Story by Tom Boggioni
"As Strom sees it, the former president -- whom he believes has previously flirted with destroying his political career -- finally committed "political suicide" and will never recover.
Writing, "It’s like a social science experiment with 350 million participants. Researchers are asking: just how batsh!t crazy does a person have to be to lose 95% of their fans? For some reason, Trump has decided to participate as the experimental subject," Strom added, "There are several obvious things about Trump’s statement that are simply politically stupid. Like, really really stupid. Assuming there were no legal or ethical barriers to either calling a new election or suspending the Constitution (stay with me here, I know that is insane!), it is still politically stupid."
The columnist noted that the country faces a myriad of problems and that the former president seems oblivious about anything that doesn't involve him, and talking about throwing out the Constitution is beyond the pale."
Did not know what "Batshit" meant, now I know:
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rude slang Unreasonably or uncontrollably wild, irrational, or insane. At first I liked his manic energy, but after a few dates I've come to realize that he's just completely batshit!
batshit crazy
rude slang Unreasonably or uncontrollably wild, irrational, or insane. At first I liked his manic energy, but after a few dates I've come realize that he's just batshit crazy!
go batshit
1. rude slang To become uncontrollably or unreasonably irrational; to act in a wildly irrational manner. The drivers in this country seem to go completely batshit if there's even a little bit of snow on the ground. If they get too much sugar, the kids start going batshit and start running around the house screaming.
2. rude slang To become wildly or uncontrollably angry. My parents went totally batshit when they found out I'd wrecked the car! Now, don't go batshit or anything, but I've decided to move to Canada.
3. rude slang To become extremely excited or enthusiastic (about something). I've never understood that pop star's popularity, but kids just go batshit over her music.
go batshit crazy
1. rude slang To become uncontrollably or intensely irrational; to act in a wildly irrational manner. The drivers in this country seem to go completely batshit crazy if there's even a little bit of snow on the ground. If they get too much sugar, the kids start going batshit crazy and start running around the house screaming.
2. rude slang To become wildly or uncontrollably angry. My parents went totally batshit crazy when they found out I'd wrecked the car! Now, don't go batshit crazy or anything, but I've decided to move to Canada.
3. rude slang To become extremely excited or enthusiastic (about something). I've never understood that pop star's popularity, but kids just go batshit crazy for her music.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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