Saturday, May 02, 2020 we are. Came back just for this: China, Extreme Capitalism and the pay: Novo Corona Virus. we are.
Came back just for this: China, Extreme Capitalism and the pay: Novo Corona Virus.

...yes, we all accuse China, and it is correct but, we forgot one thing: EXTREME CAPITALISM, which should carry most of the fault. Been the Chinese government most at fault with its dictatorship type of philosophical Communist ideals, the greedy, those mega-riches and super riches or extreme capitalist are as well as fault together too, with the Communist system of China.
...capitalism is a good thing but the extreme one is a bad one....extreme capitalists exported national force of labor into countries like China; they never took the precaution of at least keeping some industries back in their countries, politicians second them, they all extremely enriched to the most of their pocket; now, the world is paying for that, been unable to produce basic medical things in the least to palliate the death of its owns.
…hope US and the world learnt on that, and start changing the laws protecting their countries but still investing in foreign nations but not in extreme greedy manners to enrich only themselves, the super-riches at the cost of the poor be them the Chinese citizens, US citizens and all the world citizens.                   

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