USA: Giving
to Russia a reward: "I am leaving the North of Africa", it is you to take it.
To be
Why USA lost
Strategic move
of USA that caused the most powerful army in the World lose the war: "Africa 2018".
politician taking over the Presidency.
Turning the
White House into a personal family business.
Politicians seen
the party internal interest, not national needs.
The cost:
Destruction of most of USA land.
20 million
people dead, instantaneously.
40 million
of Russians dead instantaneously.
All North
and South Korea destroyed, millions of people dead.
Europe in
economical Chaos.
radioactive, main China taking control of all of the China sea.
The start of
a New world.
Just go here
and read, then come back to follow again.
{“It’s easy to find us, if they
are really determined,” one defector in the U.S. tells Newsweek. Phone calls
and emails make it easy for Russian eavesdroppers to locate them. A visit from
a relative back home makes it even easier. Agents can just trail them to a
defector’s doorstep.
Some U.S.
security sources say there has been an uptick in Russian activity here over the
past two years. Suspected Russian agents have been spotted cruising the
neighborhoods of some defectors protected by CIA security teams, they say.
The FBI and CIA have been” bringing people out of retirement, people who
worked against the Russians in the 1990s,” to cope with the the challenge,
the defector said, speaking anonymously out of fears for his personal safety.}
as could be seen, there were situations that triggered that atomic war;
situations that could have been avoided by following the steps as did England:
denounce and expel. Even US expelled, but were
forced to do so or else; the president on that time was been investigated by a
special tribune which started questioning his advisers, campaign directors
and anyone involved in his election; the president was left for last,
untouchable meanwhile …that president had a mental problem not diagnosticated
The causes of mental
disorders are often unclear. Theories may incorporate findings from
a range of fields. Mental disorders are usually defined by a combination of how
a person behaves, feels, perceives, or thinks.[4] This may be associated with particular
regions or functions of the brain, often in a social context. A mental disorder is one aspect
of mental health. Cultural and religious beliefs, as
well as social norms, should
be taken into account when making a diagnosis.[6]
The president
at the moment before the war, had behaviours not proper of any president in the
history of the USA; take in consideration that a behaviour like the one presented
by that president, if it were in a private institution, let’s say, a real estate,
would be acceptable, for it is the real estate business man’s own money, not
somebody else money. The public has no “business”
in watching how the real estate owner invest his economy. If the Real Estate
man loses all, that’s his problem. But
the president on that time was not the owner of the White House, the Presidential
Palace of the USA. He was elected by the
people to govern and protect the nation; not certain parts of it getting the most
benefit and perjuring the rest an example: there was one time when he mentioned to change the distribution of money
for people needed to feed their family
by taking away the money, and the fed government sending to them packages of
food to nourish their family, the same as is done when a hurricane devastate
a geographical region, and private as well as fed institutions distribute food to
the affected population, not money, except to their government, with exceptions too, some times to people as well; but food and water as well as health care. The military step in and help cleaning main
avenues, re-establishing energy grids and creating emergency cabin for people
to find shelter as their governors re-establish the town, city or state as
needed with their own money and money given by the fed gov.
As you could
see, the mentality of the president of that time was not well tuned with realities:
time and space of the time. It was a disparity
away of how things are done.
president insisted in creating or building a wall between the Nation State of Mexico
and USA to block illegal immigration from the South of USA, where millions
of people had emigrated from the miseries encountered in their country of origins; stopping the transit of illegal drugs and merchandises between both countries, as
the USA furnish great quantities of guns, ammunition and other devices as cellphones
directly to the mentioned Nation State of Mexico to be use by drug dealers.
First, he
agitated against poor hard-working immigrants coming to this nation, illegally,
as “criminals” and things like that.
One thing he
did was promising his electors to make that nation pay for the building of
that “wall”.
That president
never imagined the cost of that wall, after he became president it was
figured would cost over 25 billion of dollars.
Money not in the hands of the fed to spent. He dreamed a wall could be build by him, never
even consulted any of his advisers if such a statement could be hold long after;
he kept insisting, far away from reality, that the other nation would pay for
it; for he would force them to pay. Just
think on such a behaviour of that president on that time. Was he a person with a healthy vision? If a candidate makes such a promise, after
winning the elections, he/she would figure out how to reverse the said before
and offer something still much better (telling its offers had been upgraded to
achieve a better stability on that chaos of illegal immigration to this nation,
creating too many undocumented people that then were exposed to job abuses and humiliation
by some employers. Those undocumented people, couldn't be taken into consideration when social needs arises as in the creation of new schools, hospitals and other resources to serve the population, for, they were unknown to exists and they had to be counted for that purpose. Us would penalize them, the undocumented ones, as well as give them legal stay in this nation either temporarily or
permanently ...for, they already became part of the economy enriching the nation. Then with the money gained,
would use it to build the wall. That
would be the best exist to his promised wall; but he kept insisting and insisting in
fulfilling his promise as said before. Of course, that
promise had a link, he was a racist.
He, the
president on that time, had a fixed idea: he would achieve things, solo. Other presidents failed achieving things using dozens
of counselors, advisers, governmental department spying on other nations and
advising the president of nations’ weaknesses and strong economic health,
politicians and business men. He, this former
president, started flipping the former president of Russia of that time …a man
decided to regain all the territory Russia lost when it was a Socialist State;
cause of the war that eliminated both nations in its totality …many European
nations survived the attack, but they were handicap militarily and economically, would take years to achieve the state of living before the war; for there were few strong economies to make business with as of then.
This man,
the US president, was a mental deranged person.
1. To put out of proper order:
disarrange, disarray, disorder, disorganize, disrupt, disturb, jumble, mess up, mix up, muddle, tumble, unsettle, upset.
2. To disturb the health or physiological
functioning of:
3. To make insane:
The American Heritage®
Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All
rights reserved.
From: the FreeDictionary by Farlex.
…was a
person who would put inexperienced actors of the economic richest people, to
direct any department of the fed gov. not caring for the consequences of mishandling
the situation at work with trial and errors, a grave way of solving social-political
and economic problems.
Just to
mention a poor situation of what happened in other nation, a very small nation
in the Caribbean, an island: the president of that nation, once appointed a chemist
as director of all big water dams in the country… a cyclone entered the nation. Zero measured were taken to prevent a major catastrophe;
the existence of the Cyclone moving toward that nation was known weeks
before. It entered with very strong
force and dozens of people died drawn when the biggest dams overflow with water
about to break it, possible collapsing.
Meantime, the director or boss in controlling those dams was vacationing
in Europe weeks before and during the mess: a chemist doing the work that
correspond to a dam engineer who knows how a dam is built and control in case a
cyclone beat it, so, saving the lives of people in the environment around it, if opening its relief gates, how much in relation to the raining water to fall and in consequence not leaving the dam almost empty, if it would affect the land below in front of it by eroding the surface soil, destroying the community and how fast before the raining water would fall just to synchronize water been drained and water falling as well as moving people living around the dam; not a job for a chemist. Well, the president of USA, on that time, was
doing the same thing was done in that island but appointing a lot of unqualified
richest in managing fed agencies and criticizing agencies such as the FBI of
that time that had extreme expert people doing various job to protect the
nation. That’s why this president was a “derange
politician” of the kind as well as making decree not related to real situations, hurting a lot of people and favoring big business, such as car emission and other research institution given advise to investors, free advices so investors could know the best way on investing on business; leaving embassies around the world Ambassador-less by which the US nation could get guidance by its Ambassadors, of what to do to emit laws in controlling foreign investment, and a numberless of things, USA was left blind in foreign relation around the world.
First error:
suggesting the military in existence at the North of Africa, fighting a lot of
deranged terrorist, will be move off Africa …so, in consequence, giving vast territory
for Russia to psychologically influence, control and exploit for its geopolitical
expansion in that continent. It caused that Russia gained a stronghold in that continent, which situation helped them
to feel they were getting strong, stronger and could confront USA, Europe and anyone else; the Russians with that stronghold, together
with part of North Africa under its influence, putting all of the South of Europe
exposed to the interest of the former president of that time, to exploit getting
the best out of it doing and expanding its Russian ideology of wishing to be a superpower again: a new strong and uncontrollable
Russia Nation that could see at all of Europe from any angle and put it on its
knee, religious dictator nations became a foot, a column in assisting Rusia, and gain its will: nuclear atomic bombs …the OTAN and NATO had to fight a wider war against Russia on that time,
and many Southern European nations were undecided in confronting Russia. Russia, then, started conquering all the
former nations of the Soviet Era, the war started; US lost it. Russia too. More than 60 million people died from both
Millions of people lost their lives in the pacific, the war stopped by itself, there were no victors but desolation. China became the baton of the South Pacific China Sea, and took over Korea then after, without a fight, both Korea needed food and medicine ...US could not provide. The world needed China's tech for its rebuild, Europe was tired and going trough social difficulties to feed its population, had to eye China for that, and that nation could have enough for its own, not for others.
To be
continued, next: turning the White House into a personal family business.