Monday, November 30, 2020

Covid-19 had proven that investing in automatization is of benefit to any geopolitical location. As companies using automatization (robot distribution of merchandise by organizing its production, they kept working as normal yet they were using the least as possible workers. Workers were needed mostly to distribute the product in a national scale, not to storage it and sorted for distribution. Those companies that worked as above increased its capital and were able to distribute things almost to the whole nation but those that depended mostly from a form a manual labour to storage and distribute its merchandise within its own storage platform, their production was affected greatly. Read: To Compete, Invest in People: Retaining the U.S. Defense Enterprise’s Technical Workforce | Center for Strategic and International Studies ( Investing in People
Geopolitical competition and the nature of modern warfare are increasingly shaped by technology. Recent modernization efforts across the defense enterprise—which created technical centers of excellence within the Department of Defense (DOD), built stronger relationships with Silicon Valley and other tech hubs, and included DOD’s largest investment in research and development in 70 years—embrace this technical future.1 However, to fully modernize and compete effectively, the U.S. defense enterprise also needs to invest in people. Photo: U.S. Army photo by Steve Stover “Recent recommendations, including those by the Future Defense Task Force, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the Reagan Foundation have discussed a broad requirement for professionals of all science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) backgrounds.2 Others, however, including the Cyberspace Solarium Commission, the Defense Innovation Board, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), and the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service have focused on specific skill sets, including digital, artificial intelligence, and cyber.” This above recommendation should be applied not only in the military side but, in all civilian institutions and it is the fed gov who has to implement a policy of strategical studies in computer engineer, IT, computer piracy (Hacking), math, and space tech related to computer engineering (using and or creating waves emanating on an empty space and traveling towards not empty space (from nearby outer space entering into earth atmosphere which wave varies in different degrees as it travels from “emptiness into ‘solid atmospheric space -air” such as laser beams. High schools should have a devoted lab dedicated for all of the above that would continue in college. The world is entering in Space Age, this is this, colonizing other space lands. The below should start in Highschool, private schools, and continue in college and universities. Space engineering, as I call the above, must start at a young age as computer-algorithm tech in order to make root in the mind of many US people to earn a living and at the same time by creator of the strength of existence of USA as a superpower. Hugh resources must be invested starting from Highschool and up.

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