Freedom, a need of humans, all. Darwin, predicted this in his theory. -an AXIOM in Survival of the Fittest- US, in fighting terrorist dreams comfused with reality, are surviving to their destruction to America and multi religious nations... "Their garments of pitch, and fire shall enwrap their faces-" "This is a message for mankind that they may thereby be warned" from the Koran, Verse 14 no. 50... Iran behold on this, and their 72 virgens... they dear for the Atomic Bomb!
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Noticias de último minuto!! Mira que acaba de decir R,D de Kenia con Haití
La República Dominicana tiene un problema: "Cultura de la Pobreza" es no interesarse en llenar documentos de ninguna forma ni mantenerse informado del acontecimiento en su entorno sino, vivir a la interpretación que dan unos pocos y les engañan o les estafan dinero.
Yo le llamo: “Cultura de la Pobreza”.
La pobreza mayormente esta fuertemente dominada por la ignorancia. Las personas ignorantes son así pues por muchas razones del tipo de formación que recibieron ya sea de sus padres y familias y su vecindario, el público cercano. Por segundo tenemos a sus políticos y o autoridades.
Por terceros debido a sus tutores en la enseñanza y por último debido a la competencia desorganizada de sus integrantes en la sociedad.
Primer caso: los padres de esos hijos son, mayormente, grandes consumidores de alcohol, sus hijos los de hoy en día, consumidores de drogas ilícitas. Su pobreza se debe que nuestra sociedad no esta organizada. Veamos.
No existen en el país organismo alguno el cual tenga un listado de personas dispuesta a tomar un trabajo como empleado con una garantía de pago ya establecido por ley, de que valor de dinero va a recibir por un trabajo dado, es decir, hecho o elaborado: “contrato de trabajo”.
No existen en el país organismo que estipule que condición se usara para un trabajo contratado, es decir, cobertura de salud en caso de accidente.
No existe en el país, departamento alguno que contenga esos datos ya mencionados por leyes y como se enforzaran como tales.
Ej.: trabajar en una finca sembrando, cuidando y cosechando un producto agrícola: no se le dan herramientas para hacer ese trabajo; cuando las herramientas las provee el empleado, el empleador no cubre su uso y desuso de ella, es el empleado quien tiene que invertir en ella, pero su pago no incluye cubrir esa herramienta. Los empleadores no les exigen a sus empleados dejar esas herramientas guardadas en el lugar de trabajo para que el empleado no ande con ellas por las calles cuando se inserta por la ciudad para hacer una encomienda ya se personal o bajo dirección de otros; se lleva el machete, colin, puñal o arma el cual usa para su trabajo. Se puede ver como los empleados llevan esas herramientas luciéndolas como armas que muchas veces terminan hiriendo a asesinando a otros. Entonces emprenden la fuja a destinos no sabidos.
Los empleados no portan un permiso que les identifican en donde y con quien trabajan y no tienen otros datos por los cuales se les pueden buscar, a saber: estatura, color de ojos y piel y pelo y huellas digitales al igual que sus nombres y apellidos y/o referencias personales. El empleado carece de todos estos datos, cuando es el empleador quien tiene que buscar la manera de que el empleado las produzcan. El gobierno no se encarga de crear esos documentos para que el empleador lo tome de sus empleados y los depositen el gobierno local para tener datos de las personas listas y/o trabajando en la comunidad. Estos datos no, si se obtuviesen, deberían ser firmados por el empleador y su empleado en momento de iniciar un trabajo ya sea en la construcción, agropecuario o de cualquier tipo a ser desarrollado en la región.
Todo es de importancia pues si la persona regresa a la comunidad, este puede ser elegido por otro empleador para ser contratado y hacer el trabajo en necesidad. Si el empleado se dirige a un lugar lejano, estos datos están una base de datos en posesión de las autoridades de lugar los cuales estarían a disposición de otros empleadores para emplear en sus fincas y/o factorías o instituciones a sus nuevos empleados y poder pagarles el dinero establecido por las leyes y que el empleado no sea abusado. También que el empleado tenga un permiso de trabajo si este no es residente del país y pueda usar este documento para poder aplicar por residencia si el o ella lo crea necesario sin que otros le falsifiquen un documento irreal para que este aplique por residencia o por estadía temporal en el país, así legalizar su existencia.
Lo arriba y mas se puede hacer y guardarse en forma electrónica en el gobierno del país para que este disponible a empleadores y empleados que ellos mismos puedan adquirir a través del internet sin tener que ir a lugar alguno para adquirir, so pena de castigo a quien adquiera estos datos sin permiso del empleado en cuestión. El empleado puede autorizar a quien el o ella quiera para que le ayude a conseguir esos documentos y no puede ser la persona que ellos quieran, un amigo, hijo, o pareja. Estos documentos se le emiten únicamente a la persona que en ella se menciona y estos documentos llevarán un número que estarán designado con el momento y lugar en el cual el empleado los pidió más la autorización que fueron producido para el empleado en vida. De otras maneras necesitaría una orden judicial.
Esto es un ejemplo de cómo se podrá organizar la sociedad en su total con respecto a la busca de empleo y la oferta de empleo y así lograr controlar que se controle una invasión de ciudadanos de otros lugares que necesitan ser anotados en algún lugar pues carecen de documentos procesados en sus países y no tienen visas de tipo alguno.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
#LoÚltimo🔴 El Presidente amenaza con remenear la mata en el gobierno / L...
Aquí voy de largo. siento frustrado. He querido regresar a la Republica Dominicana, buscar la manera de iniciar una construcción en el solar que tengo en Santiago de los Caballeros. Pero tengo problemas: 1ro hacerlo no quiero emplear personas en la obra que no sean of residentes legales o ciudadanos del país …2ndo problema deseo terminar viviendo en un lugar en el cual el consumo de estupefacientes sea de uso común en los alrededores de mi futura vivienda. Como verán, he pensado salir huyendo de la ciudad en que vivo aquí, en el extranjero por la misma razón que menciono más arriba y para que sepan esta ciudad que tanto amo y que tiene tantas oportunidades esta invadida por demasiadas personas viciosas con el uso de drogas como la marijuana que también las ligan con otras cosas para hacerlas más energéticas, más deseadas que así aumentan su venta por toda la ciudad. La policía hace caso omiso; se oyen de muchos accidentes por todos los lados, de barcos que navegan por ríos y se estrellan con las bases de puentes que les caen arriba,
y sepultan el barco que transportan cientos de vagones con cargas foráneas de toda clase inclusive llenas de carros. He visto de personas que empujan a otros a los carriles de trenes para que los arroyen. He presenciado personas que han intentado arrebatarles las carteras a mujeres y que por desgracias de la vida, precisamente en la parada de un tren, están tres policías que inmediatamente al notar tal cosa, proceden a arrestar la persona quien de inmediato tira la cartera robada hacia el suelo del tren he intenta correr, los policías lo arrestan, el público de inmediato comienza a agruparse, inclusive yo, el asaltante comienza a gritarle a la víctima, en el idioma inglés: no te preocupe, yo sé en donde tu vive y te buscare para matarte "hija de la gran... ta". La víctima, yo la noto asustada y sorprendida que parece ella no sabe de qué ese fulano habla mientras los policías luchan con el extraño para colocarle las esposas; en el caso mio, el me miro y me dijo: a ti también hijo de la gran...ta. Yo trataba de tomar un video, pero una de los expectantes como yo, inteligentemente me bloqueaba la vista (¿luego, horas después note que esa persona estaba evitando de que yo firmara lo que estaba sucediendo ...estaba ella en complot con el ladrón? Quizás, quizás, quizás, como dice la canción de Charles Aznavour. Hoy salgo a la calle a organizar mi vehículo para salir a buscar una amiga al aeropuerto, mañana por la mañana. Horas después cuando regreso al edificio en donde vivo, veo a un joven como de unos diez y seis años, preparando un antojito y mezclándolo con marijuana y otras cosas, le digo: salga de este edificio, aquí no se permite fumar esas cosas, el me confronta y responde, yo vivo aquí, y le respondo: no importa, salga, pero no fume eso aquí. Me apresuro para llamar a la policía, pero tengo que regresar a la calle. Veo al tipo subiendo dentro del edificio y noto que entra a un apartamento de una señora que acostumbra, igual que otros vecinos, rentar cuartos a extraños, precisamente a personas indocumentados. Noto que en otro piso está subiendo una joven con su esposo y una criatura como de unos días recién nacida. Yo, como de gracias les digo: ¡oh, que linda es la criatura! ¿cuántos días de nacida? Me responden, un mes. La criatura no parece de un mes sino de un par de días.
No estoy contra los inmigrantes, yo soy un inmigrante, pero, de la entrada ilegal si lo estoy, esta ciudad esta inundada de ellos, llevan nombres falsos y aunque la gran mayoría son personas decentes, existen algunas que son muy agresivos. He ayudado algunos con aporte de dinero. Y otros muy pocos, son estafadores y embusteros. No se pude dar una querella de ellos pues se van, y uno se queda en el "aire" pues no puede acusar a nadie pues no está presente. Ya tuve un problema con uno que me agredió con gas lacrimógeno, fui a poner una querella al cuartel de policía cercana, y no logre nada sino perder mi tiempo, ahora iré a ver un abogado a ver si así puedo poner la querella no por mí mismo sino a través de un experto. Me siento humillado. así es esta ciudad, como chivos sin ley. Pero que no se atreva un ciudadano hacer lo que arriba menciono, las autoridades lo arrestan y lo meten en la cueva unos días, se gasta un dinerito que uno no puede costear, al poner un rompe pleito, uno se jode.
Me siento frustrado y deseo regresar a la Republica Dominicana, pero allá esta pior, por no decir peor.
Ahora me pregunto: ¿por qué los políticos se oponen que en la Republica Dominicana las leyes se cumplan y que se hagan leyes nuevas que arrope estos problemas para que el dominicano ausente regresa a su país e inviertan en la economía local?
¿Tiene uno que ser ciudadano chino para vender carros que no sirven y ser feliz allá? Pero si es dominicano, que se joda, ¿pues muchos políticos del país se benefician con millones de dolaritos de la infelicidad del pueblo? Que filosofía de conciencias tienen esos mentirosos ricachos del país. Me gustaría, si Dios lo permite, verme un día a solas con uno de esos y partirle la cara de un Pezcoson como se lo merecen por tantas vidas que ellos an provocado sus desgracias y muchos que están muertos o en cárceles por culpa de ellos. ¿Quién le pone el cascabel en el cuello a esos chivos sin ley?
¿Yo? no, no, nooo, ni loco que estuviera pues me matan como si yo fuera pura "miel ...da". Y así se queda.
Sunday, May 19, 2024
The Dominican Republic is showing to all of Latin America, that freedom is democracy, and that political cruelty is thing of the past. Now, it has converted into a "Win-Win Nation": everything for everybody and everybody for everything, Democracy is the best format to govern, and the people had spoken via its votes. We the people.
Nuclear War Expert: 72 Minutes To Wipe Out 60% Of Humans, In The Hands O...
...War World 3, few years around the corner.
The USA has to design a new strategic to avoid the final nuclear war that will start as a conventional one and will escalate to a nuclear one if nuclear nations are not tolerant and don't stop violating foreign frontiers and or claiming that they are part of themself while those countries do not feel like that. If they continue passed centuries act of invading neighbouring or adjacent territories as was the practice. The time of doing that has changed, it had been an acceptable and practiced barbarism before; then, new nations were formed, new frontiers were created; such a way to grow is not acceptable as of the 21st. Century. Tech is the new peaceful way experienced now, nations are benefiting a lot of that, yet some abuses still exist but it has been corrected as many nations evolve to a better society as others follow their mode of political mind in this "GEOPOLITICAL" world relation, a new format of world social-commercial acts by which businesses is exchanged in a "win-win interchangeable state of been".
Saturday, May 18, 2024
...o es que este señor, presidente de Ecuador, no sabe leer o no tiene asesores políticos en su gabinete. No, creo que estoy ofendiendo a personas, lo que quiero decir es que una cebra es más inteligente que él, nooo, lo que quiero decir es que un burro es más inteligente que él. Me estoy confundiendo pues no encuentro como decirlo. Mejor les pido al pueblo del Ecuador, que por cierto es un país hermoso en el cual su mayoría son gente inteligente y educada: ¿cómo ustedes eligieron a esta pata de burro como su líder? Ustedes tienen una gran cantidad de políticos buenos; que hace este animal en el gobierno. Mi consejo: como él no sirve para gobernar, usen todos los medios para quitarlo del medio y que se balla a su casa a pensar por qué lo removieron del poder que él no se merece y por qué los ecuatorianos hicieron nuevas elecciones y, y que a la persona que estaba asilada en la embajada de Méjico, que se la manden a Méjico pidiéndoles disculpas por la metida de pata de quien era presidente del Ecuador ...caso concluido. Y a trabajar por un mejor país que ustedes se merecen. ¡Viva Ecuador!! ¡Que viva América Latina! No le caigan a cocotazo pues eso duele y así no se enseña ni a los niños.
This below is a fact that the believe the Egyptians had of seen the Sun as a god, is the same believe the muslin and or Islamic people have.
…the above means that light covers Allah “face”, and if Allah removes that light (the veil), all what will be shown is an intense fire …it is radiation as for the one of the Sun, that radiation will burn whatever it reaches. This means that Allah is the Sun, which are stars we see in the firmament. And stars are made of Hydrogen, so, Allah is an element we already know: Hydrogen and Hydrogen is not a being but a State of Matter. The primary element of everything. Allah is an element of.
Friday, May 17, 2024
Arizona prosecutors can't find Rudy Giuliani. Here's where he may be
In June 2021 Giuliani had his license to practice law suspended in the state of New York, pending an investigation related to his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.[67][68]
Cannot find Giuliani to surving a court notice, where is he?
Meet the Press NOW — May 17 political parties in the USA. The truth has been said here. Pay attention and goes into the black and Hispanic communities to make political propaganda and promise to them how these communities are going to be help, by investing in the infrastructure in this location, by advancing in school education and job creation. Here is where your vote is to win any presidential elections. Here politicians will get their win-win votes to get into the presidential palace of USA to command the future of the nation.
Come here, not just to colleges to make your oratory-propaganda that are very eloquent; only they understand. These communities understand: jobs, schooling, infrastructure, but oratories.
...find your win-win votes right here and be the winner for the next four (years).
Los HAITIANOS Dicen: que Sin Ellos RD No Puede Desarrollarse [Dominicano...
Guao, Haití, un país moderno y progresista. República Dominicana, un país atrasado, analfabeto y bruto. ¿No?
Wow, Haiti a modern progresive country. Dominican Republic, a retrograded, analphabet and brute other. No? hahaha!
Los HAITIANOS Dicen: que Sin Ellos RD No Puede Desarrollarse [Dominicano...
You are seen above, the modern country of Haiti, this is my impresion unless I am nuts:Guao, Haití, un país moderno y progresista. República Dominicana, un país atrasado, analfabeto y bruto. ¿No?
Wao, Haiti a modern progresive country. Dominican Republic, a retrograded, analphabet and brute other. No?
GOP Late Night Hearing BLOWS UP in their FACES
...this is the soap opera of the century: "Guilty, but free to do whatever you please." Like the name of the plot? Donald Trump, you are destroying this country, but cuz you are so famous, you are free to go. Bye bi and good luck.
Monday, May 13, 2024
Veamos aquí el país de chivos sin ley, el mal llamado Republica Dominicana, yo no digo esto, lo dijo un expresidente, filosofo, escritor y político nativo de el país Chivos sin ley. En este país, no todos son chivos, solo son las autoridades que se turnan el gobierno cada cuatro años. Estos políticos no le importa que el país se hunda como un barco se vira pata bocarriba. Ellos tienen a donde irse si esto pasara. Se hunden todos esos de casi 12,000,000 (doce millones de habitantes). Solo unos cuantos se salvan: todos los gobernantes y otras autoridades de gobiernos anteriores. Los demás se quedan chupándose el dedo gordo, no de la mano, sino del pie derecho o el izquierdo. ¡Guao! que pendejos somos todos. A mí me cogieron de pendejo: fui a tomar una copia de mi cédula, me dieron un papel que, según ellos, hacia la misma función de la cedula en plástico y que, la de plástico me la darían después de las elecciones generales para elegir al nuevo presidente. Pero que no puedo votar hasta después de las elecciones en las urnas para tira mi voto. El papel en cuestión no es válido, para votar, si para todo lo demás. Según mi entendido: y así me dijeron los chivos sin ley (ellos van a usar mis datos de mi cedula para colocar un voto a favor del presidente que yo, sin dar el permiso, ni saberlo elijo como reelecto). Coño, me lo metieron en la boca (el dedo gordo de mi pie igual como están haciendo con todo el pueblo), ¡que malditos carajo! Todo esto en este país de Chivos sin ley. ¿Y con cual departamento me quejo de este abuso constitucional?
¿Como si yo fuera un niño mama… dedo?
Así son las autoridades del país de chivos sin ley.
Who wants to put the Cascabell to the Cat? To Banon and Trump?
Who wants to put the Cascabell to the Cat? To Banon and Trump?
It does not matter whatever is said here cuz none of us commentators have any followers to support any argument. If anyone here had a ton of money, well, whatever that that "ton of money commentator" says, has a lot of weight ...but, who is that one? None! So here we go, too many good people do not suspect that, and listen, pay attention, that this man called Banon, is one of the main accomplished people who advise Donald Trump, former president of the United States of America, to: give a coup d'état, in order to keep himself in power. Putin's representatives, those that visited the White House, engaged in the coup d'état advised given, but one is not related to the other yet both coincided with the same unti-constitutionalist suggestion. Banon is much safer if he does not accept anyone questioning him cuz the weight is too of a great consequence than whatever could happen if he testifies by keeping his mouth shut. Donald Trump feels he will not be called to testify cuz if done so, millions of people would go and overturn the court building or whatever location keeps this man for questioning. A second civilian revolution will erupt out of this situation. Hundreds of people would revolt against that, would burn cars, kill innocent civilians and Texans, simple civilians of those that want Texas to be an independent country in the USA, would take arms to start a revolution. Judges are scared, law enforcement are scared, and wall street, its investors, mostly extreme capitalists, are scared. Too many absolute idiots love that man of Trump. Yet, if compared to the rest of American citizens, they are in the minority group, about 30-35 % of voters. ...the most that could be done, as a form of justice imparted, is forbidding Trump to participate in politics and sentencing Banon to a court, to discuss the situation offering him a few years sentence (from 10 to 20) for pushing to overthrow the government of USA instead of life prison. Judges, other politicians, other authorities fear a "second" revolution and the international consequences to come if so, unless the FBI, NSA inclusive the CIA start a hunt of those people involved in that coup d'état on January the 6th. of the year 2021, of the 21st. century in the USA. Remember, history repeats, in the future, other USA president will give a try, unless the example of punishment is set now or never.
Once upon a time a big cat moved in, in a small village mouse-land.
Mouses and other small animals lived in peace.
Mountains were splendor locations to go and hunt for food.
Beaches were safe, lakes were professionally cleaned and preserved.
Schools were fully administering new students from all around the nation, lot of new teachers were needed.
Mouse were getting married amongst diverse types of other mouses.
The food was abundant.
The law was kept and obey as a blessing sent from God down to earth.
Oh, how beautiful was Mouse Ville!
Until one day.
…a cat moved in together with those mouses from Mossville, observed and told them most:
You, beautiful mouses, thinks are happy, but I would make you happier as living in haven... new elections are around the corner, always been electing a mouse as your leader. Why not elect a Cat instead? handsome, strong, wealthy and have the strength to protect all of you from vicious of them some cats that would like to devore all of you, to make themselves fat, fatter.
I am handsome, rich, healthy, strong, and noble. Why not elect me as your leader? Who else could protect all of you from vicious cats around the corner, interested in eating you all? ...have no need of that cuz I am on a diet, I eat no mouse, and am healthy the way I am.
…if you all vote for me, I will be a guarantee for you to be respected by all other cats, I will make Mossville Great Again!
Many mouses listen to him, a substantial majority voted for him, he won the elections, turned into Mossville leader ...secretly, started changing the way Mossville used to be ruled, in such a way, he, the new leader, could eat whichever mouse he pleased, at will.
Former Mossville leaders started noticing that and opposed fiercely against.
Donald the Cat gave eloquence arguments to kill, if needed, when needed, those former leaders. Even invited to Mossville, those Cats around the corner that wanted to eat many mouses from Mossville.
Firely (full of rage), Donald the Cat directed each and every time Mossville’s mouse against them. Radios, television news casters, and newspapers, published a lot of abuses that Donald the Cat was eating mouses, stealing a lot of money out of his offices, appointing Cats in his government leadership, and removing any mouse out of their position of leaders on behalf of many mouses.
…still there were mouses, called, “absolute idiots” ...they belief vehemently in Donald the Cat.
Next election, as always, came by …Donald the Cat lost it; he intended to give a Coup d’ eta, to his own government before the next leader were put in place. Even intended to kill his vice-leader and a mouse from the opposition, its voice-woman, a leader too. In his coup d'état, Donald the Cat convinced around (or more) eight hundred mouses that went to the palace of the government, broke furnishers, windows, doors, killed a police mouse and carried with them a 13-century device to hang them (a gula). They were, mostly, from Texas Mossville.
…after the new mouse leader were put in power, in Mossville, authorities wanted to legally, punish Donald the Cat, but they are afraid, scared cuz he has many followers capable to create a national civilian revolution, for they are ‘absolute idiots’ mouse, capable to cause a revolution in Mossville.
Authorities in Mossville are looking who would put a Cascabel to Donald the Cat, so that wherever he moves around, the cascabel rings and all mouses in Mossville get aware that an evil Cat is coming by, and do not let him in ...his former adviser, Bannon, a mouse, is defiant to Mossville authorities.
Note: the above was written years ago, but not published, so done now. the story was a prediction of this future.
Psychologist Warns That Trump's Courtroom Naps Could Be A Sign Of Dementia
...speaking from the sociological point of view, I disagree with the statement that the former president has psychic problems; this man must go every day to court and in each one day he must analyze his situation with his lawyers. The time demanded by his defenders (lawyers), is a lot for a man that solve his problems by given orders to his assistance that needed not to be put in orders, just tell a lie, and it was written and shown as fact as when applying for a loan of millions of dollars and things like that. As of now, he cannot lie cuz the court has so much proof of criminal acts to show against the former president that, he must be careful of what his lawyers and him discuss as arguments. Lawyers need facts to take to court and win a case, and there are none. Aside, it is not just for one sole case but, for multiple and various criminal violation of circumstances plus his age. He is tired and Lossing a lot of money per cases per weeks, lawyers, in his cases, are extremely expensive. I fell pity for this man. But no one is above the law in the USA ...@JaneaDahl...12 days ago
I don't understand why people are still supporting Nap-oleon Bonafart...@FranklinWilson-ev9dq
12 days ago...HE'S BEEN DEMENTED: FOR QUITE SOME TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...@angieprice7206
8 days ago...If the naps aren’t a clue, his speeches should be.
Sunday, May 12, 2024
...Latin America turning communist and/or socialist. Why?
...Latin America turning communist and/or socialist. Why? After observing all of my life Latin America slow changing of political state from first: Colonialism to semi-democracies into Communism or Socialist states (a handful of them), and then into solid Democracies y noticed where the problem is, this is this: industrialisation had left small economic Nation States alone on which Nation States had been used as plantations, of which territories are use as cows to milk at the will of the powerful; but hangry people, left alone, had no choice to immigrate to other parts of the world, mostly the "countries, 'los paises" as they are call USA (federated states, 50 of them) on which paises Latinos or Hispanic countries had no choice in order not to live in miseries, many of their country folks are forced to emigrate abroad; once abroad their women are turned into hookers of whore, converted into prostitution by highly immoral pimps that make advertising in those countries of origin of those women. The result: USA get decent cheap labor to work in their industrialized big economy, Europe too and in respect to Europe: the Europeans get many beautiful women to sexually enjoy and treating them as "slaves-like" humans. Those people in their desperation has no choice, it is survival of the fittest the Darwinism theory of the fittest. This been maintained since colonialism via the pass to dictatorship and Democracy in all of South, Central and North America except the Northwest USA and Canada who are the benefited of this flesh eating of the Latinos, of all of them. Russians had been exploited by Europe but, all Russian's governments had gotten advantages of their own citizens using them to spy abroad by training them as actors such as "modeling, translators and Russians civilians that travel abroad to offer their education and training to serve industries mostly in England, Spain, France and the rest of federated nations, the European Union". Cuz Europe and the European Russia are next one to the other, Russians travel to the European Union States and cuz Latin America and the Northerners of America are next one to the, Latinos travel to United States of America the so-call "los paises" the case of USA, they enjoy cheap labor and beautiful women to exploit at their will, happened then that when USA started to import cheap manufacturing of things from China, the Northerners started getting heugh increase in their income with no need to manufacture too many things in its own soil a result, Latinos started to upgrade themselves into a higher social level in the Northerners population as did too many Europeans, the latest comers and mostly the Africans descendants. The social pyramid of the self-called "Americans" was turned side way making a graph of bars then interpreted by socialists as bars increasing into the economic power of the Nation States of "Americans" and applied to all countries around the world but, it is just the social pyramid turned to its side. ...after all that blah, blah, blah explained above, the conclusion is that USA has a flood of immigrants that goes in contrary to the need of humanpower in use in this nation ...and USA had been in the need to expelled them but using miserable means by mistreating them, mostly their kids and females of who's had been known had been raped by law enforcement themselves and sometimes killed. ...cuz Latin America had no choice where to turn, some agiotism had grown in their Nation States of which the archenemies of Europe and USA had taken notice and for decades been infecting Democracy on all the neighbour of USA, the richest economy of the world! ...and they are seceding in their entrepreneur. Extremely poor uneducated and people of the lowest class of Latin America are taking power in their own countries. Cuz they are ill-trained in socio-economy direction of anything, they are misdirecting a whole society composed of million and millions of people; that in turn had transform in people going hungry most of the day and turning into criminals going praying on their owns for survival of the fittest worse than will animals: going into illegal drug selling, killing for money, escalating into political power to benefit their own families and friends. Destroying their culture, their societies and turning into either Socialist or Communists Nation States as Bolivia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Cuba and last as of now VENEZUELA, one of the richest nation in America second to USA but as of now, one of the poorest in Latin America second to Haiti and Cuba. The rich-ness of Venezuela still is in its ground. Russia just came to exploit, its last exploiter after USA. Why all the above? ...cuz the richest nation of the world is been characterized by Extreme Capitalism that is getting all its workforce from a Nation States that is an archenemy of USA itself: China. Russia found a perfect companion to be used to revenge the fall of the USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, now defunct known as Russian Federation after USA forced its disintegration, which under its Dictator-democratic-like government is control by a man non as Vladimir Putin, former agent of one of the most cruel institution of all of Russia. ...Latin America find no refuge to go for food, so it’s go after its former enslaver: USA but, USA is going into a chaos of government and doesn't want Latinos here in its soil cuz some government knows nothing of social movement and how an economy is run: former exploiters descendants cannot exploit as their grandfather used cuz tech had conquered the world, be a tech creator and conquer, not the land, any Nation State economy. Yet the solution is to build a wall, that solution needs the agreement of all its politicians, not of one alone follow by the band. US most control its borders, yes with a wall but not a wall as did China centuries ago; a wall with bridges, a two way highway into and outo USA and the rest of Latin America, to build outo Latin America, USA most invest in Latin America to make their economy grow so they, the Hispanic, could support their families and not having the need to travel and die in this nation aside supporting the needs of both: food and money. ...but that is not the case, US is supporting the ones that will succumb USA: China, and it is been demonstrated in every day happening in the China Sea. Russia is smiling if not laughing at USA, the most powerful nation of the world, until it sees US down the drain toward its end with Latin America turning Communist and/or Socialist. Venezuela, after Cuba is next. succeeded where Fidel Castro did not. Why? ...cuz Latin America is hungry for food and tech. Former exploiter turned their eyes to China and are losing in their interest, on the contrary, US been the exploited ones.
…this is the real thing: Latin America turning Communist.
Note: this research was done few years ago, The USA government was warn of the above writen but, politicians ignore the said. SO, USA is paying cuz of its ignorance any advice given; politicians pay attentions to their own politicians, not to the "We the people".
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