Friday, April 12, 2019

"it is important to respect the European Parliament"

“it is important to respect the European Parliament”

Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May, may be wasting the space given to the Britons on the so-famous situation of “to be or not to be” European.

One of the “reason?” the Briton’s PM does not want is to participate in the European Union elections cuz it would be embarrassing for a country that is trying to move away from a federation of states (a union of states) and at the same time participate in that union of states in their internal voting’s; remember: after the Britons elected to leave the union, PM wants to fulfill Britons decision under the pretext that that is the Britons wish and that they, the Britons, are a Democracy.  That is understood but, there is a but worth to mention here: has not the Nation State of Britons ask via demonstration of millions of people petition to their government that now, after seen the consequences of leaving the European Union decided not to leave?  Is the Government of the Britons listening to that?  Why then now the British government does not listen?  Is that huge civil march (of millions of people) the partial voice of the Britons?  And now, why not confirm in reality what the Nation State of the Britons want via a second referendum?  So, the first referendum is the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE and the huge march is not the voice of the PEOPLE?
So, in the European Union voting, all what the Britons have to do is casting its vote as "Abstain" to all votes.  Just that.

In conclusion, here what there is a manipulation of DEMOCRACY, it is the rule of a party, not its people.

European Union gave an extension to the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED KINGDOMS to solve Democratically their mess of “be or not to be” and its government just started spending the TIME GIVEN, repeating the same mistakes, errors, messing around and around?

What happens here is a real politician manipulation of Democracy cuz in the past referendum they got what a party wants yet its people were well divided cuz a great large part of its people felt they were going to be the losers …but many of the majority voters, later found that they were wrong after emitting its vote to leave the European Union.  They turned into not leaving the European Union.  Where is Democracy here on the part of the PM government of Theresa May and her party?  What is here is a system of manipulating Democracy, and that is the sword of double edges cutting back Democracy itself when it is taken in its backward swing after moving forward to cut and correct needed things cuz Democracy is that sword itself, authorities, the one that hold the sword, use it against its own people just to favor few of the politicians in power, just happened in Venezuela, a nation that elected, via its inhalable freedom to vote, the wrong person to be its governor, he, the elected one, manipulated Democracy and stayed in power, and he, before dying, elected somebody else to lead “his government”, it was Hugo Chavez who put in “his government” someone the people of Venezuela called him: El Pajarito.  All that done without any election decided by its congress until the time of next elections comes instead of calling, immediately into an election again done in according to the Venezuelan Magna Carta cuz that Magna Carta is its own double edge sword; that is what Theresa May is doing: NOT AT BEEN A DEMOCRATIC HUMAN, BUT AT MANIPULATIONG Democracy using that sword.  Think the above is very, truly clear, it indicates that PM Theresa May is not using Democracy as is, but at her will.  The European Union, Democratically gave her the time, and she just started in continuing her manipulation of the sword on her party benefit, instead of listening to the people of UK and compromising in order to get UK out of the mess she herself putted in, she herself manipulated after the results came favoring her parties politicians with the now so-call Brexit.

The President of France throw his dice, his coin and it gave him a number: Brexit should carry out in with the Britons, period.  El que por gana quiere morir que a bueno le sepa la muerte.  That who by pleasure wants to die, let them taste death.  People are not noticing that China, just talked with the European Union and it offered to them: Villas y Castillas (Villas and Castles) while USA voluntarily stopped of been a leader of the WTO (World Trade Organization).  China just, it seems, tempted some members of the European Union with business.  And will keep acquiring, illegally via violating copyrights blueprints from, France, Germany, and the rest: blueprints such as of those war planes that can land as helicopters do. So, the President of France, it seems, want to get rid of the Britons now and start doing business with China.  Otherwise, why?

UK just signaled, it will waste the time given to solve their mess, and they are using that time as “timeless important-less, as waste).  Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May, may be wasting the space given to the Britons by EU on the so-famous situation of “to be or not to be” European.  Tricking its people, the gov wants its “independence” from EU, putting a word which has nothing to do with independence from the European Union, cuz the rest of Europe never had invaded UK.  What all Nation States are doing is a confederation to make all of Europe a superpower in business and economy: China will handicap that along with Brexit.

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