Monday, April 26, 2021

SARS-2 or Coronavirus-19 Pandemic, and SARS Cov-3 or Coronavirus-2021

SARS-2 or Coronavirus-19 Pandemic, and SARS Cov-3 or Coronavirus-2021 Figure 1 Smallpox or Variola
Figure 2 ...a man sneezing coronavirus, flu
The already well-known Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 or SARS Cov-2 originated in China and known its existence as of December 2019 been understood that was the first place it affected was in Wuhan, China. The medical institution designated to watch for world diseases is the World Health Organization, the WHO, located in Geneva, Switzerland, born in April 7, 1948 which part of its functions are the “International Classification of Diseases and the prevention of plague and Cholera and other health problems that could kill humanity or eliminate most of it as almost did a plague or pestilence in AD 541-4 during the time of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian which affected a vast region from Egypt to Constantinople and in between all of Europe: the Bubonic Plague, which is suspected was the one, killing around 5,000 people per day …it killed around a total of 25 millions people. Even before that we had the Plague of Athens that could had been an epidemic of typhoid. Look at the Black Death that killed in 1347-53 one quarter to half the inhabitants of Europe; these are pandemic yet in comparison to today social land human occupation, there are much more humans dispersed on the face of the earth, on that time it was mostly the known social land human occupation (of course, in the East there were extensive population that, it is understood they suffered consequences the same as in the Western World cuz diseases of the type of Pandemic and Epidemic, are caused by non-living molecules that inhabit in living cells and are reproduced by those living cells in exponential numbers. Molecules that are part of a piece of ribbons that join a human or animal cell’s ribbon and is reproduced from there-on as part of the human or animal cell. These molecules, in my educated opinion, had always existed even before the natural accidental formation of Eukaryote billions of years ago the same as the Karyotype molecules precursor of Eukaryote, in other words: billions of them: Viruses. Calcium, for instance, is a molecule that join a cell and gives to it, a better functioning to it, making the cell a sustainable one able to exist longer …the same many other minerals (molecules). Viruses are molecules but maligns one that a cell reproduces the same as cells reproduces vitamins using other substance moving freely in the cell. Viruses, worth to mention again, easily make part of a cell and the cell then reproduces it but, it, harm the cell by destroying it and invading other healthy one to repeat that cycle in exponential creation. Something very similar to a cancer cell, but very fast, super-fast while cancer cells act at a very low reproduction-creation-growing (in comparison to a virus) until the cell invade an organ as that organ stops its adequate permitted natural function ending in death. So, viruses are tricky. They are molecules that reproduces inside a living cell. In a lone state, it is harmless unless it is accepted by a living cell, this is, a living organism. With today advances, humans had been able to introduce viruses directly inside a cell composition, its RN (ribonucleic acid, a molecule that is reproduced to be inserted, via natural phenomena, inside another ribbon, a deoxyribonucleic acid, in order for the cell to grow, expand and reproduce, giving live as they, those cells make tissues and organs. Organs, by other natural phenomena, learnt to accept or reject those new formation of ribbons if they are harmful to them. The carry a natural coding that evolves into different living organism and that coding is called: heredity. So, here we go: Cuz viruses were the first substances of which cells evolved due to other natural accidental mixers-rejection, mixers-acceptance, called natural selection …evolution took its course of self-reproduction. Cells always reject viruses; they are not accepted in them. Biological tech, this is, Biological applied science, had been figured out by scientist, of how to force a virus to be accepted into a cell, that normally rejects it cuz it learned it is harmful and would destroy them, fast, very soon. There are other cells, that do accept some virus cuz they learned to block it effect on themselves but would kill, the virus, whichever other not prepared cell unable to block a specific virus. For instance, the so-call common flu, that is a virus, it mutate very fast and enter very fast inside many special cell and kill many of them but, the cell learn to kill that molecule first after it learns of them yet it start at a very slow speed its protection against that molecule until it exceed the speed of other cell accepting the virus and reproducing it in exponential amount as cells next to it increase in exponential amount, to elevated to 2 to 1 but, exponent elevated to 3 to 1. There are times that the cell is too slow doing that, and it dies. Cells use something known as immune substance, which gives all other cells the power to destroy viruses: special hemoglobin that invade all the cells killing the virus, then when there is no virus, those special hemoglobin dies, leaving its creator that lives for decades inside the tissues that contain the cells and that are able to create back again those immune substances 3 to 1 long before the virus start increasing in the exponential of 2 to 1. Here the hard to die hemoglobin, always win and all the cells survive: survival of the fittest. …but humans are curious. Cuz of the geopolitical confrontation from one geography to other geography, humans, and cuz of its desire to know, humans, force cells to accept viruses, not through natural selection but, via artificial intelligent selection manipulated by humans themselves not giving time for cells to develop its self-defenses and therefore exposing all of humanity to extinction the same as humans are extinguishing whole other animals as Orangutans and Rhinos, sea creatures via excessive fishing and other birds. Humans, instead of becoming protectors of natural selection, are turning into natural terrorists of humanity, themselves, that would cause its self-extinction …in my educated opinion, I doubt that Artificial Intelligent will destroy humanity but, the ill manipulation of the mere existence of the human cell via the insertion of experimental ill or intentional manipulation of natural selection pushing viruses inside a cell not ready to protect itself, again, via natural selection. When pandemic appears amongst humans, if not artificially created, cells have a chance of survival. That was why Native American Indians died when Christopher Columbus “Discovered the Americas”. and then started to reappear but were eradicated again via discrimination, killing them and enslaving-them-like imposing an intellectual abusive society of humans to other humans. …and that is why some geopolitical geographic humans, are forced to undue the ill, evil or careless creation of illness, turning it into epidemic, then accidentally or not into pandemic who knows if for the use of war to dominate others but ending up killing them all including themselves. …now there is the Land Nation State of India. It has discovered or it suspects that a third Mortal Flu is appearing on its land which is much more mortal cuz the first kills mostly adults people and in a lesser manner youngsters but this new Mortal Flu is killing youngsters in the lot as if it, the known Coronavirus-19 or Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus-2 or Coronavirus disease 2019 had mutated …in my humble educated opinion, no, it had not; it is that a new Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus-3 had been introduce in the India’s population that is much more effective killing humans, better than the Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus-2. Those unti-Mortar Flu are still effective eliminating that “new variant” if people are vaccinated on time long before they get sick, hand and face and hair hygiene is applied …people should cover their hair when entering into highly contaminated locations by just using whatever is available as normally people use: hats, or a rag around the head, etc., etc., etc. The “Who” failed to do its work after billion of dollars were feed to it to protect humans …and it responded to geopolitical interest of some other nation with the interest of possessing humans to enrich its social dominance of humans as humans possesses domesticated animals. Who is to blame?

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