Sunday, October 04, 2020

Note: this is a download link to install an app directly from NASA, it is beautiful show of heaven!

Note: this is a download link to install an app directly from NASA

above, yr 3001, Mars.  Below yr 2024 Mars first landing

Note again: if you install this app, program or whatever you wish to call it, remember, it is NASA sole proprietary of this thing; am just putting it here for you to enjoy it.  It is suitable for anybody but only for humans to use it (hee, hee, haa!).  Make sure your compu is well updated and is capable to support this NASA wonder of the universe as I call this, this, well, this thing.  Oh!, forgot! for all ages!

Remember, it is a scientific app searching a very small part of the "sky" visible from this "Plannet Earth" covering billions of  light yrs. 1. The distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year, approximately 9.46 trillion kilometers (5.88 trillion miles). from the "TheFreeDictionary By Farlex"

In my science work it is used as" Spacetime", this is: Space -distance, Time as interval of space travel in one second to equal E=(M)mass times (C)light square or:

Got it now: the above is the link to open the program or application, the so called app

Enjoy it!

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