Confronting Europe and the United States of America, militarily, is a suicidal act for the existence of the future of the Nation-State of Russia. But attacking them, via its internal institutions, it would cost nothing to Russia, yet Russia would regain its influence and power around the world.
That attach is to be done by neutralizing most of its institutions; experimentation of that had shown that it works. Vladimir Putin, had, already, paralyzed airports within the city of New York such as John F. Kennedy and others. Hospitals, Internet Service Providers, some vulgar computer users (on this one, its "boot manager" was incapacitated to initiate its Operating System, so taking it off the internet, but through trickeries of mine I've been able to put it back discarding its original Hard Disc Drive and creating a new platform thanks to the evolving technology given by Microsoft, Google, and so many others that uses "cloud" to save your work which could be reactivated as if nothing had happened ...thank to them all, again).
The actual President of Russia, had already tried to intimidate nations such as Great Britain, France, the Nederland, and even Spain. They flow nuclear capable warplanes in international water, too close to those nation sea limit border lines... flow many missions approaching too close military warplanes of United States, France, Great Britain and others in a menacing way.
Invaded lands of Ukraine and annex it to Russia territory.
Is controlling the United States White House in its spirit by, in one way or the other using the President of US, as a Russian poppet -as if he, Trump, had some secret compromised with Vladimir Putin, the self of D. J. Trump; feeling scared to death it be known. Acting in the Presidential Palace, the White House, emitting ideas, and decrees that are senseless and making menaces to some members of Congress if they do not support his petition of doing things with no reasoning at all if he were a spy of the government of Russia, been the President of the United States of America -gave secrets to be known to Vladimir Putin that were provided by other foreign nations to help US in the fight of terrorism and also given by the FBI as well as opposing to emit or sign any law enacted, constitutionally, by the Congress of the United States of America, imposing penalties to the Russia of Vladimir Putin.
Actually, saying he, D. J. Trump that he "loves chaos" and thing like that.
This President of US, is doing the impossible to weaken the OTAN, NATO and any joint international forces ready as a deterrent to Russia in "just in case" Russia tries to attack any nation of the alliance.
And USA, is doing nothing to it. Then, WHY?
Hiring people in delicate governmental position to emit decisions even though they have no experience, knowledge of any mater in international politics and giving to his family the upper hand in making delicate decisions ahead of the real legal designated diplomats and American Generals on the mater, at which family is looking to enrich its pocket not caring for the interest of the United States of America.
Most, not all, super-rich people, analphabet in politics and patriotism, don't care of the consequences as long as getting sufficient money on their pockets... they could take care of their future in other countries if needed. With the exception of one who was a CEO of a powerful gas distributor around the world and in US territory, yet he has no knowledge on international political dealing even though he is doing very well up to know, but errors could be committed and end up in an atomic war with a nation on the world.
Conspiracy is, mostly, based on the ignorance of some of them on social-political knowledge and personal greed which has to be exploited by Vladimir Putin, President elected in Russia via manipulation of the popular vote and under the floor killing of any one that could be a barrier for the Russian president to achieve its dream.
In case of a war between Russia and US and/or Russia against Europe, first, the American President would delay any response as giving time for Russia, to get a foothold. President Donald Trump would "innocently" reveal secret war data to any Russian spy next to him and would fire or impression any American General who takes a first step to protect the interest of this nation without first waiting for the president decision. Decision delay on purpose by Donald J. Trump.
Politicians don't understand that this man, due to his age, is losing control of "Decision Making" and becoming each and every day: Much More Erratic, so endangering the security to the United States of North America and many other countries trusting in US. Not all people goes through this situation at that age, but he is.
A second opinion shall be given by a group of medical doctors whether this man is insane or not. The same as is been done by a congressional committee directed by someone in the clarification of Russia involvement, compromised and acts with authorities of US, in this conspiracy called by the President: Witch hunt.
On that all above this conspiracy of Donald J. Trump will be based this discussion.
Where would Donald Trump, gets up to 2,000,000,000 dollars to invest at his election on 2016?
There was a TV broadcaster who interviewed Trump on things like how much was he going to spend of willing to spend on his campaign; Trump responded up to 2 billions dollars if needed he had at his disposition for that. Politicians know that this guy, Trump, was and is a stingy individual when money has to be spend, publicly, in any thing. It is famously known that once he constructed an engineer to rebuild he home kitchen. And Trump did not pay him the cost and labor of the work, with the scapegoat that he did a bad job ...the engineer sue him in court and was waiting for more than two years for Trump to pay.
In respect to the IRS, he been cheating it for around 15 years, not paying his taxes on time or paying nothing at all and not truthfully declaring his income to the IRS. He said too: he could buy any one with money, that business people sell themselves for money, including women to the famous and rich and he could buy them. Therefore, he, Trump, could get away with whatever he wanted. This is my interpretation of things said by him before wining the Presidential elections.
On moral character: Eliot Spitzer vs. Donald J. Trump.
Eliot Laurence Spitzer (born June 10, 1959) is an American politician, attorney, and college professor. A member of the Democratic Party, Spitzer served as the 54th Governor of New York from 2007 until 2008.
Spitzer worked as an attorney in private practice with several New York law firms before becoming attorney general, where he worked for six years as a prosecutor with the office of the Manhattan district attorney. He was then elected to two four-year terms as the Attorney General of New York, serving from 1999 to 2006. He was elected Governor of New York and served as the 54th governor of New York, from January 1, 2007, until his resignation on March 17, 2008, in the midst of a prostitution scandal.[2][3]
"The idea that somehow President Trump didn't know anything about this and that Attorney Cohen was just running off and doing what he thought was best without any consultation with President Trump, it is patently absurd," Michael Avenatti, the attorney for Stephanie Clifford, told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Wednesday night.
Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, has filed a low suit against Trump in which she cites multiple instances of his legal counsel, Michael Cohen, working to keep her from speaking out about an alleged 2006 sexual encounter." end of quote. Dated on Wednesday, March, 2018 in the internet and written by: Josiah Ryan, CNN.
The first, Mr. Eliot Spitzer, abandon his Government ship based on morals.

The second, actual President Donald J. Trump, in denial of the story.

Will continue in conspiracy part 2.
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