Tuesday, January 15, 2019

They are from the Trump gang.

They are a few from Trump gang ...he is missing on the list.  These pics are from the New York Times newspaper.  Question: will the head of the mafia will be place here?  Who knows but my nose?
US is going through a historical exceptional transaction of traitors not as the so very well know former NSA hacker put to work in one of the most delicate institution of USA that watch for the safety of this nation, but there are high class politicians working for enemies of this country.  Inclusive from the highest position of the American government: A President!

Today, unbelievably, the nation is writing if the USA Constitution is a letter to enforced by our politicians, our governmental institutions and our militaries or it is just a piece of a historical paper.
 Wait and see.  I belief, and I say, I, that the Constitution of any Democracy is the Holly Bible of a society that establishes its existence even corrupted politicians, under the carpet, exploits their position given to them by the Gestar of the social fabric just to enrich themselves, their families and friends using that Carta Magna as a trampoline to reach their criminal antipatriotic mind of gangster.
I think, belief and knock on wood that the United States of America is mostly full of so many real politicians, judges, militaries and institutions that compose the greatest majority of our Democracy and that those corrupted-greedy individual will be punish under a clear and legal practice of the laws established by the Constitution of the United States of America.  I understand that amongst some of those people that did hurt our nation, some of them shall be seen with some admiration 'cause, at the end, they repented and told the truth of their crimes against this nation and just for those some compassion shall be given than sending them to jail to rotten in a cage that not only destroys the life of a convict, mostly, but the life of their family who are not to blame.
Be it known that USA is not a dictatorship, nor it is a Communist or Socialist State, but a Democracy the uses logic, reasoning, and philosophy to comply with the laws and that our judges, mostly, want to fulfill the law and at the same time put a grain of compassion in it.  US is a nation built by humans of the most elevated class of all of the world.  And if not the most elevated class of all the world living within US, this nation would not abuse them but enlighten them to serve as example of what a Democracy is.  USA is not a perfect nation, but US intend to be and it takes many trials and error for US to go through.  Time and the future will supply the evidence that Democracy is here to stay. Democracy protects the existence of all humans.

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