Freedom, a need of humans, all. Darwin, predicted this in his theory. -an AXIOM in Survival of the Fittest- US, in fighting terrorist dreams comfused with reality, are surviving to their destruction to America and multi religious nations... "Their garments of pitch, and fire shall enwrap their faces-" "This is a message for mankind that they may thereby be warned" from the Koran, Verse 14 no. 50... Iran behold on this, and their 72 virgens... they dear for the Atomic Bomb!
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Assaulting a flight attendance should be heavily punish by federal laws and state laws of the departing airplane site.
It should include mandatory jail terms. A flight attendance is the person in duty as a temporary police officer that keep an airplane health and security in the absence of a local police officer.
The safety of a flying airplane is on the hands of a fly attendance. Other people safety depends on them, the fly attendance until the airplane lands and until passengers enters the airplane terminal where there is security already available. Even though a good Samaritan intervene, the good Samaritan was at risk to be attacked by the airplane attacker. 15,000 dollars is a drop in the backet in reference to punishing troublemakers on board of a flying airplane. It could be treated, the attacker, as if it were a lone terrorist putting on risk the safety of all passengers. The punishing should be heavy to deters others in doing any type of attack to a fly attendant.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 last, some one is talking, now what? last
Remember, the USA Federal Government has the last word cuz it used tax money, not capitalists’ private investments. The President has an upper hand on all this. His decision is final.
This mortal flu, Covid-19, is affecting all around the world, mostly the poor that are falling dead like bees been fumigated. Protecting all humans is protecting USA and the rest of all Nation States it clear, extreme capitalism has no game here. US actual president is a person of grand virtue; if as of now he pleases capitalists, he is going to get blood on his hands and sure, US will miss him on next election that's guarantee it is his. USA President is letting other Nation States know that the world is not them but all people's lands; open seas belong to the world as a whole, not just to self-proclaimed owner. US took back to lead the world on a route to peace and win even war had to be enforced to create peace. Remember World War one and Two, now there is peace yet there could be a third which US is making diplomacy and has the use to new designed super tech of its own and the power of very strong European Nation States plus other Nation States on East that will fight to the end in protecting their lands and seas. All of US are much powerful than just one or two of the other.
Now what.
Monday, May 10, 2021, working to remove the sheet covering the truth of just two great people mistreated by their leaders.
...After long observation, investigation and blah, blah, blah of things, it is due to publish things on China and Russia. Things on first, Russia and then China, on how they are planning to attack firstly, USA and secondly Europe it it fight alongside. What's been Russia strategic plan? On making or trying to build a slope for US to go down to it and use the same slop to catch as many Nation States as possible near it, Russia, to rebuilding back the defund Soviet Union. How and in which manner? Simultaneously, China's going to takeover, and recuperate their dreamed Formosa Island, now Taiwan.
Understanding that Taiwan does not belong to China ...on the contrary: China belongs to Taiwan, is a land stolen to Taiwan, stolen to a legitimate Nation State that had to find refuge in one of its Island: Formosa, of which after it changed its name to Taiwan ...had proven that Democracy is the true state of people to live in Freedom.
Am compiling the story clearly explained to me by someone that been going through a lot of problems as investigation is been done of these too Nation States: Russia, a nation with hundreds of millions of people, and a lot of high educated ones that had suffered the historical abuses made by some of their leaders and dreamers of an empty dream impossible in been done cuz is not based on reality but just dreams, so its people been suffering and still suffering by a leader who had full control of them via flat lies controling television channels and radio waves and now via the internet. And the other, a self-made leader, via terror, lies, incarceration and control of each and every person living in one of the greatest people who had suffer all of its history: China. Imagine, if an emperor dies, he is send into a hole with all his servants, wives and many military and dead is everyone. turned into a terror for others to obey them, via bombs, mass destruction now menacing in their secret strategy with the use of neutron bombs which first will be describe here... the way that China and Russia are planning to attack USA and NATO before 2050 making them the bosses of sea and land: this plannet. all to know: they are planning to use "Neutron Bombs" with US and Europe and Australia and anyone else. will explain later how. The world to know, and don't get surprised, you will know. Working on coping their plan, time, and places. Be it know that one of the plans is to force the "enemy", free Democratic nations, to make a front; there will be two (fronts), them and others. Their guns will be loaded with neutron bombs, they will kill those enemy by bombarding them with those bombs ...the enemies, all of US and Europe, would get a surprise cuz US all carries conventional guns! Surprise? Wait, more to come. Oh! will tell how neutron bombs are much more effective than know Nuclear bombs; the radio of destruction is of a shorter diameter (1/2 a mile or possible one mile) and the kinetic force of energy just about five to ten miles, the rest of the land stay intact, good to use again. A nuclear known bomb like the hydrogen one, takes from 20 to 50- or 100-miles radio in which things evaporate, its powerful wins reach hundreds of miles, its radiation last around a thousand years; no, not good, it is a no body wins. Both would not dare to use such a thing but a neutral one: Yes! ...and move forward and conquer avoiding the narrow affect location. Got it? Russia has that calculus already and would use today's cannons that can eject a missile up to from 100 to a thousand miles, no airplanes yet to use if not after the bombardment to multiple points to an "enemy" well armed with conventional powerful guns but not killing as neutral bombs. The gut shot with single bullets, US and the rest got shoot with grenades. One of them dead, 1000ths of ours dead in each single shoot. So, a war known, is a war won.
Friday, May 07, 2021
Hotel Coppelia an offense misleading history of the Dominican Republic based on a Farce
“Hotel Coppelia”
Written and Directed by
Jose Maria Cabral.
Produced by
Rafael Elias Munoz
…a farce of a movie, based on inventions cuz the way it is written did not happen. I know cuz am a witness of the 1965 Revolution in Santo Domingo, R. D. and the US military intervention in the island of the Hispaniola.
When a director of a movie that is supposed to project in reality how things went through, but he/she invent things that are not even close to the reality that happen on the time and place the movie refers to, it is, its production, a cheap of a category of movie based on imagination, inventions of happenings, is a movie that mislead, don’t teach any thing for people to know of any historical reality but, put people in the wrong place and time of History. A movie in many times, could become a historical document worth to teach newborn humans of the past of history, the way it happened but not the way it never happened. That is why Christopher Columbo, to him is attributed the discovery of America as if he, this man, went blind folder to discover new lands. Which he did not.
…will discuss this later cuz I will tell exactly what I witnessed as it happened, in Dominican Republic starting from 1959 to after 1965 with details of the civilian rebellion in the capital of the easter section of the Island of Santo Domingo. The rest of the Island was not affected by the rebellion, the so-called “1965 Revolution”. Dominicans who want to know what and why that happened, if watching this poor movie lacking historical data, will learn invented history that hurts the real happening and reason of the “1965 Revolution” and the heroic acts of a people that are govern by liars as this movie itself. This movie is an offense to CAMANO DENO, WHO WANTED TO COMPLY WITH THE KNOWN CONNSTITUCION, A COUNTRY STILL CHEATED BY ITS ACTUAL POLITICIANS AS OF TODAY.
Let us stop this type of historical liars, that make such movies that do not enlighten history but on the contrary, give a dirty and poor reputation to the people of this noble country: Republica Dominica.
This movie is in Hulu.
A light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for humorous effect.
The branch of literature constituting such works.
The broad or spirited humor characteristic of such works.
2. A ludicrous, empty show; a mockery: The fixed election was a farce.
3. A seasoned stuffing, as for roasted turkey.
tr.v. farced, farc·ing, farc·es
o To pad (a speech, for example) with jokes or witticisms.
o To stuff, as for roasting.
Here we are, what is freedom?
Here we are:
What is freedom?
We built freedom but, we do not think what freedom is. Some other people are unable to built or construct freedom, cuz they are not left to do so …on the contrary, they learn humiliation, living in a state of scare-ness, that state of scare-ness is, on million and millions of people is a natural state of been so, it is normal. Let us make a comparison: have you ever eaten expensive fish egg? You might not know what on earth am talking about, what it tastes like, just heard it for a first time but, there are many rich people that know of it and they call it: Caviar, it is a very, very, very, expensive delicious food. It but cuz some of you never eaten it before, you do not mind of it, do not think of it. On the opposite side, rich people who had eaten it, do mind of it, do think of it. Now, we just here going to show what is freedom, you going to see freedom as you could see things, freedom is not an illusion it is real as real, so real that you could even touch it physically: Ladies and Gentlemen, here I present to all of you Mr. and Mss. Freedom:
That’s freedom m’n, that’s freedom. Now you know if you did not know.
By watching this link, you are now going to understand what it is. You been all of your lives eating caviar but, others never, and when they taste it, they cry of emotion, they cry of joy, they cry when they discover freedom for the first time in their live …from there on, they fight to eat it every day, they fight insisting others eat that too. They turn into “Freedom Fighters” for the rest of their lives.
…if you did not know what freedom is, now you know.
Here is when Agnotology enters at work: Cult of Ignorance
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge".
Isaac Asimov, 1980[11] from TheFreeDictionary.
Active causes of culturally induced ignorance can include the influence of the media, corporations, and governmental agencies, through secrecy and suppression of information, document destruction, and selective memory.[10] Another example is climate denial, where oil companies paid teams of scientists to downplay the effects of climate change. Passive causes include structural information bubbles, including those created by segregation along racial and class lines, that create differential access to information.
Agnotology also focuses on how and why diverse forms of knowledge do not "come to be” or are ignored or delayed. For example, knowledge about plate tectonics was censored and delayed for at least a decade because some evidence remained classified military information related to undersea warfare.[6]
In order to understand the above said, I call this and other type of people like that, Nation State leaders, many politicians, and a lot of the poor people of a demography of geopolitical regions: CULTURE OF THE POOR. They are many individuals, rich and poor that are in a cult of ignorance. That’s why Freedom, Democracy, and Liberty can not exist in some social groups that elect leaders to rule on them, but those leaders then turn into dictators, kings …eternal rulers until they die, leaving assigned others to continue ruling be them family member, selected others, and the likes.
In reference to parties, they manipulate, distort, and create laws guaranteeing the party stay in power no matter what. Here Freedom is lost.
Even though many of them are college educated, most of their followers are not college educate and mostly had not finished high school or even been as high studying in a college institution. Belong, they live mostly as peasants in the countryside. Some of those college educated turn into politicians and have the aroma of been racists. I call them: Agnos people, name extracted from a commune of Pyrénées-Atlantiques department of the a region in the southwestern France where Agnos is part of the urban area, where the highest local level of learning us a primary school. People belong to the culture of ignorance, then had been redefined here as been Agnostus (cuz they think in an archaic era in reference to the right of others to be part of the government, this Agnos politicians had, as of now, even reach position of President in USA, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Colombia etc., etc., etc.
…also, Agnos is related to Agnostus, an archaic creature, old, aged and nonexistence. USA had a President like that, North Korea has it and China too.
The above had created a course of study known as: Agnotology, it is good to understand Freedom; Agnotology is the study of ignorance. Agnos is the person that without the understanding of a subject, try to explain how that subject is, behave and set rules to correct it.
Agnotologist, the person who study “ignorance”, and the side effect of “ignorance” when some one is placed in a position of solving problem and that some one is an Agnos.
The equivalent of Agno in Spanish, in sense of knowledge is Asno (an animal, a donkey, someone stupid).
Tuesday, May 04, 2021
Sharing vaccine's copyright
Note, this is a blueprint to follow just to permit the copy of vaccines made with the investment of Nation States and Labs.
Rule of law on sharing Covid-19 formula around the world:
US and Europe sign a mutual agreement:
Vaccine Labs Creator will share its Scientific formula with any country that abide to:
Elaborate, create, or produce vaccine as long as in its vessels it states that this vaccine had been contributed by: NAME OF THE COUNTRY AND LAB. No benefit, monetary or geopolitical would be accepted for the distribution/use of this vaccine.
The Nation Stated and Lab. Will not continue producing this vaccine two years after its first use will not share its formula, chemistry, or mode of creating it with any other entity on the world.
The use of this vaccine is entirely devoted for medical use on people only, can not use on animals of any species or Kingdom unless it is directly permitted by the lab which the vaccine originated.
The lab which created the vaccine, has its legitimate right, and always will keep its copyright whether or not the Nation State and Lab use, accept the use or implement the use of the vaccine elaborated by way of its medical, chemical or fabrication of reproducing its formula.
The formula render here, cannot be altered, changed, or make a variant of the original one and only with the authorization of its creator Lab, can the formula be altered, modify, and must follow strict scientific rules in order to recreate this formula. If the formula is upgrade, the new formula, creation of elaboration of this drug or vaccine, fall under the sole property of the lab that permitted its use as above said.
If a Nation State or Lab wish the continue use of any leftover vaccine, after two years, it needs full authorization of the lab that created and owns this copyright. If a Nation State, after two years, still needs to continue using the vaccine fabricated with this formula, it can do so by signing a second agreement which agreement could be estended further for specify years in accordance with the copyright owner and Nation States involved.
Any Nation State or Lab can and should not share this formula.
Only the Lab which created this vaccine, can decide it the formula or chemical-medical composition of the drug-formula of the vaccine, has the right to take a decision pending the approval of the government of its Nation State.
Once approved its medical creation and use by the Lab of origin, the second lab has the right to create more vaccine and distribute it as long is not done for a profit ...only the second Nation State and its Lab that use the first Nation State and Lab creator of this vaccine medical or biological or chemical formula, the second Nation State, and its Lab, would be the one responsible for any consequence of any negative effect caused on any patient to whom the vaccine is use with.
The second Nation State and or Lab, does not have any copyright on this vaccine.
Monday, May 03, 2021
...and f...k the CCP
‘ti’s all Tesla has to do to make Tesla superior to Tesla:
Link the car to the user home security system, the fire department and the police in such a way that it the car owner/user needs to tale a decision cuz there’s a fire at home; cuz there’s a burglary, cuz home thermostat detect a room temp is to low or too high or someone arrived in front of the car user’s home door, the Testa owner could take decision: The Tesla car would ask the Tesla driver: Mr. blah, blah, blah, what is to do, just tell me. The Tesla driver would tell call my wife, put her online; call my father, put him online, call the police, put them online, call my secretary, put him/her online, call fire department and announce the problem then call me and play the recording back to me. Turn on my home alarm if not done yet.
Everything free upgrade, the Tesla owner just pay for the device to be installed in the Tesla. Do not forget to register this marvelous futurist invention. Still more: call my doctor and make me an appointment for whichever these days are possible: Mondays, Tuesday blah, blah, blah @ X p.m., or a.m. Thanks, and send all this data to my cell or my compu.
Oh! Something else too! Make any Tesla car to be, the car itself, computer like by installing in it a computer-link system with WiFi capable and hotspot capable. Notice, a good motherboard could be installing in the Tesla making part of it from then on. Software is free given by Tesla company. Do not worry for protection, Tesla paid for it, the user decide which protection are available. Tesla gives the ok and the link okayed is sent to both the software protection creator and the special Tesla compu not linked with any Tesla car system. As if someone is in a Tesla car using their own compu.
Like my idea of the future?
Send me a check as soon as a decision is taken.
…and f…k China!
Patented to Tesla cars and idealized by me.
US is greater!
…waiting for my money.
...foot note:
why I make an open letter to Tesla? Cuz first China signed a deal with Elon Musk's Tesla company. Then an industry was installed in China., the CCP copy not only the diagram given free to the world by Elon Musk but, the CCP started to illegitimize Tesla car, and is figuring out kicking Tesla cars out and off the Chinese market. Put-in Elon Musk as a sucker. US inventions are not made by suckers but by geniuses! The CCP must be stopped, one way or the other, from stealing ideas, patents, designs, and the likes from the free world. Notice that in their car design there is no ingenuity as in US Tesla car design? US designs are futuristic, the CCP car design has no beauty or aesthetic from in-out but full copies of other designers. So, that's why I sent a "f... k" to the CCP. The Western world is the best and will stay been like that for centuries!
-don't forget my check!
Sunday, May 02, 2021
On The Body and Soul of North Korea
On: The Body and Soul of North Korea.
If this turns into a question, the answer would be:
In USA: Freedom, Liberty and Human Rights plus other infinity right of choice (religion, ideas, decision, election, love, friendship, and above all: the right of any person to decide for, by and in themselves what is wrong and what is bad …there are more of a lot of adjectives and adverbs to be added that they are to be put in a set, either mathematically or geometrically cuz in a Democracy, geopolitical inclination is mostly based in the understanding of Philosophy but not on human likes …the infinite, it is the soul of the body)
In Europe: all the above Plus something else: the enlightening of the human soul once it develops out of the body.
In China: Confucius, Carl Max, and Mao.
In other part of the world, there is a mix-answer, always it starts with empty-blank mind, depending on where the body is (any geography of Asia, Asia Minor, or any place else.
Australia: the same as Europe and/or America.
Russia, oh Russia, if you let Russians make a choice, well, they contain withing mostly Europe and some part of America.
North Korea: The North of the Korea Peninsula? …NOTHING …NADA. Why? Cuz that noble part of this plannet, Earth, had been set to be the land of the Human slaves, Human as a species and slaves as a genus. The people of North Korea had been brain wash to learn nothing but to adore its master, not a family but descendants of supposedly all the ones’ descendants of that man that won a war and establish North Korea as a Nation State. Descendants of a man, a low educated man that turned himself into a God, not a god, but a “real” God or else. Or else cuz whoever did not follow the said, was, first set into martyrium, then die cuz of the martyrium and showed that martyr as a criminal of the society that God was creating as a strong nation designated to destroy Democracy, an evil system.
Generation by generation people were born uneducated, not trained if not for war, known nothing of the Soul of the Body, but God, a mortal who had to be adored, respected, and pleased with whatever that God wished: sex, sex, and sex with eternal inherited power over each and every Korean living in the North. A God, yes, but a God full of ignorant, full of stupidities and full of hate. For that God there is no Freedom, Liberty and Human Rights.
For that God, there is no religion …he is Religion.
For that God, there is no ideas …he is Ideas.
For that God, there is no decision …he is Decision.
For that God, there is no election …he is Election.
For that God, there is no love …he is Love.
For that God, there is no friendship, he is Friendship.
For that God, there is no enlightening, he is enlightening.
For that God, there is no human soul …he is Human Soul.
For that God, there is only God, and he is God.
…and the man is: Kim Il-sung, the founder of North Korea Kim Jong-un
…the first God: dead …the second God: still not dead.
…the first God is honored as if he’s still alive and the second God is God thy self, as it had been impregnated into the mind of the slaves of the Socialist Democratic People's Republic of Korea
These Goddesses are highly criminal people, rapist, and murderer of thousand and thousands of North Korean slaves. It is such that the last God, Kim Jong-un, had killed his own family members including generals. For the killing he’d used guns designed to shoot war airplane, not just regular guns cuz the Goddess Kim Jon-un, want to evaporate the one he is killing. He has a squad, not a squad of men to accomplish any mission, but a squad of minor women for him to rape at plenitude when he feels so or give them as a gift to his military for them to rape and sometimes to marry them after others had raped them. Remember Idi Amin Dada Oumee? It is said that he used to eat the liver of prisoners cuz he liked human liver as his favorite food, that was in Uganda. Remember François "Papa Doc" Duvalier, former President of Haiti in 1968? Am a witness of the said by Haitians in D. R. secretly said by those people of their president: he used to go to prison, just to hear when political prisoners were torture and imploring for mercy; one day he himself decided to torture one of them just to enjoy the tortured Haitian claiming for mercy and to be killed immediately and not been put under extreme torture. Trujillo in D.R (Dominican Republic), used to sexually enjoy prisoner women (las hermanas Mirabal, for instance) and after that, throw them, nude, to prisoner sentence to death, for them to enjoy, few dozens of real criminals accused of rape, killing, robberies and the likes), God Kim Jong-un surpass this and many dictators around the world. He has around 25,000,000 men and women as his slaves. Sometimes countries around world hemisphere accept few slaves to work in their internal civilian construction and pay nothing, nada to them but to Kim Jong-un …the United Nations do not care on that, do not bam it or protest on that. This universal body of Nations consent it cuz it never protested on such human abuses.
Kim Jong-un had been worst than that. Go here, and observe the ingenuity of a former North Korean woman that escape slavery and has a program denouncing the beast of Kim Jong-un, she alone …and where is the bunch of United Nations helping on that? Wow! A woman doing that alone! She suffered been taken as slave since born, so his parent die cuz of that and now is living as a free woman …also notice that the girl next to her, has no words to explain the abuses committed to the Koreans of the North cuz she is like an angel, does not know the difference of what is good or what is bad. Nothing she knows as I notice, her mind is blank! Poor beautiful innocent woman! Learn and support to make the North of Korea, a free Nation State, not a Nation of Slaves:
Saturday, May 01, 2021
…we know a lot on men history devoting their lives doing good deeds, dedicating their lives for a cause, and having accomplished things not anybody would accomplish.
Here one of the opposite sexes, guess: a woman.
"Spy Girl" Betty McIntosh, from CIA files.
Bornn on 1915, at age 28, after registering to the CIA and training, Betty was sent to India, to work in communication and propaganda in order to confuse the enemy, on that time the kingdom of Japan: ruled by Emperor Showa and his intimate integration of court advisors, were fighting against other nations such as china and in strong alliance with Germany in War World ll. Her work as a CIA agent was of vital importance cuz her duties were to influence on Japanese militaries combatant that were out of contact with their military command in Japan, to belief that the decree emitted by their kingdom was had been changed …the had conclusive data given in their country, to all Japanese combatants that:
[“The Japanese government told their soldiers that if they surrendered, they would lose their birth right and would not be able to go back to Japan,” explained Betty. “So consequently, very few Japanese surrendered. They cost us a great deal because they fought to the very end and many of our people, too, were killed. So, the idea was to try to get them to give up without feeling that they had lost their identity.”]
In order to undermine the notion that surrender was unacceptable, Betty and her team crafted a forged order permitting Japanese troops to surrender under certain conditions. This was a believable scenario because there had recently been a leadership change in the Japanese government, which led to a window of uncertainty.
…cuz Japanese combatants were trained with that idea, and cuz they were combatant that fought based on patriotism and loved their king cuz he was God and were doing a duty commanded by God, they fought to the end, were merciless in order to win a war or else.
Moreover, Betty did not know of the existence of the atomic bomb being build by her country, US, and she had natural ingenuity at doing her assignment in the CIA, an intuition born with her, she was the best candidate for the job assigned: convincing thousands of soldiers to stop fighting due to the sole reason that in reality Japan was losing the war and too many soldiers on both sides of the war were dying. She spoke Japanese, fluently. In order to save so many lives, as the CIA wanted, this was one of the most ingenious plans, as always, elaborated by this department. No, the CIA never been a political institution, but an entity directed by members well chosen to protect this country and even other countries alienated with the belief that democracy is and should be a world order to preserve peace for all. How she, Betty succeeded, seems to be a miracle cuz her act was in coincidental with secrets she did not know. She, without knowing it, was taking actions as if she were auguring the future or as if she could see the future yet she could not know.
This what she did: Betty and her team enlisted a Burmese OSS agent to kill a Japanese courier en route through the jungle and insert the forged order into his knapsack. This “wily little killer” then reported to the Japanese on the whereabouts of their dead courier. Predictably, and according to plan, the Japanese retrieved their man with his mailbag and found the order that they concluded was authentic.”
…yet, though the CIA (under Betty work, an agent too of the CIA), could not make the enemy combatant to stop the fight, yet they were slowly losing that fight, was when the government of USA decided to nuke Japan with three nuclear bombs but only used two cuz Japan surrendered on the second shot. US, though killed so many Japanese, save a lot of soldiers on both sides and a war that would drain many countries into an economic chaos. It is an irony to kill to save lives. As I interpret it, killing a man who is going to kill you and others around you. Sometimes, as it might happen when some one goes out with a “gun”, killing at random people not involved with their rage or reason of killing and that one does not want to submit to whichever authority or good Samaritan order to stop and has to be killed. That was Japan as well as Hitler, a German Nazi that killed millions of innocent people. It is comprehended in a balance and stable mind, that killing is not welcome but, killing in specific time is needed to bring peace to others. That was what the CIA did, and nothing else.
I, the writer of this doc, do not know if the CIA and others such as the FBI and NSA, the secret police, Pentagon and the likes, have a “Hall of service men”, as I would call it, to show the faces and life of all those people that served in the preservation of this country and those from abroad too that help in the conservation of Democracy; something like a huge public park in a natural environment in a preserved region as is done with natural preserved park but with statues of members of public servers including presidents, judges and heroic member congress, policemen, doctors and the likes. Tourists and US locals could go there and enjoy reading, looking, and savoring the social net of USA. It would serve as a good fructiferous incentive to high school student seeing those people that served this nation, and tourist visiting US, and others enjoining facts and history of the United States of America.
Who would dare to do that? No one, no one unless that an economical benefit is extracted from that to any capitalist CEO. Oh, what a f…k of a problem in today’s conscience! It seems US is doomed to die sooner or later. If that could be avoided, US has to invest a lot in preserving facts for US and other people to feel it. People should know in reality what those entities protecting America do for US all.
A nuclear attack that was inevitable, then occurred.
…if you don’t know how much effort was put on WW2, see this what the CIA wanted to stop:
The following 6 pages use this file:
• Bernard Montgomery
• North African campaign
• Second Battle of El Alamein
• File:"General Bernard L. Montgomery watches his tanks move up." - NARA - 535938.jpg
• File:"General Bernard L. Montgomery watches his tanks move up." - NARA - 535938.tif
• Category:Second Battle of El Alamein
Mss Betty failed on her attempt (too late) and this followed:
Should not happen again.
...if you did not know you know
If you are a moral sweat person, do not cry after seen this doc of how the CCP (China Communist Party) does horrible things, just like that. They, the CCP, seems to be A monster Inhabiting This Plannet, Plannet Earth.
History will be the witness.
Nations the Judges.
People the accusers.
Meet me on the bridge, is a story, just one yet with happy ending cuz some American family found a child left alone some place some place (couple of months old) that The Chinese Communist Party use to kill if any Chinese family had more than one child. Some poor Chinese descent couple had not one but two. For their government not to kill their infant, they decide to leave her abandoned and put a letter on the basket, hopping someday, if the baby survive, she could meet them for they to tell her that that was the only way she could survive if by God will, someone with no child would adopt her.
It is hard to understand why the CCP commits such a horrendous crimes just to stop the excessive grow of its over population.
Be it known that the dictatorship employed by this country makes its law based not on social problems to solve it with ways to protect its population but by killing its citizens not needed cuz their gov cannot support them.
…as of now, the CCP is killing an entire social ethnic group by killing them and selling their organs in the black market to any stranger that need a transplant to survive: Human Trafficking.
Those that are not killed, are into slavery …working from 5 or 6 in the morning to late night, just getting some food and no medical care.
…the CCP wants to conquer all nations next or nearby them.
…the CCP wants to manipulate the free world in making business with them as they feel fit to.
…the CCP watch and control all of its citizens via software stolen from the free world.
…the CCP wants to make war with Democracy in order to eradicate it from the surface of Plannet Earth.
…if you did not know …now you know.
Why is such a good person as Musk, doing that? Calling for attention?
Why is such a good person as Musk, doing that? Calling for attention?
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has taken a swipe at Bill Gates by tweeting an anti-vaccination cartoon. Musk posted an edited cartoon, originally created by conservative artist Ben Garrison, depicting an illustrated version of the Microsoft co-founder. Musk deleted the tweet about two hours later, after it had been shared more than 5,000 times. thing are words, the other are facts: Mr. Bill (using Latinos social connotation, instead of Mr. Gates), had apported millions of dollars in research on the cure of diseases and that means vaccines too, around this Plannet Earth. Now I question: and you? reference to Elon Musk. You once suggested to nuke the Moon! Is your way of thinking as productive as the way of been of Mr. Bill Gates? ...think and think twice I wonder: Why some very few African American people act like that?
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