Dream, dream, dream ...of course, Vladimir Putin would love that to happen but if so, Putin would be put already out of orbit: either overthrown off power or dead. ...so, in view of this dream born out of desperation from Russia's Putin's mafia, which is totally out of logic, reasoning and real expectation and based on unrealistic environment, in view of that, it is why Russia's economy can't grow. Math is math while politics is politics. Russia's economic system is not based on creation and demand but on obligation and demand. Everyone is obligated to vote for Putin or else ...therefore, Russians citizens prefers to leave the nation and invest someplace else. Remember, this are the riches of the riches leaving the nation. It holds Russia's economy. Russia's economy is on the hand of the Russian's mafia. They don't invest, they take what's other have and enjoy. ...but if the economy is left on the hand of the people for the people to invest, use and control (at the people will), the economy gets a boost. Worldwide competition takes over and creation and demand start working at a full gear. Russia gets out of its economic mess created by Putin. Russia's then succeeds and then, and only then, world economy decides who's cash flow is the boss cus all economy feels secure to invest at any place around the global corner. ...so, Putin dreams USA dollar is going to disappears as a strong cash on Plannet Earth. ...dream, dream, dream; that's the name of Vladimir Putin song.
…sing with me:

...this here is very
important, we should know but, it is very delicate ...it is a family issue: a
daughter and or son would do whatever possible to clear and protect their
father, mostly the daughter cuz of natural inheritance than the son
(pheromones) in the case of opposite sex ...and the female, then, would
sacrifice for her father much more than a male would do for his father).
People who's have a very high affinity in business, on their business, would do
whatsoever is needed to protect their family business much more if it is a
female whom has most of the attention by the owner of the business, her father;
for her, he commands, she obeys. Inheritance has also a very strong influence.
Here, we are dealing with biology, inheritance and economy which can't not be
explained from the political point of view. That's why Europeans kings
married their daughters with their own brothers cuz the above explained.
Now see this to understand
what is said here: https://youtu.be/wXf0VbW63D8
Just a fictional example: a
very rich business man sends his daughter to visit another very rich and
powerful business man to see if that man could be convinced into an
entrepreneur or business deal even if she has to marry that man or do
whatever he wants on intimacy in order to get whatever her father wants.
The FBI, the CIA and mostly all secret investigating agencies from England,
Russia and China do that. Not only private business in order to protect
the family business. Nowadays sometimes a female escort is used to do
that ...did you know?
The above is very tacit to comprehend, not for people without college education even though there are many self-educated people with a high degree of understanding.
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