Some history of the Chinese-Coronavirus (bio-history) and the solution to it.
Hope the World Health Organization -W.H.O.- take note.
People that had not been vaccinated against Chickenpox (Varicella) are exposed to get the Chinese-Coronavirus now reigning in mainland China and other parts of the world.
Below a picture of the virus Varicella
By Photo Credit:Content Providers(s): CDC/Dr. Erskine Palmer/B.G. Partin - This media comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library (PHIL), with identification number #1878.Note: Not all PHIL images are public domain; be sure to check copyright status and credit authors and content providers., Public Domain, use this as reference on the above.
A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses , or upper throat. Most coronaviruses are not dangerous. Some types of coronaviruses are serious, though (from: )
Now, varicella, is present in rats and rodents that live underground but, it is a mutated virus not the way known in humans. It has transmitted onto humans, just those that had not ever been vaccinated against varicella, it has joined its RNA with people that carries not protection against varicella, people never vaccinated against and people of very young age and elderly ones never been vaccinated. It is a mixer of common flu in human + rodent flu (Rcoronavirus -Rodent Coronavirus) but on people never vaccinated against Varicella.
It is just a cold, as any regular cold but The rhinovirus (from the Greek ῥίς rhis "nose", gen ῥινός rhinos "of the nose", and the Latin vīrus) is the most common viral infectious agent in humans and is the predominant cause of the common cold. Rhinovirus infection proliferates in temperatures of 33–35 °C (91–95 °F), the temperatures found in the nose. Rhinoviruses belong to the genus Enterovirus in the family Picornaviridae.

The three
species of rhinovirus (A, B, and C) include around 160 recognized types of
human rhinoviruses that differ according to their surface proteins (serotypes).[1] They are lytic in nature and are among the smallest
viruses, with diameters of about 30 nanometers. By comparison, other viruses,
such as smallpox and vaccinia, are around ten times larger at about
300 nanometers; while flu viruses are around 80–120 nm.
Human parainfluenza viruses (HPIVs) are the viruses that cause human parainfluenza. HPIVs are a paraphyletic group of four distinct single-stranded RNA viruses belonging to the Paramyxoviridae family. These viruses are closely associated with both human and veterinary disease.[2] Virions are approximately 150–250 nm in size and contain negative sense RNA with genome encompassing about 15,000 nucleotides.[3]
glycoprotein trimer, Human parainfluenza virus 3 (hPIV3).
The viruses can
be detected via cell culture, immunofluorescent microscopy, and PCR.[4] HPIVs remain the second main cause of
hospitalisation in children under 5 years of age suffering from a respiratory illness
(only Human orthopneumovirus
causes more respiratory hospitalisations for this age group).[5]
Now that you the
reader knows enough on Coronavirus and its variants, here we go:
Rats, mice and
the likes, are rodents that carries most type of Coronavirus, but they are
variants of the human ones, this is: mutated viruses.
Black Death
From Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia
from Black Plague)
For other uses,
see Black Death
Spread of the
Black Death in Europe and the Near East (1346–1353)
“The Black
Death, also known as the Pestilence (Pest for short), the Great
Plague or the Plague, or less commonly the Black Plague, was
one of the most devastating pandemics in human history,
resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people in Eurasia, peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351.[1][2][3] The bacterium Yersinia pestis, which results in several
forms of plague
(septicemic, pneumonic and, the most common, bubonic) is believed to have been
the cause.[4] The Black Death was the first major European
outbreak of plague and the second plague pandemic.[5] The plague created a number of
religious, social and economic upheavals, with profound effects on the course
of European history.
The Black Death
is thought to have originated in the dry plains of Central Asia or East Asia, where it travelled along the Silk Road, reaching Crimea by 1343.[6] From there, it was most likely carried
by fleas living on
the black rats that traveled on all merchant ships, spreading throughout the Mediterranean Basin
and Europe.
The Black Death
is estimated to have killed 30% to 60% of Europe's population.[7] In total, the plague may have reduced
the world population
from an estimated 475 million to 350–375 million in the 14th century.[8] It took 200 years for the world
population to recover to its previous level.[9] The plague recurred as outbreaks in
Europe until the 19th century.”
The Black
Death, based in historical medicine and seeing how the new Coronavirus (Rcoronavirus)
Rodent Coronavirus, which is already and epidemic worldwide and originated in
Wuhan, China, tell us that the Black Death also originated in China too killing
around over 100 million people of the world population from 1346 to 1253. In my medical detective investigation, I concluded
Cuz in China
there is the celebration of the year of the rat, many people decided to eat
rats (which is a normal practice in most of China) to celebrate that year. On further hypothetical analyses, as in a market
of Wuhan, as the meat seller wanted to grab a rat alive, it bit the meat seller
…that happens very often when dealing with alive creature sold as food.
The meat seller
had a cold, a simple and normal cold. The
rat saliva is, mostly, full of bacteria carrying millions of viruses. One of them mutated long ago in the rat and
was transmitted to the meat handler, it was just a painful bite, nothing
else. The meat seller evolves a stronger
cold by next day but kept doing business as always. That meat handler and/or seller passed the new
cold, now Rcoronavirus to everyone around; people not vaccinated against
Varicella (smallpox), acquired the virus and it was then distributed to anyone
doing business in the market including to customers in the form of a cold but a
mutated cold that started to spread as the Chinese authorities at first noticed
nothing but later as doctors started to make educated rumors base on scientific
evidences, Chinese authorities decided to arrest those doctors dealing with the
medical problem.
By the time the
Chinese higher authorities realized it was true, it was a disease that was
taking over million and million of people, killing some of the ill ones, it was
too late. It was spreading around the
The cure:
Make a compound
substance of:
325 mgs
HBr 10 mgs
Doxylamine 6.25
CHL 5 mgs.
Allium cepa 3C
Apis mellifica
Belladona 6C HPUS
(with less than
10 to the -14 mg alkaloid per dose)
perfoliatum 3 C HPUS
Sempervirens 6C HPUS
Nux vomica 3 C
(contains 10 to
the -8 mg alkaloids/dose
Gelsemium sempervirens
Kali bichromicum
decandra 6C HPUS
Pulsatilla 6C
HPUS: found in
the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States
All above relieves
all the symptoms given by the Rcoronavirus born in China.
Cuz it contains
metalloids and metals, it destroys the bound within the Rcoronavirus, metals are
bound separators in these Coronaviruses.
To make it easier
to W.H.O, please take a look to Boiron, a world leader in Homeopathic Medicines
and use their ColdCalm but shall be accompanied by liquid Acetaminophen, I
suggest to use “DayQuil Severe’ or ‘NyQuil Severe” in 500 mgs doses.
Note: ColdCalm
by Boiron and DayQuil and NyQuil are trademarks.
(copy and paste) or
are their web sites.
P.S.: there is no guarantee all the above would solve the Rcoronavirus epidemic. I myself went through a medical accident at which I was vaccinated against Shingle or Zoster…
“Zoster vaccines are two vaccines that have been shown to reduce the rates of herpes zoster (also known as shingles). One type, Zostavax, is essentially a larger-than-normal dose of the chickenpox vaccine, as both shingles and chickenpox are caused by the same virus, the varicella zoster virus (VZV).[3][4] A recombinant version, Shingrix, was approved in the United States in 2017.[5]
While the
recombinant version appears to prevent more cases of shingles, it has greater
side effects and requires two doses.[6]”
…but I had a
mild cold; the dead bacteria or remnants of particle of bacteria membrane
injected onto me and the mild coronavirus I had at that moment and cuz I was
vaccinated at 7 to 11 years old and again at 14-16 years old, I carry a nano
defense against most contagious illness such as Varicella or smallpox, papera (this
is the Spanish name of a very contagious disease, caused by infection and
inflammation of the salivary gland -parotid gland- by a virus). I got all the vaccine needed not get the
infection so common in centuries ago that killed millions of Europeans …on
first grade, 6th. grade, 9th. grade and when entered high
school, I got vaccinated against many contagious viruses.
Now, as an
adult, I got vaccinated against Zoster and cuz as I said, had a mild cold, the remnant
dead membrane of bacterium and the mixture of the mild cold (a coronavirus), I
developed strong swelling of the oropharynx, the amygdala swell, could not
breath cuz was swilling my own amygdala, had to take a drink of seltzer water
in order to lubricate my glossopharynx and therefore, could not sleep. Had to
be awake day and night. When felt
better, then could sleep for short time (1 or 3 hours). If taking liquid acetaminophen from DayQuil,
could relax …was scared to take NyQuil Severe and fall asleep and get asphyxia
though did take it sometimes but one capsule, not two, of 500 mgs (250 mgs?),
the packages come with two capsules. When
added ColdCalm, all the symptoms started to disappear, and the glossopharyngeal
part of my throat started not to be sensed as if I was swallowing it as
together with a lot of my own saliva and mucus creating asphyxia, went to sleep
and the mucus been produced stop to be produced. The mild fever disappeared, could feel normal
if taking them in combinations twice a day until mucus stopped of been produced
so did not chocked me. After a week,
everything stops, no more mucus creation that choked me. Other medications given to me, none worked,
on the contrary, made me worst. Only my
own, over the counter medication searched by me and used in desperation, got
rid of the Coronavirus that got energized by the Zoster vaccine I got as said
Why I ended up
using such over-the-counter medication?
Cuz I’ve been searching on the composition and solution of the viral
AIDS; this gave me some idea on how to treat my own mixed of Zoster vaccine +
the coronavirus that developed attacking my immunogen system.
P.S.: to all of the above, add this: could not respire, my nose was clogged, had to take air via my mouth during the whole day. That way of respiring made me very tired some time after. So, could not get air into my lungs via my nose or mouse: pure asphyxia. Felt a lot of pain on my chest cuz my respiration was not autonomous but consciously done by me in order to keep alive. Cuz of that was I didn't want to sleep. Stay as such almost over 2 months. I was going to get crazed.
My use of the above described saved my life ...and that's why I write it here to help others. Hope the World Health Organization -W.H.O.- takes note.
P.S.: to all of the above, add this: could not respire, my nose was clogged, had to take air via my mouth during the whole day. That way of respiring made me very tired some time after. So, could not get air into my lungs via my nose or mouse: pure asphyxia. Felt a lot of pain on my chest cuz my respiration was not autonomous but consciously done by me in order to keep alive. Cuz of that was I didn't want to sleep. Stay as such almost over 2 months. I was going to get crazed.
My use of the above described saved my life ...and that's why I write it here to help others. Hope the World Health Organization -W.H.O.- takes note.
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