ones), have retired too many businesses and placed them in other countries (Laos, Cambodia, India, etc., etc., etc.)  that had cause tremendous capital disequilibrium in the Chinese social fabric and therefore had affected its government movement paying teachers, elders’ pensions, and infrastructure maintenance and new creations. Authority in China is controlled directly from its central government even though decisions seem to be taken by its authorities, but they reflect the state of emotion of its president, dictator Xi Jinping who has the last word. Now this: in reality, Chinese authorities do not want to contradict China’s dictator Xi and therefore take decisions that would please this man emotions which is fully based on spirit of Mao Tse-tung, not on the waves of the world economy. This is the Century, Mao existed in the past century and the tech of that epoch does not adapt to this tech of this century cuz it, if compared, is old, obsolete, and wrong. Communism had ever any success but the abuse of it owns, sacrifice of its own and a delirium of progress using forced labor and dictated social orders that goes in deterioration of its people so, false propaganda is used to let its people knows that Communism is the salvation of all humans. Business is business, not a system dictated by any government. The things where government can intervene in businesses is creating laws to collect taxes, creating laws to protect workers, creating laws to protect businesses themselves and distributing the taxes collected to support its social fabric in accordance with the need that arises, not telling businesses how to do business cuz governments do not own them, its people who owns them.  This 21st century had created a social fabric that interlace with other geosocial fabric in order to increase productivity and create things, upgrading things in order for humans to survive; its population cannot survive without advancing tech. Xi Jinping, a man and with a communist methodology, is telling one and a halve billion people how to do things based on a social theory of Marxism, not the social theory and manpower of each and every individual in that social fabric.  Here why: in the case of the USA and other countries, the labour of the workforce in China, would ease both countries in a “Win-Win strategy. USA had been forced to abandon China doing business cuz they, its government created a total abusive law at which any so call private sector in China, must share business secret with the Chinese gov. Authorities in China have a base of corruption (stealing and selling the private effort that foreign business creates, selling the so called “copyright” to other business that are indirectly or directly connected to the Chinese Communist Party, that then use those copyright against the countries of which those business proceeded just to physically destroy those or that country.  That said here is an irony: “I feed you for you to come to my home and assault me and my family?” Fact: the CCP wants to invade Taiwan and has not done so yet, cuz USA opposes it.  What would happen then if they invaded Taiwan? They will stop exporting HIGH GRADE CONPUTER CHIPS to be used for USA and any other Democratic entity for submarines, airplanes, and warplanes, for high designed computers of any type of kind, for advance industries such as building machineries for agriculture, cars, medical equipment and so on, so on …oh! Unless the USA and all other countries adapt the Car Max theory of Communism by becoming a Marxist geopolitical state. This is, “be as I said, not as you wish.”

    Democracy in a democratic region was born rooted in the principle of philosophy that jumped into the principle of commerce from feudalism to what is today. That Democracy has many problems? Yes, that is true but the people that take part in that Democracy, all, find solutions for that. Not using dictamen from one person, just one or a few not associated at all with the people business.

    On thieves.

    Humans have natural self-independence behaviour, which is stealing, enriching from the effort of others.  It does not matter about the system. In a Democracy, people try and use sense, logic, reasoning, and control its society by investing in morals in order for that society to have compassion to the rest that could not succeed to have at least, a comfortable state of been. Communism has no compassion. Things belong to the GOVERNMENT, NOT TO PEOPLE.

    Democracy had to create laws to control those businesses doing work in China which politicians have the intention of killing Democracy by forcing a system that is a total failure to humans.

    …see now why I say that “Politics is part philosophy, part not” and that capitalism is the grease that lubricate the structure of Free Enterprise. YET EXTREME CAPITALISM IS A CANCER FOR DEMOCRACY, business rule themselves, the government does not rule them but watch them do not abuse the geopopulation or pay a price with money or jail or both.

    USA still does not consider the Chinese people its enemy but a party to compete in businesses.

    Saturday, July 08, 2023

    Did you forget? was years ago, US still can do it over with the "enemies' in eastern countries", but they are respected for them to respect US. We got the power, still better.

    Friday, July 07, 2023

    ...not just humans.

    ...not just humans.

    Some humans are just not humans, they are angels too.

    Dark energy.

    Dark energy.

    Updated on Tuesday, July 25, 2023@9:30 a.m.

    …easy to understand, attraction inward of gravity works with other galaxies attraction inward closed or nearby the galaxies by overpowering its force of gravity (they have the same electromagnetic, strong, weak, down and up forces galaxy charges have but, (be it known that these are forces of matter, therefore, galaxies forces) dark energy works when the gravity of galaxies is nonexistence cuz its space that separate them, from a bundle of galaxies to other bundle of galaxies due to their togetherness in motion …here dark energy takes over and separates galaxies or bundle of them, moving them farther one from the other, notice that two or more galaxies might move away one from the other or attract one to the other depending of its circular movement that induce to its motion …dark energy occupies more space than gravity does between matter (planets, stars, constellations and so on), and it has same charge so, the motion of movement between the X galaxies, constellation, nebulae, etc., etc., etc. (known as Universe), is strong enough to create the separation of universes faster than the motion of movement of attraction between galaxies.  The space between two universes is what I call: Dark energy. Know that once Dark energy exists, it then turns into no-charged space: there are no electrons, protons or neutrons or its components. Now, universes are moving at random, here then, a MULTIVERSE separated by Dark energy. Dark energy is the Syllogism of a Black hole not created by surrounding matter that which will be absorbed into itself and stop existing by its black hole (in it there is no electron, nucleus, protons or its components, neither light, it is a vacuum at which matter is attracted and dissolved) In Dark matter, nothing is dissolved but moved farther, and still existing as other universe: as Energy. E=MC squared; here then: Dark energy=MC square, cuz there is light in it while in Black hole there is none, yet matter surrounds the black hole that is moving toward it to stop to exists, dissolve.

    Notice: the link placed here before, was deleted cuz for some reason it guided readers to the wrong link (why? I do not know, some  malicious link was placed here instead, taking readers to watch things not related to the above) intruders want you to visit their sites. The one that could relate to Dark energy was not shown then. I found one that more or less might show some of the said up here:

    There is other theory that tells that dark energy keeps expanding the Universe forever.
    In my observation of this universe, I concluded that a Universe expands and then contract as when a balloon inflates and dis-inflate (constrict). There are many universes: Multiverse. Between one Universe and another, exists what I call: Dark energy with its Dark Matter.
    More notes:
    There are some people that cannot contradict the above explanation on Dark energy or just do not know a thing on that, or just felt low cause I commented on some of their blogs that were ugly misconfigured so, what it (she or a he?) did was to ask some hackers to do some malicious change to my scientific work, so they put in here the wrong link and removed my link. I deleted it and found a link that might explain some of the said in Dark energy.  Sorry for the above.  Permit me to tell you that the astrophysicist or the thing who did that is a very famous one or might be an absolute idiot one I found, "it" just started to use some drugs such as fentanyl. Later, people will find out or might be ever.

    Monday, July 03, 2023

    Researching on the "Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).


    The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)12It was passed on October 12, 1998, and amended Title 17 of the United States Code to extend the reach of copyright, while limiting the liability of the providers of online services for copyright infringement by their users2The DMCA criminalizes production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures that control access to copyrighted works13.

    Below, intervention to the treaty.

    What’s missing in the DMCA:

    The Congress and President of the USA shall create a law, which gives US and any other Nation States, the right to embargo the property of any entity’s investment, physically infrastructure or economy possession deposited in the Nation States or territories in agreement with DMCA.

    The signers of the DMCA have the right to ask for assistance to all members of the signature of the DMCA if their rights in the WIP organization is violated and after proving its violation to all member states of DMCA.

    Each and every member of the DMCA reserves the right of responding to such an international or local violation, and the DMCA group, can decide the manner of responses or it may be decided by the affected member in a unilateral decision made by their government.

    The above is to avoid and force any violator or violators of the "WIPO" or the philosophy of the DMCA to stop and renumerate the affected member.

    See: “