Friday, October 15, 2021

Did you know?

Did you know? ...did you forget? Former President Barack Obama, and President Biden, once said: "US will respond in its appropriate time..." to the hacking made by China into US institutions and once, I think, former President Bush said: "hacking US institutions will be considered an act of war..." something like that they said. Is it a coincident that China is having catastrophic flash flood inundation, incredible amount of rain falling in its ground? Quakes and cyclones as well as strong tornadoes; very strange: fierce winds up to 180 miles per hour that circulate the plannet after making touchdown in China and dissipate after reaching USA? it what those presidents said will make then pay cuz hacking into governmental and private institutions in US? Who will tell Xi that the above statements were said by Barack Obama, Bush and Biden, US Presidents? Why don’t they, the CCP government of Xi, stop hacking US just to see if those natural extremes phenomenon stop? still thinking and scratching my head.

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