…crazy secret
things to know.
Before reading below:
Rember Putin went to China some time before? Below the deal explained in simple language with a lot of words.
...distinguished Sir: Mr. Konstantin, you
missed something. First thing first: the way you described Western products end
up in Russia, is a somewhat cumbersome. That is not the way,
"listen": Products get dispatched out of Western factories via ships
to go directly to locations such as Hong Kong and other places but Russia. It
happens that they, merchants' ships, do depart to such locations and others
but, once they are at international waters, they change flag and the ship
change route that fall under the possession of the flag is put in its ship cuz
there are "Panama's" offices located in other ( a "Panamá"
office ownership's name is born cuz of the past mess created of non-existing
ghost offices in "Panama" paper work done by big companies not to pay
taxes to high cost tax payment countries and so save billions of dollars)
nations and the possession of the ship falls under their proprietor businesses'
countries where the ownership is. So, from here on, the ship continues to other
countries, not to its original location, the ship now belongs to the new
company that does not falls under the Western embargo; that just said is done
in seconds. The product arrives to land directly onto Russia's territories, on
one small country that used to be a German territory now Russia's and other
inlet next to China's. The order never gets to any other place but, Russia. No
time spent, just the right of ownership which documents are sent to the ship
via satellite communication once the ship is under the Russia's satellite or
Chinese satellite umbrella, in less than a second. Got it? Wow! ...and Western
countries know it cuz national security of those Western Countries share all
the data needed and as needed from ...imagine whom? ...cuz, I do not know. Hah
hah hah! Just giving you open top secrets no one is supposed to know, and
everybody knows. Just remember this "politics-mean-cash", it does not
mean money bills, and with the so known Bit coin? (do not know of it?), cash is
immediately deposited in banks cuz there are deposits (cash) in those banks to
respond for the... tell you another open secret, tell no one... (businessperson
with a fake name or mafia from... will not tell) China is surviving with that
"faked" money? I mean, that thing of ...the invisible or virtual
money? that is as of now supporting most of the internal payment of the Chinese
citizen's currency (just a piece of beautiful bill not worth one cent of the
green buck used internationally. Here is where you are wrong, the rest said by
you is correct. Again, do not mention me cuz will deny it. …is it a clear
message? …no? …hurry up, cash into any other currency your Chinese …papers, I
mean, bills.
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