Saturday, May 06, 2023

Just for the world to take note.


Just for the world to take note, a warning: Ukraine got the capacity, as of now, of pulverizing the Russian's invaders. So, Putin is creating the "reasons" of nuking Ukraine right on its Palace with tactical nuclear missiles of low power but destructive around more or less one mile diameter. Putin reason? The Ukrainian so-called President attacked Russia's Palace even though they were warned: if Russia is attacked, we get the right to protect our country: the choice is ours, will use nuclear capable missiles (to protect our territory) against any aggressor a self-defense in accordance with the rules of the United Nations.

…attack to the invading force has been paused to “wait and see.”

Russia is cooking a plot; US is finding what and giving a warning to Putin (cus he’s playing with fire) for him to take it seriously (the warning).

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