Saturday, September 22, 2018

In respect to Syria

In respect to Syria: don't know that the government of that nation is illegitimate?  The people did not elect it! He was, Assad, not giving, or permitting that anyone from a different religion of which he practices, could find a good job or work for his dictatorship of government, so, many people revolted against him, then he killed them all, including women, men, and children; the only hope of salvation for those left alive was to fight the mad-religious man was by the means of war ...and US stepped in to help those poor people which families were been massacre, killed, tortured and raped by Assad authorities: young women, very young girls even boys!  Russia needs the ports of Syria to put its warships as been ready to navigate from there to any other part of the world, it needs it desperately, and this is Russia's military opportunity to do so, or else (...always (Russia) would be handicap to conquer formerly alienated, now independent nations next to Russia's territories ...for Russia to fight OTAN at a much comfortable position but, US, 'cause our extreme Capitalism, didn't see that.  China does have its eyes open and is economically conquering AFRICA!) Syria is of strategic importance for USA, and all of Africa, and all of East Asia, and Europe.  And for Europe, US is of strategic importance for them to exist, economically and socially; today economy is inter-link, and works perfect under a state of freedom, in a Democracy for, China sooner or later will conquer Africa, for their own businesses.  If freedom fails in Africa, specifically Syria and all petroleum exporting nations, Democracy is doomed, just read this in this site:

Extreme Capitalism, Communism as well as Socialism including dictatorships too, need to destroy US, permanently, for them to reign freely and rule the world.  And that’s why Syria is vital for US and Europe, the future will be decided here and other few nations.  And that is why US is desperate to create AI a green source of energy, for Democracy to exists. 

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