Sunday, December 19, 2021

History repeats: the end of Communism.

Xi, a one man designated to control 1,400,000,000 people, is making the gravest mistake in history, same as did Hittle of Germany, Napoleon of France and others.  History comes and goes cuz it repeats over and over again.  The mass, the people of a nation, cannot be submitted to slavery for too a long time.  The old world practiced slavery and it stopped been used.  Men enjoyed slavery, used for self-benefit, not for the benefit of the commune and failed (landlords and people owner's), designated leader of China, Xi, a person with no social understanding of human behaviour, is applying an idealism that: "if a whole commune is obligated to follow specific orders, the result of that order end up in good deed for the commune".  But orders are given with no former studies on the effect on the people but, with the dream of making a nation very powerful and rich. People situation is ignored but exploited to benefit of the established system of government ...a whole commune is subjected to suffering as happening in China with incredible increase of unemployment, diseases, and the punishment of natural phenomena to that Nation State. Taking wrong decisions in the solving of most social problems thinking that if everyone is put to work on a project, that project would produce positive results no matter how impossible it would be.  So, by idealizing that taking over a large extended sea without caring for any foreign gov of that sea on geopolitical distribution, theirs right to the enjoyment of that sea even lands, is as suicidal as Hittle intensions of possession of other people lands and submitting many people into slavery even killing them cuz they were not likeable ones, done with Catholics and Jews people in 1944 (War World 2).  Be it known that the same thing is been repeated as of now, and a 3rd War World is to come any time soon ...history repeats.  over 40,000,000 of people had been enslaved, 4,000,000 submitted onto doing forced work, people just disappear, their organs are removed off their bodies and sold.  There is a huge force of people policing the population with the power to take whichever decision they please onto common people, they are called: police officer but, they are nothing else than an organization made to observe, arrest and punish whoever might say a thing they think would hurt the government, so, those people homes are destroy and the right to hold a piece of land sold.

Foreign business that hires millions of people, are leaving the nation and investing their capitals in other Nation States.

China is preparing itself for a major war and there are no enemies to fight but they, China, is creating enemies to fight them after. Xi, the sometimes-called President of China, a man with no former schooling but just some rustic training in warfare, is preparing to fight other Nation States that are not looking for a fight.  They are being forced to start a fight China knows they cannot win, as bullies do.

Other advanced Nation States had to come to the rescue against China.

War World 3 is around the corner cuz history repeats. 


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