Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Just thinking

Just thinking:

Russia poisoned two people living in England soil with a special manmade substance snake-like venomous that, as I think, it putrefies, slowly, all the body cells starting with the liver and spleen and kidneys until it invades all a person organ and putrefies the entire body.  If so, what it does is that it reproduces as it gets in touch with the oxygen in the body.  If so, I think that what to be experimented with the dying patient is making a major blood transfusion, urgently as well as to feed the patient liver and kidneys with direct fresh blood into the body; it would clean with the new blood transfusion that flush the own patient blood and substitute  it  with the new blood, the best blood to use could by type O.  Don’t feed any nutrients but just anti-allergic solutions for at least 24 hours expecting the pt. doesn’t die of lack of nutrient in the body.  Might be it is too late to do that, but the pt. is going to die anyway, give a try, it might save their lives.

Any foreign nation to Russia is in danger if Vladimir Putin decides to kill any individual that make heavy comments to the person of Vladimir Putin or find facts to prove that this man is a menace to any leader of any nation in any part of the planet, he could poison the individual and could not be proven he, Vladimir Putin gave the order.  Kings, long ago, were kill this way, but with real snake venomous.

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