Sunday, November 05, 2023

Inverted values as such in some politicians.


                                                INVERTED VALUE



there had been some difficulties in projecting this work and combining it with the statement issued by Rep. Mike Johnson. This work had been done trying to carry the most accurately meaning of psychological studies as well as social research of the human conduct as well as the thinking generalized in different languages to express the best of human philosophy at its natural level without been stained with prejudice, and the so-called racism and individual human characters. To be sincere with readers, it is not an easy encomienda to find a proper definition that adjust specifically to a small groupe of politicians which acts is affecting the elaboration of laws just to keep a government evolving and at that same time, protecting a Democratically elected government which intentionally is trying to sustain a natural evolution of a system that expresses the solid state of itself as a natural cause of human existence. Remember, Unti-democratic feeling exists in any person due to its level and state of personal development and or education and families' instructions. Politics has a polarity: negative people tend to affiliate to a party that tend to show a negative thinking of human evolution and vice versa, the same as positive people tend to affiliate to a party that tend to show a positive thinking of human evolution and vice versa. That is why freedom of speech, is one of the best tools, if it could be called a "tool", that can be used to avoid a revolution that would destroy a social existence for survival of the fitted. Those social establishments that do not adopt, die. Technology has undertaken the existence of criminal governments, yet technology can be imported but it is not the same when it is created by its own people, which people are superior in social economy, political thinking and social status. Just a person can bring a territory into a chaotic establishment, that to govern, has to kill too many of its fellow citizens. There is no guarantee that the USA could turn into a dictatorship and criminal government but, the only guarantee is its document of so-call and known Constitution that is more of a philosophical letter which if its mandates are followed and obeyed, it solidifies the requirements of an advanced society for the existence of "today's future" and futures to comes in millenniums. Knowing the Constitution is the best way of correcting oneself-mode of emitting laws and obeying laws, yet, humans shall know how to make such type of philosophical letters and adjusting not only to its territories, but mostly to the existence of human beings.
...end of add-on.


Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.                                invert an hourglass

2. To reverse the invert the subject and predicate of a sentence. See Synonyms at                             reverse.

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:



inverted - being in such a position that top and bottom are reversedinverted - being in such a position that top and bottom are reversed; "a quotation mark is sometimes called an inve

rt comma"; "an upside-down cake"


turned - moved around an axis or center.

inverted - (of a plant ovule) completely inverted


plant life, flora, plant - (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion


capsized, overturned, upset, upside-down, upturned.

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

TranslationsSelect a language:


inverted snob persona que desprecia las actitudes propias de la clase social a la que pertenece, intentando identificarse con gente de una clase supuestamente inferior

Inverted snob (Ingles frase):

Person that depreciates the attitude proper of a social class to which it belongs, intending in getting the identity of a class supposedly inferior.

inverted snobberyesnobismo,regresivo Anführungszeichen his new job, inverted just inverted sogenannterneuerJob... umgekehrteVariante Snobismus

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Mentioned in

·     12-tone music

·     12-tone system

·     additive inverse

·     Amphitropal

·     amphitropous

·     amphitropous ovule

·     Anaclastic glass

·     Anatropal

·     anatropous

·     anatropous ovule

·     anatropy

·     Antiperistaltic

·     Antitropal

·     armorial bearing

·     Basihyal

·     Blind level

·     capsized

·     caron

·     cationic detergent

References in classic literature

Convulsively my hands grasped the tiller, but with the crazy conceit that the tiller was, somehow, in some enchanted way, inverted. My God!

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Henceforward he saw every appearance of virtue in the youth through the magnifying end, and viewed all his faults with the glass inverted, so that they became scarce perceptible.

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"It seems a paradox, does it not," he went on, "that the image formed on the Retina should be inverted?"

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As the gong sounded, one of his seconds inverted a water bottle on his head.

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On top of all he placed the cooking pot, inverted, and on top of this he laid one of the grinning skulls, upon which he fastened the headdress of the dead Kulonga.

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After their departure, taking place in inverted order to their arrival, the canvas cloth was cleared, or rather was restored to some hurried order by the pallid steward.

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On the other hand, the effect may be inverted. Men of factious tempers, of local prejudices, or of sinister designs, may, by intrigue, by corruption, or by other means, first obtain the suffrages, and then betray the interests, of the people.

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The chimney-corner and once blazing hearth was now filled with inverted beehives, in which the hens laid their eggs; while out of doors the plots that each succeeding householder had carefully shaped with his spade were torn by the cocks in wildest fashion.

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After half an hour of skillful maneuvering, the Englishman rose rapidly to a considerable altitude, and then, suddenly, without warning, he looped and flew with the plane inverted for a few seconds.

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The fresh chill air was faintly charged with the aroma of pine balsam, and the sky above was crystal clear and blue -- a great inverted cup of blessing.

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So he stood, after regaining balance, and soberly regarded, in a vain effort to understand, the mate with a bottle- bottom inverted skyward, the mouth to his lips, the while his throat made gulping contractions and noises.

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By crossing and lashing the ends of two spars, and then elevating them in the air like an inverted "V," I could get a point above the deck to which to make fast my hoisting tackle.

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