...good for naïve people, why? The world doesn't belong to itself, this is, small nations to be totally independent and chose, freely whom to do business with. Mighty nations, any, and there are many, want to have the most of other less powerful nations to do business with them, be them Russia, China and or the United States of America or either Great Britain, Spain or France, any; but because the USA and China have the types of machinery to create things and export them abroad, they are fighting for the right to have the most nations associated to them. The difference is that one wishes to impose it by force, the other by reasoning and convictions. A third, this is Russia, 'cause they follow their own needs not that of all the world together. One is guided by dictatorship and intimidation, the other by conviction and the possession of money. But all of them look into the naïve people wherever they be just to benefit their citizens of the one that manufactures things to sell to the one that buys that manufacturing either by conviction or by force; in any way, the money falls on the hand of the few ...and that is why the USA and Russia are in Syria, while China is looking for Africa. So, what's the difference?
In the USA, let's go to politics and "see" how the US works in the case of creating strong politicians and convincing people to "follow me", see this one:
Based on opinions, not facts.
Algunos libros, sino todos, tienen “opiniones falsas”
Some books, if not all, have “false opinions”
Falso testamentos falsos: “en donde sea que tengamos razas mezcladas in grandes cantidades, tenemos problemas.
False testaments: “Wherever we have the races mixed up in large numbers, we have trouble.”
Muchas gentes, en lo común, dicen: es inmoral matar un bebe que no ha nacido todavía; esto es un pensamiento falso …medicamente, si no ha nacido, “esto” no es un bebe. En el arte médico, la ciencia determina que, para ser humano, el feto tiene que haberse desarrollado al menos unas seis (6) semanas para transformarse a embrión después de empezar a ser una mórula. -un pequeño coagulo de sangre y células de otro tipo, es decir, después the siete (7) semanas de su formación a masa de células embrionarias y entonces empezar a desarrollarse presentando las características del ser humano, de ahí en adelante es un humano, es un ciclo completo de unas veintiuna semanas como la aguja de un reloj, con raras y pocas diferencias si se atrasa o adelanta …ahora, medicamente, aunque ya empezó a definirse como ser humano, su desarrollo a convertirse totalmente humano no termina (con algunas aberraciones a veces) hasta el momento de su nacimiento y cuando su formación conlleva deformaciones profundas de su anatomía como carecer, por ejemplo, proporciones de su columna vertebral y otras cosas que no se pueden definir aquí porque terminaría en múltiples definiciones medicas lo cual tiene que ser definido por un especialista en la materia, no en este trabajo. Este humano no está completo y su nacimiento será una tragedia por razón de carecer los órganos para existir como tal como es el caso de microcéfalo, encefalopatía, y un número de otras deformaciones anatómicas como ocurren en ciertas contaminaciones creadas por picaduras de algún mosquito que transmita alguna aberración anatómica a la mujer durante y antes del embarazo. Este ser deformado como en el caso de no tener una masa cerebral o un cerebro que no se completó en su formación o no tener gran parte de la columna vertebral y otras cosas que no se pueden definir aquí, conllevan a múltiples explicaciones médicas, tienen que ser definidas por un médico especialista en la materia, no en este caso de desarrollo de este trabajo, o ni siquiera por un político de gobierno alguno, o partido político; este es un trabajo para la mujer que esta o puede ser embarazada, su médico y/o familia y una profesional en problemas sociales; mucho menos por cualquier religión, porque, la Constitución de Los Estados Unidos de América prohíbe a los políticos legislar o emitir leyes basadas en razones religiosas o dogmas. De nuevo, no the políticos a partido algunos. Ejemplo: no busque a un pintor de caro para que te repares la transmisión de tu vehículo, eso es cosas sin sentido alguno, según hablo desde el punto de vista médico.
Many people, in what is common, say: it is immoral to kill a baby that had not been born yet; this is a false thought …medically if it had not been born, “it” is not a baby. In the medical art, science determines that to be a human, the fetus has to have been developed at least some six (6) weeks after been a morula. -a small clog of blood and cells of other types, this is, after seven (7) weeks of its formation to a mass of embryonic cells, then starts to develop human’s characteristics of the human being, from there on, is a human being, it is a complete cycle of twenty-one weeks (21) as the hands of a clock, with few and rare differences if it moves faster or slow down …now, medically, yet “it” undertook a definition as a human being, its full developing into turning to a normal human doesn’t stop still; developing (with some aberration sometimes) is not finished until it is born, and when its formation carries it to deep body aberration as lacking, for example, proportions of the vertebral column and other things that can’t be defined here because this work would end with multiple medical definitions which have to be defined by a specialist for that matter, not in this work. This human is not complete if its brain is abnormally small (encephalopathies) its birth will be a tragedy on the reason of not having the proper organs to exist as such as the case of microcephaly, encephalopathies, or have a number of other anatomically body deformations as it occurs in certainly contaminated births transmitted by mosquitoes’ bites (already mentioned above) to the woman during or before her pregnancy. This deformed human as in the case of having abnormal brain mass or a brain that didn’t complete during its formation or not having great part of the vertebral column and other things that could not be defined here, causes multiple medical explanations that has to be defined by a specialist in the matter, not in this case of this work, neither by a government politician or politician at large or a political party this is a work for the woman that could be pregnant or pregnant to be, and/or her family, her doctor and a professional in social problems least for the church of any religion, for, the constitution of the United States of America forbid politicians to rule or emit laws based on religious reasons or dogmas. Again, it is not for politicians or political party at large. Example: don’t look for a car painter to repair your car transmission, that is a senseless thing in any case, as it is thought parallel to a medical point of view.
When Donald Reagan used the slogan: “…this election is to make America great again”, he created a false testament. Which is not a fact. -as seen in Netflix, “Reversing Roe, 2018 TV-14 1h 39 m, ‘Through interviews with abortion rights supporters and opponents, this film lifts the lid on a decades-long political campaign to overturn Roe v. Wade.” - (seen when the film is about 51 minutes long)- …and if you, the reader, go watching that video-documentary a little further, will see how politicians of a particular party turned against the Supreme Court that oversees the Magna Carta of the United States of America; for that party achieving the purpose of gaining the most people to favor a political interest of its party, not the social needs of a Nation State, the need for human rights self determination on “Self”, a unit, not the whole of a society but, a member of the social network: the person, the individual right of self-determination, self-choosing, self-decision making: its sole body …it is as the same as the same in self-decision to die: self-homicide that in elders and any person is called: euthanasia…
The act or practice of ending the life of a person or animal having a terminal illness or a medical condition that causes suffering perceived as incompatible with an acceptable quality of life, as by lethal injection or the suspension of certain medical treatments.
The US had a Senator that some time ago practiced the above, he had brain cancer.
Why one telescope sighting had to close, can’t tell, for it is already top secret, so my fake news: a bomb call made the FBI close it. The truth will not be known ever. Everyone at the site were placed under FBI quarantine.
...I wanna laugh but should not! It is a flying test of US latest warplanes: B 52 nuclear bomber, all could be seen is its lights on its tip (cabin) and wing tips. It is good and better to fly them at night yet is invisible to radar but, at night, it is invisible to any animal eyes, let's say, a cat eye that could see on the dark! And newest tech too. The US already testing these things! The warplanes lights had been turned-on on purpose for the US military to know where they are... they flew over Russia and China! It is okayed to call them: Unknown Foreign Object! By the way, they are moving atop the earth atmosphere! Right in outer space but near-earth thin air and moving under the earth magnetic field that gives them eternal move. If needed, it could enter the atmosphere and do work: launch nuclear missiles. Period
When one or two lights are visible, these are codes to let the US military knows of things, there are two B 52 nuclear warplanes, so, it on turns of two lights and the other one light but takes a different flying angle, there seen three lights not aligned as seen first. Tricky? They are codes interpreted by the US military! They are unarmed but carries the weight of a couple of nukes. They are part of "outer space force", between earth and those warplanes any means of communication had been deactivated.
One more thing: yet inside them, there are live pilots, the pilots are not commanding them. They are using Artificial Intelligence. The pilots are there doing nothing, and the pilots need not be in them; the warplanes can fly alone most of the time, they would be inhabited when needed for repair or to do human maneuvering, so the AI learn and teach each other. They will be boarded just in case of a nuclear war, but they have already AI instructions what and where to stealthily attack just in case to totally kill any land attacking the USA. The Outer space force had been under work since Reagan, its name was: "Star war" nuclear ships.
Sorry, but this secret is better to be understood by enemies’ countries that think they could attack the USA in any part of the world. If they do so, they are killing themselves by a rapid nuclear response from above! Remember, 700 billion dollars were added up for this mission ...there are more inventions to come, wait and see, can't tell by now, later.