Sunday, December 29, 2024

El gran temor de Leonel Fernández

Esto aqui escrito por mi, sera traducido al espanol luego pero lo publico en el idioma ingles para que algunas personas empiesen a deglosarlo antes de ser traducido ya que es la decision tomada para que cualquier dominicano pueda ser seleccionado para dirigir el pais y que no sea solamente por partido alguno que siempre controle el futuro de la nacion, sino, el pueblo dominicano en su totalidad. Aqui voy, veamos:... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "Quasi authorities in the Dominican Republic" ... Here, I refer specifically to the Dominican Republic, even though too many governments in Latino America are affected the same. In this country, one of the main problems is that those people chosen to be directive a Dominican department, authorities, create a government within a delimited government, this is: “a quasi-government”. Let’s say the police department. In this country there is no law that approves to sentence to kill people but the “La Policia Nacional” has members that do so. The police department, many times sent small group of policemen to find known people and kill them wherever they be. When those people are found that group of policemen, execute the “criminals to find”; there is no laws that order to do that ever. Most directors of many governmental department, create a “Quasi government” that do whet they “think has to be done” and therefore serves to sentence other people to death …and that is why they, those in the military, the police department and politicians use this Quasi government people that could be any one that serves the legitimate government, to serve the interests of those authorities and they protect whoever pay a large sum of money. Who does that? Illegal drug traffickers, human traffickers and people that rob money in their job to the government ... It is known that the laws of this country do not have laws to kill people, still this country do kill people and many times innocent ones. Not to kill criminals, it cost to the criminal to pay a lot of money to these quasi authorities. And that is why many drug carter find a refuge in the Dominican territory. The money collected via these quasi authorities inside this legal departments is shared among all governmental legal authorities …ending in that many politicians including presidents, retire very rich once they are removed off their position .... Not all governmental institutions follow the law to the letter, they create loopholes to benefit out of it. Contraband is hard to eliminate, illegal entry to the country can not be control, assault to small business is rampant, people that never see a judge to discuss any abuses they commit, foreign businesses that get establish in this country exist, they are illegally established to extract gold or any mineral and not report to the government of their economic gains or capitals and if accepted by the Dominican congress, the functions of this businesses is not clarify and they have no obligations to follow any rule to do business in the country and the likes. Drug carters establish obscure business in these countries to laundry money gained in other countries even in the Dominican land ... La traduccion sera colocada luego de yo observar como se desenvuelven las cosas en my pais.

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