Monday, December 26, 2022

The birth of a Nation State.

 The Most Turbulent Time on The Existence of a Nation State. 
The United States of North America. 
After the War. 
Most nations give birth to themselves via a bloody revolution. Others via 
agreements with their procreators if a foreign power and others via a peaceful 
transformation of their inhabitants. Some others via invading territories. 
...all of them are called "colonizers". 
The Nation States of The United States of North America, is a large region that first 
were constructed by poor people who left, mostly, the continental Europe now 
known as the European Union and composed of many different countries, speaking 
different languages. 
...mostly, the English language was the spoken one that became generalized within 
those new colonizer. 
The land been colonized were land already colonized by Other inhabitants by 
hundreds of years ago that had many different names due to their origins whose 
colonizers called them Indians. 
They were the indigenous people of what is today known as United States of North 
America ...and called too: Native Americans as today sometimes are referred too. 
Here, there is stereotype attribution to those natural inhabitant in what is today a 
grand portion of the Northern section of the Continent of America, which did not 
have a consecrated name cuz Indian inhabitants never saw the land as a vast region, 
but as local designated region which they use as nations, Indian nations controlled 
by their inherited position Of chiefs or acquired position Of chief via war caused by 
fighting with the next neighbour nation either defending their territory or 
conquering others territory which were not a common cause but fighting for 
The Universal Encyclopedia: Wikipedia list the below: 
Indigenous genetic studies suggest that the first inhabitants of the Americas share 
a single ancestral population, one that developed in isolation, conjectured to be 
Beringia.1ÆLA!1 The isolation of these peoples in Beringia might have lasted 10—20,000
To read the above, you must pause the view, while you read by yourself. This is a work saved from many years ago, so it is a word-picture doc, not just a to read document.

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