Monday, May 10, 2021, working to remove the sheet covering the truth of just two great people mistreated by their leaders.

...After long observation, investigation and blah, blah, blah of things, it is due to publish things on China and Russia. Things on first, Russia and then China, on how they are planning to attack firstly, USA and secondly Europe it it fight alongside. What's been Russia strategic plan? On making or trying to build a slope for US to go down to it and use the same slop to catch as many Nation States as possible near it, Russia, to rebuilding back the defund Soviet Union. How and in which manner? Simultaneously, China's going to takeover, and recuperate their dreamed Formosa Island, now Taiwan. Understanding that Taiwan does not belong to China ...on the contrary: China belongs to Taiwan, is a land stolen to Taiwan, stolen to a legitimate Nation State that had to find refuge in one of its Island: Formosa, of which after it changed its name to Taiwan ...had proven that Democracy is the true state of people to live in Freedom. Am compiling the story clearly explained to me by someone that been going through a lot of problems as investigation is been done of these too Nation States: Russia, a nation with hundreds of millions of people, and a lot of high educated ones that had suffered the historical abuses made by some of their leaders and dreamers of an empty dream impossible in been done cuz is not based on reality but just dreams, so its people been suffering and still suffering by a leader who had full control of them via flat lies controling television channels and radio waves and now via the internet. And the other, a self-made leader, via terror, lies, incarceration and control of each and every person living in one of the greatest people who had suffer all of its history: China. Imagine, if an emperor dies, he is send into a hole with all his servants, wives and many military and dead is everyone. turned into a terror for others to obey them, via bombs, mass destruction now menacing in their secret strategy with the use of neutron bombs which first will be describe here... the way that China and Russia are planning to attack USA and NATO before 2050 making them the bosses of sea and land: this plannet. all to know: they are planning to use "Neutron Bombs" with US and Europe and Australia and anyone else. will explain later how. The world to know, and don't get surprised, you will know. Working on coping their plan, time, and places. Be it know that one of the plans is to force the "enemy", free Democratic nations, to make a front; there will be two (fronts), them and others. Their guns will be loaded with neutron bombs, they will kill those enemy by bombarding them with those bombs ...the enemies, all of US and Europe, would get a surprise cuz US all carries conventional guns! Surprise? Wait, more to come. Oh! will tell how neutron bombs are much more effective than know Nuclear bombs; the radio of destruction is of a shorter diameter (1/2 a mile or possible one mile) and the kinetic force of energy just about five to ten miles, the rest of the land stay intact, good to use again. A nuclear known bomb like the hydrogen one, takes from 20 to 50- or 100-miles radio in which things evaporate, its powerful wins reach hundreds of miles, its radiation last around a thousand years; no, not good, it is a no body wins. Both would not dare to use such a thing but a neutral one: Yes! ...and move forward and conquer avoiding the narrow affect location. Got it? Russia has that calculus already and would use today's cannons that can eject a missile up to from 100 to a thousand miles, no airplanes yet to use if not after the bombardment to multiple points to an "enemy" well armed with conventional powerful guns but not killing as neutral bombs. The gut shot with single bullets, US and the rest got shoot with grenades. One of them dead, 1000ths of ours dead in each single shoot. So, a war known, is a war won.

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