Freedom, a need of humans, all. Darwin, predicted this in his theory. -an AXIOM in Survival of the Fittest- US, in fighting terrorist dreams comfused with reality, are surviving to their destruction to America and multi religious nations... "Their garments of pitch, and fire shall enwrap their faces-" "This is a message for mankind that they may thereby be warned" from the Koran, Verse 14 no. 50... Iran behold on this, and their 72 virgens... they dear for the Atomic Bomb!
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Non Democratic geopolitical social groups, tech is a thing not well known cuz they are much more than savages’ people one way or the other: Savages.
Non Democratic geopolitical social groups, tech is a thing not well kown cuz they are much more than savages people one way or the other: savages.
First things first.
"thing not well known", here it means, not created, invented or evolved withing their groups cuz their social organigram does not permit them to develop that thing, the so called: tech, yet they have that in abundance (imported or copied). communist forced societies as well as in Socialists ones including dictatorships, where freedom, the main substance of liberty, anything goes, but that.
It is not only in China. It is known that in Cuba, once upon a time (about less than 10 years ago)
some people used to remove the fat of cadavers, fried it, and extract the human oil and sells it in the black market as cooking oil ...that said by the same people that were buying that oil from unknown origen. when have they found out, they exploded in terror ...what did the Cuban gov did? Nothing, nada, period.
This kind of geopolitical malpractice is nothing else than tech exploitation of the will of the people in benefit of a small few. Groups of human carnivals. When they don't eat its own people, like in China, they sell people body parts (human harvest) cuz they cannot or do not want to use tech for creation or invention ..prefer to go the easies part of it: killing and selling people body parts (harvesting people organs). Worst of it: removing people body parts while the sacrificed human is still alived and without any anesthesia. The human is beaten as much as possible and it (cuz now is a thing), that human prefers to die as soon as possible just to alleviate the pain incurred.
The only country that had develop many techs is Russia. But Russia in its communist era, mostly developed unapplied science, not applied science, which is known as tech; the European Continen did turn its science into tech. Russia has done so, most via spying. This is the case of their nuclear bombs. Only in their actual somehow relaxed dictatorship imitating a Democracy, it has developed a littler more techs while Europe and US had develop huge advance technologies as well mustly USA. In the case of China, which never been a Democracy, all tech developed in this Nation States is just pure and simple: copies of tech developed in advanced Nation States locate in other parts of the world; they are all Democracies.
If rich Arab Nation States had advance environment, that advanced environment exists just only amongst its very rich people, the poor never; on the contrary, in Europe and USA, poor people carry with them, in their home, very advance tech, yet they do not know it cuz they think that is normal; they think that it exists all around the world on each and every human.
Why that?
Simple to explain, even Russia carries an older civilization than USA, it is less more advanced as told above including China. Europe has a much older advance civilization than USA but, USA carries much more Democracy than Europe, Russia and China. All human civilization carries a Democracy but in a mixed degree; remember that the living human contains within: Democracy, Capitalism, Free enterprise, Socialism, Communism and Dictatorship …depending on its degree of mixture it acquires a name: Democracy if it contains a lot of other things such as “Freedom of Speech”, Freedom of movement, Freedom of Choice and a number of things that exist associate with the main supporting column of it: Human Rights. In Socialist entities, the association of those other things differ in lesser degree and its degree is controlled by the State, not its people. In the case of Europe and USA, Europe is the geolocation that had given birth to the most advanced human-enlighten entities been within them a lot of ethnocentrism and the practice of slavery that as of now, is very low but in its ruling class; they keep their roots of getting the best thing for them in comparison to the minorities which are the most abundant in percentage of the population. USA, which before was an extract extension of Europe, was a copy of them but, Democracy, which has its roots on the Philosophies and history of the old Greece, took a different course after USA was born in 1777 due to its birth certificate, its Magna Carta. It has created, its Constitution, a system so strong, that even a Coup-d'etat (January 6th. of 2021) directed by the former President of United States of America, Donald John Trump, did not succeed: n. pl. coups d'état (ko͞o′) or coup d'états (dā-täz′)
The sudden overthrow of a government by a usually small group of persons in or previously in positions of authority.
Will continue next…
Most unti-Democratic entities are born out of Democratic Nation States, once they are elected, their leaders or Juntas decomission it.
Democracy is possible on open systems, others are closed system. When people live in open systems, they florish by way of creation and competition amongst themselves. In non-Democratic systems, competition against the Nation State is not tolerated.
There are leaders around each and every corner on the Plannet (inhabited by humans, if so, it is a Plannet ...not inhabited, it is a Planet) poor leaders, mental-closed, get confused on how a system organising its inhabitants should and/or shall be rule. Their leaders, mostly due to poor phylosophies, like that of Marx and lenin or Confucio, turn into killer of its own inhabitants under rules not morally accepted by intelligent others or cuz their very poor interpretation of the natural environment. They, those leaders, turn against the population, thinking that the repeation of an act would make it either true or would work in controlling the environment mostly if that act is done in huge scale. For instance see the case of China: planting trees on a terrain natural made for grass which is as of now a desolated region ...trees planted there are growing very feble and starting to die too. A garden could be done in a dessert, but a dessert can not be turn into a garden, it needs nature to go into accions via natural selection through thousands of years cuz many factors have to be subjected to special order of state, not just planting trees. Magic is not nature yet nature makes magical work takes time. Oxygen is lighter than CO2, so oxygen in Mars would excape its environment to space while it would take much longer for CO2 to excape into outer space unless O2 is enclosed. Earth g force cuz it is stronger than Mars, could withhold oxygen much more in its environment even yet, it creates it very fast. This is an analogy why Mars can not be terraformed unless its g force is increase as such of earth. Interpret by yourself why a dessert can not be made into a gardern? Science is the understanding of natural laws ...a dessert is ruled by natural laws. Large enclosure would permit to grow trees in a dessert, it cost would be greater than its benefit, so let Democracy work to do that via its people creation of tech that creates more tech and see how desserts would carry trees in it! "ain't Democracy the ironny of nature? It is, Democracy, the survival of the fittest creating things to make the non-fitted to survive too. Democracy is a creator, non-Democratic systems are destructors, tech is not well known by them, but copy righted very well not followng copyright, that's why people prefer not to create if any government takes their effort away from them and makes it "government own" ...AND TO GO A SOME HOW FURTHER: THE CHINA COMMUNIST PARTY LEADER, TOOK ALL THE MONEY BELONGING TO A GREAT CAPITALIST PIONEER WHO OWNS A POWERFULL INTERNET SITE, AND TOOK ALL HIS MONEY TO BE USED FOR THE NEED OF THE GOVERNMENT OF CHINA SO AS NOT TO BE SET ON DEFAULT, AND IS DOING THE SAME WITH MANY OTHER OF THEM ...WOULD YOU INVEST, IF A CITIZEN OF CHINA, YOUR BLOOD, WORK, AND LIFE-TIME FOR A GOVERNMENT TO TAKE IT ALL FOR THEM, THEN LET YOU LOOSE, NOT FREE, TO MAKE MORE AND THEY, THE GOV TAKE IT FOR IT? ...see them as an it, not as them cuz only the leader thinks for the rest, turning the gov into an it, a thing: a non-living idealogy angainst people will ...don't make a dessert into a garden. In some geopolitical social groups, tech is a thing not well known.
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