Friday, May 07, 2021

Hotel Coppelia an offense misleading history of the Dominican Republic based on a Farce

 “Hotel Coppelia”  Written and Directed by  Jose Maria Cabral.  Produced by  Rafael Elias Munoz  …a farce of a movie, based on inventions cuz the way it is written did not happen. I know cuz am a witness of the 1965 Revolution in Santo Domingo, R. D. and the US military intervention in the island of the Hispaniola.  When a director of a movie that is supposed to project in reality how things went through, but he/she invent things that are not even close to the reality that happen on the time and place the movie refers to, it is, its production, a cheap of a category of movie based on imagination, inventions of happenings, is a movie that mislead, don’t teach any thing for people to know of any historical reality but, put people in the wrong place and time of History. A movie in many times, could become a historical document worth to teach newborn humans of the past of history, the way it happened but not the way it never happened. That is why Christopher Columbo, to him is attributed the discovery of America as if he, this man, went blind folder to discover new lands. Which he did not.  …will discuss this later cuz I will tell exactly what I witnessed as it happened, in Dominican Republic starting from 1959 to after 1965 with details of the civilian rebellion in the capital of the easter section of the Island of Santo Domingo. The rest of the Island was not affected by the rebellion, the so-called “1965 Revolution”. Dominicans who want to know what and why that happened, if watching this poor movie lacking historical data, will learn invented history that hurts the real happening and reason of the “1965 Revolution” and the heroic acts of a people that are govern by liars as this movie itself. This movie is an offense to CAMANO DENO, WHO WANTED TO COMPLY WITH THE KNOWN CONNSTITUCION, A COUNTRY STILL CHEATED BY ITS ACTUAL POLITICIANS AS OF TODAY.  Let us stop this type of historical liars, that make such movies that do not enlighten history but on the contrary, give a dirty and poor reputation to the people of this noble country: Republica Dominica.  This movie is in Hulu.  FARCE  n.  1.  A light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for humorous effect.  The branch of literature constituting such works.  The broad or spirited humor characteristic of such works.  2. A ludicrous, empty show; a mockery: The fixed election was a farce.  3. A seasoned stuffing, as for roasted turkey.  tr.v. farced, farc·ing, farc·es o To pad (a speech, for example) with jokes or witticisms. o To stuff, as for roasting.

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