Thursday, October 15, 2020

Mal-informed in a China virus creation.

Mal-informed in a China virus creation.


How China testing if a vaccine is effective or not: takes a small Chinese population, let us say, 1000 Chinese inhabitant and ...force them to take the vaccine: send the police, asks people in the small section to get vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus; people go, just with hope not to get that mortal disease, they go in horde number, make an orderly line and get some "vaccine" injected on their arm. The government observes, wait, and wait. Meanwhile... it pickup another small commune, does the same but, using a placebo, might be plain water; another small group using vaccine for other viruses from the same family as SAR 1, SAR 2 and even for HIV mix with some "not known it works for that" such as Zoster vaccine for the herpesvirus ( -a type of herpesvirus that causes chickenpox and shingles}, even broken human cell membranes that had been infected with assorted Corona virus such as the common flu and others and fragments of human cells that enclose lepro and so on and on including: Lepro-B1 Virus, a "chronic, mildly contagious disease of tropical and subtropical regions, caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, marked by lesions of the skin and mucous membranes and damage to peripheral nerves and other organs that, if untreated, can progress to disfigurement, lack of sensation, and blindness. Also called Hansen's disease."

Some other countries lineup expecting the CCP send the "vaccine" China already created and is vividly using with their Chinese citizens.

Note: commentators around the world see China had been the first to create a Covid-19 virus even faster than Europe and USA.

...consequences, some people getting diarrheic,  vomit, headache and strange non-mortal reactions cuz what they have inside their body are fractions of cell membrane circulating in the blood torrent and their auto immune system had been activated, 

Mal-informed in a China virus creation.

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