Saturday, December 05, 2020

Hackers are at any location

Hackers are at any location
So, my advice: Make your password (coding), at least over 16 digits + letter + symbol as large as that. This is the best way over any way of securing one's email. ...if not, a user email is not secured at all doesn't matter what the user does or create. Now, any email coding made as above + its creator encryption, is well secured. P.S.: if in any coding for any email does not take the format as said in "So, my advice", that email is not a good secure e. the same goes to the user password to open anything, anything at all. ...always use those system practiced by either Msft or Ggle. they are very, very secure. There are many other securities to use in coding that are "a la par with them. Use them! If not: "ME DA PENA TU CASO BELLEZA"

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