Investment National Security has in order to protect Democracy.
By visiting this virtual location, you will see the great effort, national security does in creating powerful and futuristic hardware in order to protect Democracy. Just watch.
National Security.
(Updated on September, Tuesday the 12th. @ 8:34 pm.).
Do you think
cuz a person who were not a super-rich one, after doing with great efforts,
extraordinary work, learning in just one field and investing in the USA economy
and using the way US expose Democracy to its people to do whatever they wish, want,
and pretend with the five forces of Democracy (Free Enterprise, Capitalism,
Socialism, Communism and Dictatorship), then turns against US National Security
investment in Democracy abroad to other countries that ask for help for them to
enjoy the same Democracy enjoyed here …but it is a case of National Security
for Americans, US.
The United States
of North America, based on its Magna Carta (its Constitution), had been going through
multiple dilemma, and had solved many of them such as slavery, presidents that
had turned against its own Presidential Constitution with the wired intention
to destroy this nation and favor other nations such as Russia itself or create
a nuclear conflict with other sovereign nations (been a state that governs utilizing slavery
and mostly, ironclad abuses, killing and exploitation, blah, blah, blah of
things like that) Still dealing with fanatic religion foreign
sovereign governments that intend to kill or erase other foreign sovereign
states as is from the Iranian government to other sovereign state as such, Israel.
It is as if US were the police of the world, as some had claimed of US, which
we are not but, they say that to make mock of USA; they, those that do in a way
or the other, need or wish or either want to be noticed via the internet worldwide,
say so.
Above, just
mention a few of the dilemma’s USA been through withing its historical
existence and that is because some countries wish and fight to be like US
is …we just extend a hand to others, they like it, and democratically, becomes
part of a Universal Democracy supported by the Human Right that was declare by another
foreign nation, the Sovereign National State of France. US made their
declaration ours, too.
Whatever is
good for Democracy, is good for USA. That strategy is becoming a Universal Strategy
of Democracy such as “We the People…”, part of a foreign strategy that which is: “ONE
cuz foreign forces of the evil type is around the corner, intending to destroy
that of "One for all and all for one". This, Democracy, does not allow them to
enrich just a small group of a social region and enslave the rest.
So, in plain words: Elon Musk.
(Google, the popular American search
engine, was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin 1. The company went public in 2004 and
since then has grown to be the world’s most visited website, with 89 billion
visits in April 2022 1.
The company changed its name to Alphabet
Inc. in 2015 and now functions as a technology conglomerate owning
Google and its subsidiaries 1. Alphabet is
structured into two parts: Google, and Other Bets, which focuses on the
company’s other business ventures. Some of these companies include
FitBit, Waze and YouTube 1.
As of June 2022, Sundar
Pichai is CEO of Google Inc. while Page and Brin are still on
Alphabet’s board)
The so-called America, referring
to the English speaking of North America, by way of its Magna Carta (constitution),
had progressed in such an enormous way, that had created many territories
around the world, turning into its archie enemies, instead of them working for
themselves to be as great as the West is. That cannot be achieved if Human
Right (originated in France) is not applied. Ending in, a Democracy as its
roots. "The Force", the root of the Right of Human to exist not as slaves to a man or
a system of so ill-called “laws’, that are illegal and abusive laws at large”
Now our topic: Elon Must. This is one of the men that had benefited of the Western Democracy, from a simple poor man, to one of the super-rich in all the planet.
Pay attention:
Ukraine, that nation, is
at war protecting its lands, citizens, and infrastructure, from been erased off the map by the attack made by the dictator of Russia against them, killing them
as a man hunting wild animals in the jungle.
The Ukrainian government
asked for help to any country around the corners of this planet (plannet Earth). Western
nations responded including the USA. They all feed the Ukrainian government
with modern devices including ammunitions, war hardware, and software to be used. Of
course, this mean that from the USA, US had to dump its service from the Pentagon,
onto all the Ukrainians, via its legitimate established government, therefore,
many secret devices had to be activated just for that.
Elon Musk extended his hands,
to help the Ukrainian government by putting at their disposition his so called “star
link”, a world network he designed and therefore owns.
This man made that to
help poor nations and nations at which the internet cannot be easily serviced by
traditional networks. That helped the country
of Ukraine to confront the invasion directed by the Russian's dictator to erase
the Ukrainians off the planet, the same as the historical Hittler tried to do (with the Russians too) but failed.
The only way, a strategic position designed by the Ukrainians, is to confront the dictator of Russia, by giving him his own medicines: “you are destroying our infrastructure, assassinating or killing our girls, young men, elderly and raping them when a war opportunity arises and therefore, violating any war convention of not killing civilians and raping people and destroying hospitals, destroying its population at large and things like that, including violating human rights and looting. Now, with the help of Star link, Ukrainians are going to attack directly on Russians war infrastructure but, respecting the Genova agreement as established. The Ukrainian army started attacking the locations that strengthen the Russian’s military. What did Elon Musk start to do: Elon Musk blocked via software geofencing of Star link, those locations of the Ukrainians military, where the war devices using Star link signals, are located to instruct attacks, by controlling the wireless signals which the Ukrainians militaries use to guide those missiles toward Vladimir Putin's locations to attack the Ukrainians and destroy them.
Benefiting Putin's power to kill more enemies (Ukrainians).
Of course, most devices
used by the Ukrainians military are expenses exported by the Pentagon in USA, a
department that is part of the National Security of USA itself. The USA is spending
billions of dollars cuz of that, just to save the people of that country (Ukrainians) from been massacred
by the illegal war directed by Putin’s dictator of the Russian’s people. Illegal
cuz he is not attacking just Ukrainian’s militaries but all Ukrainian civilians,
be them young girls (raping them and blowing them in pieces), young boys been kidnapped
and sent to the Russians to be re-educated to become Russians citizens or else.
In its desperation, Ukrainians
had to use any legal war means to defend themselves from been exterminated or submitted into slavery, and their ethnicity get eliminated, disappearing as did the Neanderthals from the face of the planet.
Who is Vladimir Putin?
He is a man that feel resented cuz Russian’s citizens, in passed wars, died, about
20-40 million, listen, millions of Russians die in "World War One and Two", killed
with bullets, bombs and by hunger, in the second war, by Hittler, at which war, the Ukrainian
people fought protecting the Russian people and thousands and thousands of them died too.
Elon Must, take the sole decision, too, to protect the Russians from been attacked by the Ukrainian people after he provided his empire of business to help this people from been exterminated.
The Pentagon did not intervene against Elon Must decisions when he started helping the Ukrainians, cuz it was good for the Ukrainians for their defense and for national security for his country, this is, for Elon Musk and the whole of Western nations.
Now, Elon Musk reversed his acts and goes against the Pentagon, protecting Vladimir Putin, president dictator of the Russian people, whose person wants to destroy the Pentagon too, and finish one and for all, with the system of the United States of America …therefore, destroying its Constitution. The system that gave birth to Elon Musk richness. A civilian, overpowering and contradicting the Pentagon, the backbone of protection of his existence, mine and yours as Americans. He is American too, Elon Musk.
…this man, against the interest of the USA, why? Cuz, he has too much money ...this man, takes such an action without been trained in war, or consulting his government, at all. Not caring of whatever USA gov does, whether this gov likes it or not. “My finding is of much value than the finding of any work done by the US government' (which has invested billions of dollars to protect other countries) my truth, is the truth,”
...that is the message this man, like a maniac, even though he is not, sent to the USA.
Could this be said he means: “I am Democracy?”, or am in favor of Putin the Russian’s dictator? Of course not, sorry for that thinking. that is the interpretation he sends to many people. Why? Wrong? Please, explain if so.
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