Nuclear Wisdom
It is not
only to have nuclear weapons, but also to know how to use it.
Knowing who,
where and how potent is any country’s possession of atom bombs, is the best
strategy to be designed in case of a nuclear war. It does give a Nation State, the opportunity
to get prepare to fight and increase the possibility to survive a nuclear
attack even thought a large part of its population is destroyed. And it,
Nuclear Wisdom, increases the angle of death of them enemy Nation State, which
of course, will be absolutely destroyed.
Wisdom, after all the data of who has atom bombs, where are those destructive
devices saved or stored, and how much destructive are those devices, gives the opportunity
of the defending Nation State to give a surprise attack to the then called
enemy and avoid the nation that elaborate the Nuclear Wisdom Strategy, been
totally destroyed from the face of Earth but the other one.
Wisdom is that state of remaining quite, secret and stealthy with such a strategy;
it, does not make any other nation to feel threatened but let any nation feel
secured that the one possessing such a device will not use it against them, the
other which possesses such a hardware of weapons and of course, would make
international businesses to and from the nations which practices this strategy
which is not known by the Nation State which had been researched.
A country
with a secret strategy incurring in Nuclear Wisdom, will have the situation of
increasing its GNP, routinely as any other Nation State cuz none of them feel
such a strategy to any other World Nation State, be a foe or friendly Nation
State, create prejudice against the state that has such a strategic just in
case defense design of attack.
There are certain
codes to follow in Nuclear Wisdom:
First: Never menace any Nation State that could be attacked with nukes.
Selinsky, President of Ukraine, his Nation State had been menaced it would be attacked with nuclear weapons directly from Russia by Vladimir Putin, former KGB agent who turned into a menace to all of Europe including USA.Second:
Never share such data.
Thirdly: Never present itself as a more capable Nation State that would use nuke against any land, territory, or region on the world.
Negative consequences:
The “First closure” will force nations to work hard in starting to create the same or better nuclear hardware as the Nation menacing the use of such a destructive device.

...a corpse, blown up by a conventional bomb.
...attacking the civil population.
Vladimir Putin had killed thousands of civilians.
...dead and dead people.
...hundreds of civilians left dead on the ground.
The “second closure”
would make, force, or initiate any other nation in the creation of nuclear
...this is what Vladimir Putin wants to do over the Nation State of Ukraine, understand now why Nuclear Wisdom is necessary and shall stay secret.
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