Sunday, January 26, 2020

Constitutionalists and Unti-Constitutionalists.

Constitutionalists and Unti-Constitutional
(as inflexion of Anticonstitutional).

The country had been divided in two sections: the Democrats, who defend and apply the Constitution to the letter and the Republicans who defend the party and apply the Constitution based on their own needs, when their needs is affected by the Constitution, it is put aside making their own interpretation or avoiding expressing the application of a constitutional mandate, the President decide, not the Constitution.

By just observing both parties when they are interviewed by broadcaster (journalists), anyone would notice the above.  Up to now the USA courts are taking the position of “the tree monkeys” don’t see, don’t hear, don’t speak.  The nation is in disarray after Donald J. Trump toke over the Presidency of this nation.

The above is been secretly injected by the intervention of Russia by false propaganda via the internet, an internet owned by extreme greedy CEO, mostly young entrepreneur with a very poor understanding of the social fabric of what is the United States of America; they had become not only part of the social fabric that work and benefit this networked society, but, unconsciously had become into a parasite that infect democracy.  Basically, cuz their poor understanding of the evolution of the history of this nation, the poor understanding of the social knit, plus the poor education gained in schools that they did not finish at all, never getting a proper build to be leaders in anything but been super-rich, mega rich.  Because the extraordinary abundance of money they possess, all they know is throwing some money to private institutions as donation and in that way turning the attention of the educated elite as been (the donators) a good intentional group of people in our Democracy, which really are spoilers as they do.  These social economic phenomena had contributed profoundly in the support of the new “race” of Unti-Constitutionalists politicians ...not only that, they had facilitated the ill guided leaders of nations that wish the total destruction of USA, get control of USA social media, Europe social media and even Asia and Latin America social media and turn many groups within these large regions against themselves causing then big problems to their social leaders and helping terrorist finding a way to communicate and do their businesses.  They, those big, big famous media leaders had become the first injectors of terrorisms in any form as they become mega rich finding nothing to do with such an extraordinary amount of money, investing into nothing such amount of money is worth to say that some of them did have help increase the goodness of the world and of their owns doing researches and improving tech, but those are people with even high degree of intelligent and morals, not some that "face..."their own good".

From: "TheFreeDictionary, by Farlex".


a.1.Opposed to the constitution; unconstitutional.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive
26, 2017, 4:42 PM), [] (observing that the Senate Judiciary Committee's report regarding President Roosevelt's court-packing plan regarded it as "anticonstitutional" and "unconstitutional").


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 (ŭn′kŏn-stĭ-to͞o′shə-nəl, -tyo͞o′-)
In violation of the requirements of the constitution of a nation or state.
Personal note from the author:
"un", should mean without, so unconstitutional means without a constitution, this is, not having a constitution or built; so the inflexion of "Unti-Constitutional in this work means: going against the constitution which is similar to anticonstitutional but it implies not opossing it, just changing it to other meaning of the constitution, interpreted by the person referring to it, in this case the government, its GOP testifying for the president.  That is what many nations in Latin America do by habit and exactly what Vladimir Putin is doing in Russia by creating a Constitution for his country ...taking advantage of it, naming himself a king-like persons in charge of the laws of Russia's itself.
...see this case: "the president is impeachable".  Republicans want to insert this philosophy into the American culture (but for this one only, not for other presidents in the near future, what amount to DICTATORSHIP). 

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