Saturday, February 16, 2019

The first breath of frustration caused by Brexit

The first breath of frustration caused by Brexit

First, a professional nude herself to the world, second, let UK prevent a war.

It sent a flash of desperation, seeing the first signal of the Irish people of their desperation of how Brexit is affecting their society, their freedom, and their future in reference to the European Union.   At the same time, it awakens my dearest respect and admiration to this respectful patriotic sentiment to all of the social group of the Irish people.  Democracy must be use within all of the UK before the UK partition off the European Union or confront the consequences approaching as the clock tic-tac to a catastrophe in all of UK.

In a Democracy, not only the Irish will fight for their right, but mostly all those seeing their future threaten.

The Irish just sent their first beautiful, peaceful, and work of live art message to the English Brexiteer people.  Wait and see, before it turns into brutal bloodshed.

A war in Europe will be the first signal of NATO destruction due to the “Secret War” Vladimir Putin is running against NATO, USA, Europe, and all members of the greatest military defense of the plannet protecting Democracy.

My dearest respect to the Dr. here protecting against her people abuse by others in the “Brexit” situation caused by foreigner’s intromission into their sovereignty.  The people in their Democratic system just started standing their ground.  Hope it does not end in bloodshed.

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