Forgot the name of the title.
…proof, could be.
I think you think you are very smart, intellectual, and important. I think that. Why? …cuz I think am very smart, intellectual, and important.
That is the way humans think …so, thinking you are clownsy, ignorant and unimportant, is the manner some other humans think of someone next to them. This is, you, yourself is a mirror of that but, do not want to admit it on you, so it is attributed on others.
That is the proof of racism, discrimination, and self-esteem but self-esteem seen on others, not on self. Never been happy with the other, never accepting the other and been in denial with oneself image.
Happens that if you have the power to do a job wrong assigned to do, you, the first thing in doing is hiding your incapability for the other to see you (in your own mind), capable.
All the above is sync to “self-defense” of your character, your superego and it is your id.
You could be a vulgar person but feel you are an important individual that never had the chance to exalt your power, present what you can do and command on other to guide their lives for better-ness but, in reality, if that position is given to you, you becomes a dictator, a Machiavelli or just give up and use the offerings instead to point out to others how important they “have” to see you in their life.
When people go into politics, they forget, if they are sent to a public position to serve the community, they forget their position which is to serve the community but, instead, they serve the person who sent them into that position. This is an id boomerang cuz it serves as a mode to keep the assigned person in position …blindness takes over the appointed individual, therefore not serving the needs of the community but that of the appointer, his “Boss.”
Forgetting the name of the title is a syndrome affecting a
great majority of appointed individuals.
In order not to be affected by this syndrome, the individual has to have
an extraordinary self-esteem on been unique, proper, independent and most of
all “philosophical futurist open minded.”
These conditions are not too abundant in people …and that is why most
people respond to “Forgot the name of the title” and instead becomes puppet of
the person who appointed them. Just to
mention one not specific situation: people who lies on behalf of others when
those others are their bosses or a boss.
If in situations like the above you encounter a person like that who happen to be your boss but you want to remain in your position or even escalate further, just follow them, do as they say but remember, following that boss or leader will create on you a behaviour, a habit and education in been of lesser intelligence, a poor creator and will chain your life to be of poor creativity; if not following that boss, and you are a real leader, just quit and denounce the boss via proper channels ...remember, public media is the best including writing a book exposing that boss as to warn others of the low knowledge of that boss or leader.
But, if you are in a private institution, save enough money and compete thereafter that institution by offering future member of your new creativity in a company that do gives freedom for members to be elegant, be themselves and be creative people. There are many company in a free society that had become not just a company but, part of the freedom of the region where they operate, not only that, they are copied around the world or most of the time, they are asked to be part of other territorial environment ...they become part of the human needs: freedom.
I am going to say here below, is 100% contradictory, but I am doing what
politicians do and imitating politicians’ way of reasoning:
“If I were a Judge of the Supreme Court of the USA I would reason what said below and would arrest the President of the United States of America on the Charges of “Treason, not carrying the Oath in protecting USA but working against the interest of this nation and on Mental Problems that render this guy unable to govern and protect the existence of this nation and the intention of destroying the institutions already established for the existence of the country. Here my reasoning, as many politicians do: very clear with what Democracy is and why politicians in power "try" to adhere to the Magna Carta yet don't agree in the manner they do that, what I don't understand of them is why they don't apply obedience to the Constitution and stop distorting its interpretation and emitting false ridiculous understanding of that Carta Magna. I know and understand that Carta Magna, am not a lawyer but see they themselves don't understand it or they ignore it. I am confused, the Constitution of US had not been made to adjust itself on my interest cuz first, I didn't exist when it was created and second, no one of all people in USA were in existence by that time. How come I can interpret what Democracy is, what is the Magna Carta and how to interpret what JUSTICE is and many politicians can't? Why other Presidents could function under personal stress and sign pending projects converting them into law while in the whole history of US, just one, exactly one, is unable to fulfill his oath and sign projected laws making them official. Is that due to inefficiency of that individual? Has that anything to do with lack of courage? Or an incredibly low IQ? truly clear with what abortion is and why politicians in power ban it yet doesn’t agree in the manner they do that, what I don't understand of them is why don't ban death penalty. I think on what justice is, still more confuse, is justice base on personal feelings? on interpretation? Cuz if justice is justice, then death penalty should be abolished too ...then what?”
NOTE: THE ABOVE IN QUOTATION MARKS IS A STUPIDITY, BUT THAT THE WAY TODAYS congresspeople (others don’t) think in respect to following the MAGNA CARTA OF USA.
Note: this work will continue as time pass by and as space permit me to plot it on the view of humans.
Forgot the name of the title.
Forgot the name of the title.
Not only should politicians read the Magna Carta, but they should brief themselves in history. Cuz history has too many facets and turn too complicated based on cultural values and geology of origin of the people involved, politicians, social workers, psychologists and people who would like to know world and national problems in order to educate themselves and know what they have to do in case they get confronted with national solution-decision taking, they should watch “Origins, Collection 2: Ep. 3” -Plagues, Economic Collapse, & Nuclear War- It is a pity I could not create a link here but, the only way to watch this documentary is by going to Netflix and watch it. By learning this documentary, the viewer might comprehend the mode operandi (mode of action) of why around the world there were so many problems that generated wars, diseases, economic hardships ending in the destruction of hundreds of millions of humans; these people didn’t have the need to die but they did cuz of many world leaders who “Forgot the name of the title”.
Monday, September 29th, 2008: the stock market collapse, indicating the beginning of a world depression as that of 1929 in USA. “We’ve seen it before.
Will we see it again?”
People making a line to get some free soup.
1929 on this date, institution, private ones,
forgot the name of the title: to serve to the people for a price, a cost, a
benefit, but they forgot to serve pressing on the brake from time to time, and
went at full speed with their eyes in making the most money as possible. The same thing started to happen in 2008 but,
the government intervene and “gave” them money, all the money needed just to
avoid 1929 depression. When politicians
just think for themselves forgetting that they serve to the communes, banks, dwelling
rent, transportation, utility bills and a lot of things moves to the clouds
been unreachable to the minority of the people who are the most of the
population of a region and in “forget the name of the title”, it turns into a
boomerang that dismember the region.
Taxes increase, taxes become a burden to the group, crime increase as
well as unemployment and money launder by businesspeople who buy
politicians. The mafia takes over the gov
as well as illegal businesses.
Immigration becomes a burden cuz people comes and go in a disorderly
manner. Neighbour nations deny the
entrance of people from other nations or citizens from a nation start
exploiting new incomers: new immigrants.
Human Trafficking turns to be the plate of the day together with child
abuse cuz the system is overburden with too many varieties of type of human
violations. A depression, any depression
in this 21st. Century, would be like a nuclear bomb falling in each
and every American home.
In order to avoid the “forgot the name of the
title” syndrome, if it could be called as such, politicians must and shall work
along with the Constitution of the Nation, not the “rule of the party” or the
organization and responding to the personal interests of bosses of any
governmental institution against the Nation State and in favor of any
individual, family or group.
Dictatorship Nation States work for a small group turning the great
majority into semi-slaves’ citizens.
Forgetting the name of the title, in a
Democracy, works as a boomerang against anyone who thinks he/she is a boss working
for themselves and its group, not the people, all of them.
Jail…await anyone who intend to forget the name
of his/her title by not serving the commune …in a Democracy.
I think you are not smart, intellectual,
and important, I think that, why? …cuz I am not very smart, intellectual and consider
self-important …why? Cuz I "forgot the name
of the title."