Sunday, October 04, 2020

Enough means enough

Enough means enough

 https. response to the White Supremacy People

Enough means enough

…an action produces a reaction.

White Supremacy people had done protest on the streets of the South of USA, menacing other citizens, even killing people with vehicle thrown to them, one young woman was killed, others had made protest and shoot bystander by crossing amongst people and shooting to them, praised by the president of USA as the shooter acting in self-defense …in reality no one was molesting the attacker, a young boy carrying and shooting his rifle to the people as he throw himself on the pavement to shoot.

Whether he was arrested or not, it is to be known.  Whether he was taken to see a judge, it has to be known.  Whether he was sentence cuz he intention to kill, it has to be known …but he hurt someone crossing near him, shoot him seven times on the back.  Luckily, did not died …I think.

Now this, the NFAC “Not F------ Around Coalition (NFAC)” the Not Fucking Around Coalition of black skin people, as a demonstration sending a message to the White Supremacy people.  A protest due to the reason that the police did kill, possible, another black man in a gas station cuz some one called complaining he was caring a knife on his hands; the police took the complain as a reason to kill him.

…it looks the NFAC is using this situation to express to the White Supremacy group of people in the South of US, that they, the black skin community is ready to confront them if needed, as needed and when needed (?).

Ethnic discrimination is over-turning the page.  After, it is interpreted, so many abuses done to the community of black skin people, and after White and Black people had made so many demonstration against the abuses that too many police had committed against this people who the White majority of people protect as seen in the Black and White protesters all around the USA territory, a group of more or less 150-200 people ( of black skin) and well high power rifle and guns and pistols in military attire the same as White Supremacy people dresses but in a very large amount of member, a battalion, sent the message: stop killing US or US will start killing U.  It is a message that could be interpreted either sent to the police and/or the so self-called “White Supremacy People hater of Blacks, Jews, Hispanics and Asian people.  They the “White Supremacy people” are Hitler’s followers and admirers.

Opinion: Those people that compose “Law and order” should pay attention, should listen, should stop this ethic group abuses (the so call racial discrimination) and avoid a people massacre amongst the American population that, as opinionated, would be very close to a civilian revolution caused by ethnicism or “racism”.

The Fed, opinion too, should stop accepting, permitting and supporting “racism”; hope the incoming new government, if “We The People…” remove this racist President from power, just the change, will avoid mass blood spilling on the streets of this powerful nation whose benefited would be the CCP gov in Asia.  Everybody would be a looser including Russia and Europe cuz it destabilizes Democracy and non-Democratic gov (s) around the world, increasing terror, confusion, and chaos in the international market.  Only China would be the one which could benefit just showing to its citizens that Democracy is a system of craze people.

Black Lives Matter …enough means enough!

Mm, see why I lost all my lungs Oxygen onlooking this docu?

Now I ask myself, why the south, as of now, ask for the white supremacy and support today a President who is fully a racist?  …and he is a Republican who opposes Blacks, Hispanics, Asian and the likes, he should be a Democrat, not a Republican but:

…the page had been turned over, it is now Republicans that hate minorities which did not before and Democrats that are protecting minorities which did not before in the 1865.  What is going on?

Answer: the page had been turned over… that is all folks.

…oh!  Once more:

…a man is judged for two things: for his words and for his acts, more for his acts than his words. (self).

Note: (self) is the creator, not the name of someone else.

Voiceless, not that I got Covid-19

Voiceless, not that I got Covid-19, it is that I lost all my lungs Oxygen onlooking this docu, video?  You put it a name, I saw this video, still watching it.  Good luck, do not get scared, it has a lot of senses, realities and scientific truth.  Sorry if you are a politician, u might not understand what science is.

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