Tuesday, May 02, 2023

I wanna know.


I wanna know.

...what I wish to know is: most people that killed other people as in the case here or similar cases ...had the proper authorities involved in investigating these horrendous crimes, had them: made blood sample test on these assassins to see if there are some drugs in their bodies. Had them made if the assassins or suspected criminals had any mental illness. Had them made investigation if these killers had killed others and kept it secret?

Had a psychiatrist and psychologist study these people mental health?

...I want to know the full story of any finding on this killers cuz I feel I have the right to know of any follow up on them to learn more on human conduct.

The need to know is of importance to me just to see if there is any relation with: Corona virus 19 (Chinese Virus 2019), Sunspots, the Troyan Horse Tic Tac, or what on earth is happening exactly in USA. Before I take my own conclusion how to interpret the Constitution of the USA cuz, might be, the Supreme Court had not interpreted in its full. I must read and study this Magna Carta cuz in it, there must be some message to interpret incrusted in.

This is the 21st century, the Magna Carta was written few centuries ago and might be, just might be, it doesn't reflect how today's rule of laws should be applied in specific constitutional article or paragraphs. Or is it that in the USA, there are too many mental confused people? Just an observation: in other countries (countries not to mention here), to get a permit to have a gun, it is not so difficult, neither to carry it with you (concealed), and any person can apply for a permit; there, it is very rare to see someone killing people as happening in USA. That country is a poor country in comparison to this one ...well, most people had at least finished the intermediary school up to the 12th. grade and most finished high school. A grade or large population are college graduate or had assisted college. Why Is USA going through this mass killing? Is drug what has some weight here?

I wanna know to finish my research.

Where could I get all that data?

I wanna know.



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