Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Math solutions are solved with Math equations and Political solutions are solve with Political equations.

Math solutions are solved with Math equations and Political solutions are solve with Political equations.

…if a politician, inexperienced and a bigot goes into politics and takes a political position in a government, except in dictatorships one, the politician governs with too many errors …see that below.

...the "why" to be known: US doesn't care as long as US soldiers return home safe, US would, or already had, destroyed any war docs that could embarrass US but, the Britons are very proud of been helped by the "enemies" and Turkey is not happy with US due to President Donald J. Trump, a person who doesn't understand of any political equation and does things in the Fed gov based on his emotions. The FBI, the CIA, the Secret Police and others like NSA are very well disgusted with this "idiotic behaviour of this President of this nation which, that clown is slowly destroying and damaging with other nations ...Russia is very happy they succeeded in their intervention in USA election, as they did in Brexit. ...what could US and any political analyst say? Just this above and still more.

Here what is said:

Directly from the source:

Above: copy and paste.


Sources in Russia and Syria, some known indirectly to me through a reliable contact, have reported that US and British “advisers” and “instructors” to the Syrian opposition forces are trapped in Idlib. There are frantic attempts by the USA and Britain to ask Turkey or Russia to help evacuate these troops. But Britain has refused to co-operate with the Russians!
The local opposition forces in Idlib include tens of thousands of extreme Al Qaeda related elements like Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) many of whom were given safe passage out of other parts of Syria recaptured by Government forces. Turkey which backs the National Front for Liberation has asked Russia for time to isolate HTS in order to forestall an attack.
While today the USA calls for Russian and Syrian forces to hold off from attacking Idlib last year the US Government’s Special Envoy in the region Brett McGurk called Idlib province
“the largest Al Qaeda safe haven since 9/11 tied directly to Ayman al-Zawahiri [leader of Al Qaeda].”
he also admitted that the farcical western policy of sending
“tens of thousands of tons of weapons and looking the other way as foreign fighters come into Syria may not have been the best approach. Al Qaeda has taken full advantage of it and Idlib now is a huge problem.”
The fall of Idlib would be the end of the last rebel held province and would open up the main highway through Syria from Jordan to Turkey. Syrian Government troops are massing for an attack, Russian ships have gathered off the coast at Tartous and the final phase of the Syrian war looks imminent.
There are 200 British and US instructors..."

Note to above, by certainty, there is no proof that they are really ISIS combatant but, real, real Syrians people that still alive fighting actual Syrian government... of course that there might be a lot of "former" Isis combatants that decided to shift position for they are desperately fighting the Syrian military for a cause: install a Democratic system in Syria after all.
"Listen to this:"
...once a man went to a brother, a location where there are whores making a living by selling their bodies for money.  In many brothers there are many so-called whores but, of those many, much of them are forced to do that by a pimp or by a government or by criminals.  Anyway, they sell their bodies for money.  ...a man enters the brother, he is a good man in need of sex but, this is an easy go location to get that.  The man encounters a "whore" whom he does sex and he, due to curiosity asks: why do you live here doing that? The woman responds: I don't want but, I am forced to do that. I have to make a choice between doing this or death would be my sentence.  Sir, now that you asked and I told you, please, don't tell anyone or I would be severed punished. Don't worry, woman, will not tell but, if you accept my help, will help you ...and the woman cries blessing ALLAH! Thank you send this angel to help me.  She bends down on the floor and kisses land. The man sees that and starts to help the woman; as time passes, the man invests a huge amount of money, a fortune, to help that woman and others that get along with the first.
I ask you readers: is that woman a whore? Are all the others whores too?  You be the judge.

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