Monday, November 30, 2020

Covid-19 had proven that investing in automatization is of benefit to any geopolitical location. As companies using automatization (robot distribution of merchandise by organizing its production, they kept working as normal yet they were using the least as possible workers. Workers were needed mostly to distribute the product in a national scale, not to storage it and sorted for distribution. Those companies that worked as above increased its capital and were able to distribute things almost to the whole nation but those that depended mostly from a form a manual labour to storage and distribute its merchandise within its own storage platform, their production was affected greatly. Read: To Compete, Invest in People: Retaining the U.S. Defense Enterprise’s Technical Workforce | Center for Strategic and International Studies ( Investing in People
Geopolitical competition and the nature of modern warfare are increasingly shaped by technology. Recent modernization efforts across the defense enterprise—which created technical centers of excellence within the Department of Defense (DOD), built stronger relationships with Silicon Valley and other tech hubs, and included DOD’s largest investment in research and development in 70 years—embrace this technical future.1 However, to fully modernize and compete effectively, the U.S. defense enterprise also needs to invest in people. Photo: U.S. Army photo by Steve Stover “Recent recommendations, including those by the Future Defense Task Force, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the Reagan Foundation have discussed a broad requirement for professionals of all science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) backgrounds.2 Others, however, including the Cyberspace Solarium Commission, the Defense Innovation Board, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), and the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service have focused on specific skill sets, including digital, artificial intelligence, and cyber.” This above recommendation should be applied not only in the military side but, in all civilian institutions and it is the fed gov who has to implement a policy of strategical studies in computer engineer, IT, computer piracy (Hacking), math, and space tech related to computer engineering (using and or creating waves emanating on an empty space and traveling towards not empty space (from nearby outer space entering into earth atmosphere which wave varies in different degrees as it travels from “emptiness into ‘solid atmospheric space -air” such as laser beams. High schools should have a devoted lab dedicated for all of the above that would continue in college. The world is entering in Space Age, this is this, colonizing other space lands. The below should start in Highschool, private schools, and continue in college and universities. Space engineering, as I call the above, must start at a young age as computer-algorithm tech in order to make root in the mind of many US people to earn a living and at the same time by creator of the strength of existence of USA as a superpower. Hugh resources must be invested starting from Highschool and up.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Going to reveal top secret

Going to reveal top secret: why the Government of President Trump does not give any data to the incoming new President elect and his committee. Here we go: …am going it to make it simple with a few words: there are few billion of dollars that does not appear in any Federal Government expenses cuz they were “used” (read: stolen) for purposes not clearly justified in Mr. Trump government, the whole Republican Party (its “most ardent defender of Trump 2016-2020 gov, benefit looting and distributing million and millions of dollars amongst them. As of now, they can not show any legal docs that merit the “used fund” (again, read: stolen). They are in a rush fabricating obscure proof of the spending. In fact, they are inventing how the Fed spend few couple of 100 million dollars for the care of the children jailed by ICE and still detained. They are figuring out how to show a few million dollars use for non-legal duties of people traveling to deal with the issue of Ukraine investigating that Biden son, including Biden himself, were involved in illegal business in that country. One thing particularly important: putting much more money spent in scientific research, money supposedly distributed to specific department that depend fully on the Fed. They, Trump, and his alias Republicans (remember, some Republicans do not even think this was going on under their nose). But they still can not show the spending of such a large amount of dollars kept and “borough” by Trump’s families and acquaintances. Amigo, folks, it is a grate amount of dolaritos that can not be explain where it was spend …they found a scapegoat: the CIA and the NSA, and that’s why the Fed had been firing so many directors of this delicate security departments, hoping the new directors would dig-in with them and produce “proof” of the spent money (read: stolen money), with success of those institution supporting any proof and been sincerely and only suspicious that the Fed is cooking “something” (read something as getting from them false invoices). …you readers just elaborate from here in a few months after the new gov take over the mandate of USA.
I spent a lot of money in my gov, protecting our people. Yes, I did.
Few billions were given to Latin America to fight corroption, drugs and child abuses.
Thought I spent an extraordinary sum of money, in my government, this fellowns were arrested spying on US.
Cuz I did not trusted our security Administration on that time, and I had to fire few of them, I was forced to sent the former mayor of NYC to Ucraine to investigate what was some US citizens doing there compromising the USA with bad deals and then running to be president of USA, it is treason.
Paul Manafol did a great service going and following my own investigation of who was who in our foreign relation and if and what our Embassyies were doing or what kind of bussiness they had with foreign countries ...I found a government controlled by corrupt governmen officials. I was not going to send those corrupt officials to investigate themselves. So, I fire the corrupt ones. Needded the help of experience independent people in the work of protecting our country.
Roger Stone, an American Hero, help a great deal in my gov, protecting my gov and the country, from those abuses commited by former fed gov, a corrupted gov that was making my work almost impossible for, Roger Stone was at the time, an enormous tool for me establish a clean, decent and well manage gov. So what.
I, myself, brought to US what so many news agitators call US enemy ...they really, really are good friends who mind their own businesses not USA business. So, I guarantee to Putting via his top leaders that USA is not a theat to them; who knows I save my country of having a nuclear war with this so friendly nation, I, myself without the help of anybody. What I got was a lot of conspiracy false news by those enemies of my gov. Those news media, you all know who are them.
Remember this one? Just to mention one as pure and simple proof.
I was the only President that confronted China. China got the lesson and will learn to behave respecting the free market, copyright and USA.
I built "spaceforce", no other President dear doing that, it cost a lot of money doing my own research in my own gov. No gov would had done what I did. It cost money, nothing is free in this life and I was willing to spent whatever amount of money needed to protect our, you, and all of US nation.
This was conspiracy theory from Muller, a real witch hunt ...protecting the fed from those abusers, traitors, cost money to me which came out from fed money. What do you people expect me to do, nothing? Nada? Zero? As some idiots of writer always say, this ""., I proved where and how I spent so much money and would do so if I had too if I inherit a mess of a government directed by any idiot and stupid low class politician, an immoral one.
...I, President Trump, do not care if you my enemies believe me or not ...I did spend a lot of money to protect "Let's make America Great Again". No one could have done it using our regular obsolet security former department which I upgraded ...and still now I been cheated of all the votes that would give me a second mandate. You don't believe me?

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

On a change of government ...and its problems amongst "We the People"

On a change of government ...and its problems amongst "We the People". not a writer, nor I make my living writing. Am just a simple individual interested on the health of human, the well non as human beings or Men and women which it is called here "Men or Man" cuz men are living creatures built of opposite gametes: male and females, scientifically known as Sperm and ovules that end up been humans. This I write directly here before been edited on any other program on the reason not to forget what is been done by me and take all the time as needed to publish my observation on people; not my observation on the so-call Americans cuz Americans are composed of 21 sovereign Nation States speaking different languages with different leaders. Some are noble leaders while others are no more than pure charlatan leading millions of people and failing on mostly, mostly whatever they do but, and there is a but worth to mention: most of those leaders have a sincere devotion to work to benefit it population and the population of other nations via international treaty avoiding there for pandemic, wars and self-destruction yet those that are charlatan, and cuz they have an archaic mind or way of perceiving natural phenomena, they, whatever they do does not go in accordance to the environment. Been specific and just to mention a few: North Korea, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras and many sovereign Nation States of Africa as well as extremely poor others from manor Asia and Major Asia. The world is full of poor ignorant people, very poor that are exploited by very poor minded leaders that turn into major dictators, which leads to be Giant Criminals such as Mao Sodom and actually someone by name of Xi in the Chinese Communist party of that nation, a criminal organization pretending to be the savior of this historically brave group of people that had suffered through centuries brute leaders ...meaning I by this, that the Chinese people, believe it or not, are no bellicose people but, obedience humans, and that is why they been exploited, massacrer and enjoy by those terrorist of their own group. (Insert pic here). Note: This work will remain here for some time while I elaborate it further in other program and publish it here then after. ...I might be offline here for some time but if do not comeback to publish my finish work it could be cuz many unexpected things could happen to me, who knows. I am preoccupied to the existence of the United States of America and the rest of the world cuz without them, US is nothing.

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

As if it is God or the Diablo, although I do not know who... I was confessed to this moment of which I was a spiritual witness: “As a child she became a woman”

As if it is God or the Diablo, although I do not know who.... I was confessed to this moment of which I was a spiritual witness: “As a child she became a woman” Walking on the streets of everywhere, through an unknown city, I witnessed seeing a beautiful woman... And she said: That when she entered her room, she asked God to help her live well cuz she had no one. So was the case with this innocent among the women who seek good. She confessed, after we talked about life in man and woman, said to God: "... my God, cuz you made me so beautiful and beautiful amongst women, a woman."
... -I was surprised by her confession, for we were talking about life on this earth, for she told me what she asked of her God. "I need your help and I ask you to accompany me from home to work, I prayed my God." "...- I don't believe in the devil, but I thought: -The devil who is always where you don't need, and sees such a beautiful woman- ... thinking she stays, approaches her by right hand and says: "Listen to me beautiful, attractive little creature, life is hard and short, make use of your body... ... And lives well. You're an actress and not for knowing or learning. Screen actress and you work for novels, soup operas. ... take advantage and find yourself a man who would do well for you." She confesses to me that, “I close my eyes and look up at the sky”.
-the beautiful creature closes her eyes, opens them to heaven and reinforces her mind to the God of heaven, and hears a voice: -The devil laughs and strongly says the sin of wealth, the error of life as if it were of nobility. "He repeats, stop hanging, and enrich yourself with one or a hundred" …-referring to men. “God never listens to the poor, the unborn, the suffered, or whatever it is from whoever; -dictates to her, the devil. "Get away from here, Mr. Devil, and leave everyone alone with their laments that she decides of her life for her sake" …she told me that heard out of heaven, as if they were God's words. "The Devil, who dared not argue, walks away, but tells such a beautiful innocent woman: "Sell yourself beautiful and attractive creature of such beautiful woman ... let men touch you everywhere and make money, but a lot of money and you will be happy" ...was another voice coming out of her siniestra.
She continues and tells me that he said, "You too, are neither intellectual nor wisdom have; never will you have ...sometimes you go hungry, sometimes you don't. But without money, you won't even be able to live. You don't want to be touched around here or there, (he pointed out parts of her body) even though, you don’t stop being beautiful. Sell yourself to the highest bidder. Life is a pleasure, you make money and acquire fame, but a lot of fame. May the men who want to learn of you, kiss you, lick you; for they may pay for it cuz they will love you and make you feel the joy, the pleasure that you must know. They pay, you charge and your admirers enjoy it too; they make you famous and rich for your beauty not for your knowledge. Science live inside; beauty live on the outside. You're really starving. With beauty they make you rich. Stop fucking around with it or, you starve, or you die of pleasure. God says to him, walk away, Satan! But the girl responds, no! -…she hopes she'll finish begging- ...wait around the corner for me, that I want to live, but I can also enjoy! ...and think the girl:Dear God... I'm not asking you to make my life easy... but I ask for strength to face these problems. Amen.

Como si fuera Dios o el Diablo, aunque no se quien…. me confesaron de este momento del cual soy testigo espiritual: De niña se hizo mujer.

Como si fuera Dios o el Diablo, aunque no se quien…. me confesaron de este momento del cual soy testigo espiritual: De niña se hizo mujer.
Caminando en las calles por doquier, por una ciudad desconocida fui testigo al ver una hermosa mujer… y me dijo: Que al entrar a su cuarto pedía a Dios que le ayudara a vivir bien pues no tenia de quien. Así fue el caso de esta inocente de entre las mujeres que buscan el bien. Me confeso después que habláramos de la vida en el hombre y la mujer, que le dijo a Dios: “…Dios mio, porque me hiciste tan bella y hermosa de entre las mujeres una mujer.” …me sorprendió su confesión, pues estábamos hablando de la vida en esta tierra, pues me dijo lo que a su Dios pidió. “Necesito tu ayuda y te pido me acompañes del hogar al trabajo te ruego mi Dios.” “…no creo en el diablo, pero, pensé:” -El diablo que siempre esta en donde no se necesita y ve a tan hermosa mujer- …pensando se queda, se le acerca por la diestra y al oído le dice: “escuchame hermosa, atractiva pequeña criatura, la vida es dura y corta, haz uso de tu cuerpo… …y vive bien. Eres actriz y no por saber ni aprender. Actriz de pantalla y trabajas para novelas. …aprovecha y buscate a un hombre que te vaya bien.”
Ella me confiesa que cerro los ojos y miro hacia el cielo. -la bella criatura cierra los ojos, los abre al cielo y reforzando su mente al "dios del MAL" escucha una voz: -El diablo se ríe y con fuerza dice del pecado de la riqueza, el error de la vida como si fuera de nobleza. “te repito, dejate de pendejeces, y enriquecete con uno a con cien”. Dios nunca escucha al pobre, al no-nacido, al sufrido o lo que sea de quien; -le dicta el diablo. “Alejate de aquí Señor Diablo, y dejad en paz a cada cual con su lamento que decida de su vida por su bien”, me dijo ella que escucho salir de los cielos, como si fueran palabras primero del diablo y luego de Dios. -El Diablo, que no se atrevió a discutir, se aleja, pero le dice a tan hermosa inocente mujer: “Vendete preciosa y atractiva criatura de tan bella mujer …dejad te toquen por doquier, haz dinero, pero mucho dinero y serás feliz”; …era la voz que salía de su siniestra.
Continuo ella diciéndome que le dijo: “tú no eres intelectual ni sabiduría tienes o tendrás …a veces pasa hambre, a veces no. Pero sin dinero no podrás ni siquiera así vivir. No quieres que te toquen por aquí o por ahí, (señaló parte de su cuerpo) aunque no dejaras de hermosa ser. Vendete al mejor postor. La vida es un placer, has dinero y adquiere fama, pero mucha fama. Que te besen, te lamen los hombres que de ti quieren aprender; pues que lo paguen porque te amasen y te hagan sentir el gozo, el placer que debes saber. Ellos pagan, tu cobra y tus admiradores gozan también; te hacen famosa y rica por tu belleza no por tu saber. La ciencia se vive por dentro, la belleza se vive por fuera. Con ciencia te mueres de hambre. Con belleza te hacen rica. Dejate de pendejeces o mueres de hambre o mueres de placer. Dios le dice: ¡alejate, Satanás! Pero la niña responde, ¡no!, espera que termine de implorar, espera alrededor de la esquina por mí, ¡que quiero vivir, pero también puedo gozar! …y piensa la niña: Querido Dios… No te pido que me haga la vida fácil… pero pido me de fuerza para enfrentar estos problemas. Amen.

...are you a curious person? ...remember how some police officers are killing bystander? ...and why?

...are you a curious person? ...remember how some police officers are killing bystander? ...and why? If so, come whith me and let US take a look:®ion=footer&req_id=291311300&surface=more-in-new-york Did you see that?

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

…how I was about to be ripped off 287.50 dollars from a fake business located in China.

…how I was about to be ripped off 287.50 dollars from a fake business located in China.
This is an invoice of a purchase that did not go through, made from USA to a “company” based in China. The company sells car stereo such as android 9.1, 8.1 and a variety of items all of them: car stereos. Mr. Yong Bo (first name), who’s last name is Wang, is the “support technician” who should help people or customers placing their orders. Up to here I think I am going clear explaining the situation …well, here we go now: Mr. Wang gives his phone number as 1363262617015 as known and given by this subject on November the second of the year 2020 (this actual year as of now). Am I doing well with this story? He, supposedly, is the accountant for a the company (a fake company) which carries the name of “AUTOCHOSE.COM”, and as said above, sells cars stereos of the Tesla type, this is, a stereo with large screens up to 9 or so diagonal inches of the Android 9.1 kind (are you readers following me?) …let me continue: …I tried to buy one of them for a Hyundai Elantra vehicle year 2016. See below the original car stereo I wanted to remove and install a different one:
Remove this one and: See the difference here. Install this one as seen above. …beautiful eh? …and this is the site: auto located in China. Mr. Yong Bo wang, the tech support man, is hacking whoever goes to his site to buy stereos (people from abroad). I picked up: a total of 287.50 dollars to pay …had to register in Western Union to make the payment transaction cuz Mr. Wang explained that the payment had to be made either by PayPal or Western Union. So, I did. Luckily, I was, Western Union went through most of it but at the last minute, the transfer was frozen. …I, explained as it is read above in the pic: {…Mr. Yong Bo Wang did the most impossible effort in helping me to purchase a car stereo from “” but when I went to make a payment using “Western Union”, it was impossible in making a payment at all.} {Yet I got all the data needed to make a payment by Mr. Yong Bo Wang, it did not worked (meaning it did not work). I seems (meaning it seems) “Wester Union” was putting stones for me not to proceed with the payment. Sorry for the inconvenience and and a lot of thanks for your needed help.} I call Western Union to 800 448 1492 and talk with a customer representative that courteously paid attention to my educated and nice “complain?” …of the “why” they did not proceed with my transaction. The lady at the other ends sound suspicious-like that that transaction made by me was that I was going to be assaulted by a false company. I noticed that but I said nothing and she told me, try to make the transaction again. When I went to “” open my file that was stored in it, saw all the transaction made and the failure of it. Then decided to start a chat with support (the chatter); in the conversation (cuz I was suspicious that he was fishing online by people like me looking for car stereos), I went directly and told the Chatter man: came in: …and we started to chat. …that’s when I told Mr. Wong, that he was stealing people money and he answered: what’s wrong with that. Did you lose any? I: it is immoral to do that. Mr. Wong, answer my question: did you lose any? I: you are going to be arrested. Mr. Wong, my friend is a policeman, and he protect me. I: China is a decent country and you are doing things that is immoral, aside that, if the gov knows of it, you will get arrested. Mr. Wong, did you lose any money? I: when the CCP find out, today you are going to be arrested because China is a decent Nation State and you are giving bad reputation to the county. …as soon as I mentioned the “word” CCP, Mr. Wong left and removed the chatting. In reality, it was not exactly like that but like that. It took us about 5 minutes chatting, Mr. Wong run away cuz I mention the CCP. I did that on purpose cuz in whichever chat two or more people start, if the word “CCP” is mentioned, it triggers the CCP spy program that observes people privacy in any conversation, so our conversation gets to be observe and, of course, the gov will take action against Mr. Wong cuz I was defending the honesty of a Nation State that has so much natural and geopolitical trouble that is destroying the nation: cyclones, big storms, quakes, floods and many of the CCP are leaving China with a lot of money stolen from the Chinese gov. They will take actions and do something cuz if not, China is done, se finish, if nothing, nada, zero is done. China’s own people are killing China together with natural phenomena. …and cuz I was about to be assaulted with the sum of 287.50 dollars, which for me is a lot of money. So, I publish it here for “…you to know if you did not know”. …how I was about to be ripped off 287.50 dollars from a fake business located in China. This is an invoice of a purchase that did not go through, made from USA to a “company” based in China. The company sells car stereo such as android 9.1, 8.1 and a variety of items all of them: car stereos. Mr. Yong Bo (first name), who’s last name is Wang, is the “support technician” who should help people or customers placing their orders. Up to here I think I am going clear explaining the situation …well, here we go now: Mr. Wang gives his phone number as 1363262617015 as known and given by this subject on November the second of the year 2020 (this actual year as of now). Am I doing well with this story? He, supposedly, is the accountant for a the company (a fake company) which carries the name of “AUTOCHOSE.COM”, and as said above, sells cars stereos of the Tesla type, this is, a stereo with large screens up to 9 or so diagonal inches of the Android 9.1 kind (are you readers following me?) …let me continue: …I tried to buy one of them for a Hyundai Elantra vehicle year 2016. See below the original car stereo I wanted to remove and install a different one: Remove this one and: See the difference here. Install this one as seen above. …beautiful eh? …and this is the site: auto located in China. Mr. Yong Bo wang, the tech support man, is hacking whoever goes to his site to buy stereos (people from abroad). I picked up: a total of 287.50 dollars to pay …had to register in Western Union to make the payment transaction cuz Mr. Wang explained that the payment had to be made either by PayPal or Western Union. So, I did. Luckily, I was, Western Union went through most of it but at the last minute, the transfer was frozen. …I, explained as it is read above in the pic: {…Mr. Yong Bo Wang did the most impossible effort in helping me to purchase a car stereo from “” but when I went to make a payment using “Western Union”, it was impossible in making a payment at all.} {Yet I got all the data needed to make a payment by Mr. Yong Bo Wang, it did not worked (meaning it did not work). I seems (meaning it seems) “Wester Union” was putting stones for me not to proceed with the payment. Sorry for the inconvenience and and a lot of thanks for your needed help.} I call Western Union to 800 448 1492 and talk with a customer representative that courteously paid attention to my educated and nice “complain?” …of the “why” they did not proceed with my transaction. The lady at the other ends sound suspicious-like that that transaction made by me was that I was going to be assaulted by a false company. I noticed that but I said nothing and she told me, try to make the transaction again. When I went to “” open my file that was stored in it, saw all the transaction made and the failure of it. Then decided to start a chat with support (the chatter); in the conversation (cuz I was suspicious that he was fishing online by people like me looking for car stereos), I went directly and told the Chatter man: came in: …and we started to chat. …that’s when I told Mr. Wong, that he was stealing people money and he answered: what’s wrong with that. Did you lose any? I: it is immoral to do that. Mr. Wong, answer my question: did you lose any? I: you are going to be arrested. Mr. Wong, my friend is a policeman, and he protect me. I: China is a decent country and you are doing things that is immoral, aside that, if the gov knows of it, you will get arrested. Mr. Wong, did you lose any money? I: when the CCP find out, today you are going to be arrested because China is a decent Nation State and you are giving bad reputation to the county. …as soon as I mentioned the “word” CCP, Mr. Wong left and removed the chatting. In reality, it was not exactly like that but like that. It took us about 5 minutes chatting, Mr. Wong run away cuz I mention the CCP. I did that on purpose cuz in whichever chat two or more people start, if the word “CCP” is mentioned, it triggers the CCP spy program that observes people privacy in any conversation, so our conversation gets to be observe and, of course, the gov will take action against Mr. Wong cuz I was defending the honesty of a Nation State that has so much natural and geopolitical trouble that is destroying the nation: cyclones, big storms, quakes, floods and many of the CCP are leaving China with a lot of money stolen from the Chinese gov. They will take actions and do something cuz if not, China is done, se finish, if nothing, nada, zero is done. China’s own people are killing China together with natural phenomena. …and cuz I was about to be assaulted with the sum of 287.50 dollars, which for me is a lot of money. So, I publish it here for “…you to know if you did not know”. …I just publish some comment in YouTube that “AutoChose” is a scam. Here my comment: As Published in YouTube: SKIP NAVIGATION
0:21 / 1:16 Hyundai Elantra 10.4" Tesla Style Vertical Touchscreen 12-16 Model - Autochose 16,545 views •Mar 20, 2018 664SHARESAVE AutoChose 1.69K subscribers SUBSCRIBED Tesla style vertical touchscreen for Hyundai Elantra 12-16 model. 10.4 inch IPS touchscreen size with customized Android 6.0 system, 1G RAM+32G ROM(update 2G RAM or 64G ROM optional). GPS Navigation: Build-in GPS Module, support google map, iGO, Waze etc, millions app can be downloaded from Android market. Multi-media: Support popular audio and video format, 1080P video playing and image browsing, split screen function can achieve display two windows at the same time. Functional Interface: Displaying original car information, compatible with rear view camera, 360 around view system, DVR, parking sensor, tire pressure monitoring system etc. We offer more than 200 models Tesla style vertical touchscreen for Toyota, Honda, Chevy, Ford, VW, BMW etc. More information needed please feel free to contact us. SHOW MORE 22 Comments SORT BY CANCELCOMMENT FreedomsDmocracy1st27 minutes ago (edited) ...warning, this company: AutoChose, does not have any radio; it is located in China.…how I was about to be ripped off 287.50 dollars from a fake business located in China. This is an invoice of a purchase that did not go through, made from USA to a “company” based in China (can not publish the invoice here). The company sells car stereo such as android 9.1, 8.1 and a variety of items all of them: car stereos. Mr. Yong Bo (first name), who’s last name is Wang, is the “support technician” who should help people or customers placing their orders. Up to here I think I am going clear explaining the situation …well, here we go now: Mr. Wang gives his phone number as 1363262617015 as known and given by this subject on November the second of the year 2020 (this actual year as of now). Am I doing well with this story? He, supposedly, is the accountant for a the company (a fake company) which carries the name of “AUTOCHOSE.COM”, and as said above, sells cars stereos of the Tesla type, this is, a stereo with large screens up to 9 or so diagonal inches of the Android 9.1 kind (are you readers following me?) …let me continue: …I tried to buy one of them for a Hyundai Elantra vehicle year 2016. See below the original car stereo I wanted to remove and install a different one: Remove this one and: See the difference here. Install this one as seen above (the pic can not be shown here). …beautiful eh? …and this is the site: auto located in China. Mr. Yong Bo Wang, the tech support man, is hacking whoever goes to his site to buy stereos (people from abroad). I picked up: a total of 287.50 dollars to pay …had to register in Western Union to make the payment transaction cuz Mr. Wang explained that the payment had to be made either by PayPal or Western Union. So, I did. Luckily, I was, Western Union went through most of it to take the money and transfer the payment but, at the last minute, the transfer was frozen. The below is a comment I placed in AutoChose as it asked to leave a comment why the transaction did not go through ...and I added this comment with a pic of transaction to be to the company itself: AutoChose. …I, explained as it is read above in the pic: {…Mr. Yong Bo Wang did the most impossible effort in helping me to purchase a car stereo from “” but when I went to make a payment using “Western Union”, it was impossible in making a payment at all.} Note by Western Union: Do not make any personal transfer of money to pay anything to a person but to a company, if a payment is made to a person, not a company, you might never get whatever you are buying, so been cheated. Western Union had something like that describing to their users in been careful before paying any money abroad cuz of con people are clever in getting free money from anybody trying to make a purchase. To see this in clear terms, I had to register as a user in Western Union, and start making the transfer of money to pay the devise as described here to when the transfer was frozen, could not proceed, instead I was told to try again in making the transfer all from it beginning. I got suspicious of and started this investigation and told straight forward to Mr. Wang, the support technician "you are stealing money to anyone who come here to purchase whatever car stereo you show in this "fake business" here in China"; we chat one to the other, he admitted it and a chatting evolved out of that; a cool chat, sincerely, calm and clear. Possible, which am working on it, it will be put in my blog to warn people of this "business ripping off money to hundreds of people by publishing "AutoChose" as a legitimate business. Hope YouTube makes its own research and close this business from making advertise here and save people from been cheated of their money. {Yet I got all the data needed to make a payment by Mr. Yong Bo Wang, it did not worked (meaning it did not work). I seems (meaning it seems) “Wester Union” was putting stones for me not to proceed with the payment. Sorry for the inconvenience and and a lot of thanks for your needed help.} Continue: I call Western Union to 800 448 1492 and talk with a customer representative that courteously paid attention to my educated and nice “complain?” …of the “why” they did not proceed with my transaction. The lady at the other ends sound suspicious-like that that transaction made by me was that I was going to be assaulted by a false company. I noticed that but I said nothing and she told me, try to make the transaction again. When I went to “” open my file that was stored in it, saw all the transaction made and the failure of it. Then decided to start a chat with support (the chatter); in the conversation (cuz I was suspicious that he was fishing online by people like me looking for car stereos), I went directly and told the Chatter man: came in: …and we started to chat. …that’s when I told Mr. Wong, that he was stealing people money and he answered: what’s wrong with that. Did you lose any? I: it is immoral to do that. Mr. Wong, answer my question: did you lose any? I: you are going to be arrested. Mr. Wong, my friend is a policeman, and he protect me. I: China is a decent country and you are doing things that is immoral, aside that, if the gov knows of it, you will get arrested. Mr. Wong, did you lose any money? I: when the CCP find out, today you are going to be arrested because China is a decent Nation State and you are giving bad reputation to the county. …as soon as I mentioned the “word” CCP, Mr. Wong left and removed the chatting. In reality, it was not exactly like that but like that. It took us about 5 minutes chatting, Mr. Wong run away cuz I mention the CCP. I did that on purpose cuz in whichever chat two or more people start, if the word “CCP” is mentioned, it triggers the CCP spy program that observes people privacy in any conversation, so our conversation gets to be observe and, of course, the gov will take action against Mr. Wong cuz I was defending the honesty of a Nation State that has so much natural and geopolitical trouble that is destroying the nation: cyclones, big storms, quakes, floods and many of the CCP are leaving China with a lot of money stolen from the Chinese gov. They will take actions and do something cuz if not, China is done, se finish, if nothing, nada, zero is done. China’s own people are killing China together with natural phenomena. …and cuz I was about to be assaulted with the sum of 287.50 dollars, which for me is a lot of money. So, I publish it here for “…you to know if you did not know”. REPLY omer Alrkaby4 months ago Who much I need one for 2013 Elantra Hyundai does it support Android auto Wireless ? And who can I order it I live in USA REPLY Roman Sol1 year ago Hi I would like to order that head unit for my Hyundai Elantra 2012 model.. REPLY sidna khyarhoum1 year ago haw mach for elanra2014 REPLY Hoyeshi BG4 months ago What about hyundai 2011? REPLY Qwerty Qwerty1 year ago Does anyone knows the code for advanced menu? REPLY edgardo baraque2 years ago dvd player included ?? REPLY Hide reply AutoChose 2 years ago nope, the dvd will not be retained. REPLY Martinez Blu8 months ago How reliable and durable is this? Anyone have one already? I’m interested. REPLY haşim kılınç1 year ago how ı can buy from Turkey for elantra 2014 REPLY haşim kılınç1 year ago did you hawe saling ower aliexpres REPLY Md Nooralam6 months ago honday elantra 2015 monitor your fon number REPLY julius balgos2 years ago How much? REPLY View 5 replies from AutoChose and others Geliebte Gottes2 years ago you have whatssap número or weChat.? REPLY View 2 replies from AutoChose and others broderp2 years ago Looks OK, but ruins the cars looks without the clock and temp as well as indicators on the top. You also waste space with the AC controls (if they even work). You should have the option to not display those. Then you can use a smaller screen and return the OEM clock. That I would buy. REPLY View reply

Sunday, November 01, 2020

I wish to learn English the way some “stone-head” politicians do

I wish to learn English the way some “stone-head” politicians do. (?) MD. Liked-minded -self-made-doctors speak but, think will never (I, myself) learn. They use a language very well confusing, for example, read the one below of some thing called “Judd Deere’ this thing is a “White House spokesman”; I tried and tried to translate his said to the English Language, the one spoken by some politicians but cannot get a proper interpretation of his verbs, this is, its meanings. This is this: “knows the risks [from the coronavirus] today are dramatically lower than they were only a few months ago.” Referring to Dr. Fauci’s understanding on facts on the situation of the level of the contagious illness affecting USA. Wow! this man brain is turned upside down! He knows what Dr. Fauci thinks! Wow! Wow! And Wow! Is not, this thing, a mind reader psycho a psychopath? If you say no, he interprets it as a “yes” and hears a “yes”. If you say “yes”, he interprets it as a “no” and hears a “no”. If Dr. Fauci says the contagious disease of Covid-19 is increasing and will keep increasing still more in the Winter to come, Mr. Stone-Head, this is, “this thing of Judd Deere”, hears “the contagious disease of Covid-19 is decreasing and will keep decreasing still more in the Winter to come! That is what Mr. Stone-Head understand in the English language interpreting the said by Dr. Fauci, a specialist well experienced dr. in this type of illness. Caramba! It is either I have to learn the English language or this man brain is cracked or inverted upside down on top of his neck, think it is the latest. As written by: Washington Post, found in Msft news (sorry, no link found). -Judd Deere, a White House spokesman, offered blistering criticism of Fauci for his comments in a statement to The Washington Post on Saturday. Deere said Fauci “knows the risks [from the coronavirus] today are dramatically lower than they were only a few months ago.”- -“It’s unacceptable and breaking with all norms for Dr. Fauci, a senior member of the President’s Coronavirus Task Force and someone who has praised President Trump’s actions throughout this pandemic, to choose three days before an election to play politics,” Deere said. “As a member of the Task Force, Dr. Fauci has a duty to express concerns or push for a change in strategy, but he’s not done that, instead choosing to criticize the President in the media and make his political leanings known by praising the President’s opponent — exactly what the American people have come to expect from The Swamp.”- -Deere added that president “always put the well-being of the American people first,”- Judd Deere From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Judd Deere Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Press Secretary Incumbent Assumed office January 31, 2019 President Donald Trump Preceded by Lindsay Walters Personal details Born Judson P. Deere November 28, 1987 (age 32) Benton, Arkansas, U.S. Political party Republican Alma mater Lyon College (BA) Judson P. Deere (born November 28, 1987) is an American political advisor, currently serving as Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Press Secretary in the administration of United States President Donald Trump.[1][2] That is all folks!