Saturday, February 01, 2020

Prediction of the Future.

Prediction of the Future.

…as the Nation State of USA is in decadence.

…the Nation State of Australia is increasing in power, prestige, and will be soon in economy dominance -by the end of 2070, nearing the end of the 21st Century.

Australia is building its new population out of a mix of different ethnic people, which social fabric will be of a very strong niche …therefore giving this nation a surge in capacity of building, fabricating and exporting-importing things around the world.

Australia is the only Nation State in the world that is an Island-Continent in a strategic position to grow as a powerful nation state perfectly located in the best geospot (a geospot is a location in a region that best serves the interest of its inhabitants in all senses: military, economic and technological, it has the best deep see ports and landing areas than any other geospot around the world; China already notices this and is trying to engulf Australia by conquering any small island around this “island-Continent Nation State”) that would give it a strategic location for self-defense via air, sea and land and economic grow.

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