Sunday, December 31, 2017

To God what belongs to God, to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.  Criticize what criticized must be.

Many, too many times, great extraordinary movies are plotted in screens, be them large or small ones like “Westworld”, and they, they in its essence carries a profound message that few people comprehend: the existence and beauty of life is invaluable.

Pic to be inserted later.

I learnt from this presentation what the lives of others is, not mine, for I always thought of mine as been a bless, but of other, at which I learned to understand better the world and its existence and beauty of life, is invaluable.

Lying, spying and falsehood, are a social crime, a social calamity.  Due to that many people had lost their lives and sometimes their preconceived future that is work with such a vigor to achieve.  Nations had fallen, armies had lost a just war and societies had loomed. Lying, spying and falsehood are the first sin of social calamities.

Traitors Within - Spies Who Sold Out America find that in:

Published on Aug 15, 2016

Former KGB, CIA and FBI agents analyze six recent high-profile cases where double agents compromised America's security.

Too many people say that Communism always been against Democracy …but in reality is it that societies living in other demographic places tend to develop, some many times, the tendency of feeling jealous at the succeeds of other geographic group that practices a different doctrine.

Now the case with the President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump.
To continue.

Thursday, December 14, 2017



...within this state they, humans, edit rules and regulations, at which one contradicts other rules, so they call them in one situation: laws and in another situation logics still in other situations, reasoning.

Laws, for humans, are not based necessarily on logics, rules and or regulations, they might be base-less laws, but must be obeyed by the rest of the population, but for them, the ruling class that make the laws, they have certain form of laws just to benefit themselves and they are court of laws, impeachment, incarcerations and presidential pardons, other side agreement (when the other side making the protest of abuse to one party involved in the creation of the abuse, offers money to the abused in exchange of dropping the accusation); there are hundreds of so called: “legal way of dissolving a court action within their human way of state number one”.

As stated above, this type of animal, manipulate the environment just to benefit one group of their “look-like-me human” and enslave all the other human to work for them.  But this group learn, even its learning is too low in the intellect of knowledge, to be part of the Survival of the Fittest.

The Survival of the Fittest, in humans, is just facilitating someone in gaining very poor knowledge in chemistry, mathematics, social science, biology, psychology, physics, history and a lot of other “scientific knowledges”, then humans group these things and bundle them into what they call: Diplomas and or certificates: Dr. in Medicine, Engineers, Physics, and Law, Accountants, Counselors and the blah, blah, blah of Diplomas they feel to create in order to define who could do that and who could do this.

Here the problem: they, humans, then handicap who could get a diploma; they deny the so call right to learn to other human groups based that they don’t look like them.  As the other group can’t learn, that group falls in the human waste cycle of ignorant, good to be slave to them, the one in the high class themselves called: white collar humans.  Lower than them there is the blue-collar humans and the “colour-less” humans, this is, the real slaves, the ghettoes or the so-called minorities that in reality are the majority of the population: the poor and the very poor.

It is very difficult for one of the poor to escalate into the group of the white-collar society, and when they do, they themselves find no way to help the poor, just with some contribution be it economical or with devices to help them, but the poor are a very vast population as just one example: most African population and too many in Asia, Minor Asia, Europe and others on the Earth geographic locations.

Humans, based on the way they function, have created other humans that had killed some of their own by the millions, and they call them heroes.

Humans kill each other using their laws, if not, their logic, if not their rules or just killing for the sake of killing as in the case of dictators as of now controlling large groups of the population of Plannet Earth (a plannet is a planet polluted with humans).

There is problem in this Plannet, but just for them.

Humans are trying to know the unknown in outer space, yet they don’t know themselves, from within themselves.

To be continued

…and that is when lies come in.


As a human, I experienced lies done by myself, lies to get something needed.  So other people lie too in order to get something needed for them, like money …I done that applying for personal loan to consolidate debts.  So, personal economic problems are the first steps that guide any human into further compromising situations in order for the person lying, to solve its personal needs.

But if the human involves as said above, and the human is a person with high social influence in its niche, that human would not hesitate in repeating lies and lies again and again in order to get his/her needs fulfil.  Here is when if a very rich human turned into politician applies what is then a behavior in lying to others just to get money based on his learned so called behaviours.

All human lies: see this:

A person applies for a personal loan in order to consolidate other loans in credit cards, but that person income is a very low income.  If the person does any other type of work, let us say: mechanics, computer work or works in any field that doesn’t produce any income, the person tells the loan interviewer that he/she makes some extra money.  When the loan interviewer as the person in needs: we must corroborate your income, so we have to know if you pay taxes on that income and how much you make, more or less.  The interviewed answers: no, I don’t report that income to the IRS, but I make more or less around forty thousand dollars per year.  What the person interested in getting the loan wants is to set him/herself fit to get the personal loan to consolidate is debts and then keep paying a smaller interest for all the credit already in need to pay and not fall into bankruptcy.

When the interviewer put all that information into the system, the system can’t verify the existence of the income reported by the borrower, and the system then rejects the borrower on the reason that he/she’s a very low income.

Here is when the human creating the lie is exposed to be used for money laundering if the human is in a very high social group and the person travel abroad.  The human if greedy, could get involve, slowly, in business dealing with prostitution, human trafficking, money laundering for drug dealers or just money laundering for other people in politics in other foreign country that are getting their money stolen from their government and wants to send it abroad to converted into legal earned money …the high-class person coming from other nation is the best subject for money laundering.

Now, see?  See how in different situation, minorities group commit lies? But the high-class liar remains impugned and free to make business at will and not be accuse on anything, yet could reach a very top political level as becoming a nation leader for four or more years.  If the low-class liar gets a personal loan based on his/her lies, that human might be punished with imprison or in the future, be suspected of becoming a criminal and then be found guilty of crimes not committed by the low social class liar; but the high social class liar stays impugned for he is one of those that make the rules to govern a country, the so called “laws” to be used by tribunal to dispatch “Justice for all”.

Humans are liars, which lies are use the same as if it were a right to use depending of its social personal level in which morals and/or philosophy has nothing to do with all the above discuss here: Humans are clever manipulator of lies.

 [E. R.1]Humans

Monday, October 02, 2017

In reference to light's bending.

Diameter of one wave of light, is constant at all waves of light in that light to have the same intensity, if its diameter increase, its intensity decreases in proportion to itself becoming each and in every increase in diameter, much feebler but staying lined up to the point where it divides into its radius, therefore, moving in a straight eternal line in its medium.

Friday, July 28, 2017

On 2018

We the People… can fire them all.

On Health care.

Protecting our own family | The power of voting | On 2018


How to do that.


It is already known that too many Congress people are willing, ready and leading to serve the President of the United States of America.

It is already known that “We the People…”, do have the power to remove any Congress person from power after he/she fulfill its term, that to get it back or stay in it, we must re-elect them, if not, they stay off power for the rest of their lives, this is: they are fire!!!

The problem of creating a fair health care act, to protect our citizens when they need health care, is already a Soup Opera in the Congress of the United States of America.

We have the power, and we are going to use it, this is already known.

So, let’s use it:

Just watch who are those Congress people that vote yes, to change our health care act, and then install a mess of a new one, leaving millions of our people without coverage, in such a way, that our parents, children, brothers and sisters as well as our communities stay empty handle and the money taken away from them is then given to people that do not need it, for they have fortunes of money, they are not asking for it and they will not give them to the people under any condition once they get that.

We the people are getting covered by a health care act because we paid for it, we saved money paying Medicare taxes for us all, including for those that could not effort to pay base on the common distribution of health to all citizens and anyone inhabiting this land of the Free: US.

Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and other things like that, is our investment to use when needed and for those that need it through established well created norms learnt through many, many years.

It is already known that there are too many naïve congress people that don’t understand or don’t care for the protection of their communities, for they think for US, the community …they don’t listen what we, who elect them ask them to do.

Many old timer Congress people, have their ego too high, so high that they feel they acquire the power they have in the position in the American Senate because they were either: born to have it, acquire from US “We the People…” for they outsmart US all for them to enjoy that and US to give them that disregarding the reason why US elect them!

Too many Congress people cannot do the MATH to figure out how to improve the past HEALTH CARE ACT by updating it to a better one.  They prefer to kill it and leave all American without a thing to keep and or/give US health protection to get medicines, physical therapies, a doctor diagnosis and attention by experienced professionals and the likes, things like that; instead, our money, our savings, our sacrifice we all did by working hard in a job to support ourselves and the family …that saving is wanted to be given away to very rich people and part of it to the Military.  To the Military, there are other ways to do that, but not from our own savings …take it away from the very super rich people, not from the middle class and the poor people of this nation.

It is already known that by telling all of US, a bunch of lies and promises that are not real, that cannot be done as of now and killing part of our human assets that created it: human manpower, this is, many scientific research posts that serve with free data to our people in the industry of the Free Enterprise, it is known that by doing that, it demonstrates that our actual President is a bigot, a person with very poor knowledge in the system of government.  Business is one thing, dealing with not alive objects, and politics is another thing, dealing with live people and not alive objects at the same space and time.  At the first, human knowledge is not needed, at the second, human knowledge is a must …this is, known of diverse situation of the human as a person with needs and obligations, not as inferior to objects, money and the environment.

Last thing, we can govern ourselves, US doesn’t need the intervention of any foreign power in the White House; if the President can’t govern for US, then he should abandon the White House for someone else with political knowledge to take the job …that’s why US the People… must impeach that President.

Someone not psych phrenic, not… not crazy or neurotic even psychopath, must take the guidance of this State Nation, the United States of America.

US need our money back in the hands of US to be use as prescribed by justice for all.

Let’s remove Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump away from our White House and elect real Congress people to govern US, on our behalf.

Sunday, July 09, 2017

G20 reunion + Russia and US

If I were a thief and Donald Trump a judge.

…I would assault a truck transporting money to Wall Street, and the other Truck transporting money to the White House including the one transporting money to the Pentagon.
…if the police arrest me, and the FBI get facts of the happenings as well as the NSA follow my leads filling document with investigation of my "plot" …I would let them take me to prison and see the Honorable Judge Donald Trump …when the Honorable Judge ask me, face to face, and tell me: be sincere Mr. Egnio; I know you’re one of my neighbors, and I trust you, so, answer in peace and tell me the truth.  Did you assault all those trucks with that huge amount of money?  Was it you?
…no, dearest Honorable Donald Trump …how on earth I would do that?  …don’t your Honorable Excellency see that the police are a liar?   …don’t your Honorable Excellency see that those siting down there around the corner, the so-called onlookers or news stations are all infidels to your seat as an excellent law watcher?  …dear friend, they want to destroy me for I am your neighbor, then to go after you with the same lies when you leave your position sooner or later.
Good Mr. Egnio, I know from the bottom of my heart you did not do that; but as I, a Honorable Judge, I must question you for there are doubts of what you are saying; did you, I ask again, committed that horrendous historical crime?
Your Excellency Donald Trump, I vehemently keep my words, all I want to do is to work with you and the rest of my neighbors in the peaceful maintenance of our neighborhood block association to make it better, and you Distinguished friend, Excellence Trump, knows of that.
OK, Dearest friend Egnio, go in peace to your side while I issue a sentence on this dialog of ours, go in peace.
Sentence and seal of  my sentence:
  1. Hereafter, I, the Honorable Excellency appointed Judge by the People of this land, hereby declare that Mr. Egnio never been even remotely close to the location of the crime at which he’s accused of.
  2. Hereafter, I the Honorable Excellency appointed Judge by the People of this land, hereby declare that Mr. Egnio never been willing and/or doing any crime as pointed out by the FBI, the NSA, the secret police and neighborhoods associations of this land and all those other institutions related or involved with this case.
  3. Hereafter, I, the Honorable Excellency appointed Judge by the People of this land, hereby declare that Mr. Egnio is a good man, that he is, immediately liberated as of this time, of the illegal arrest at which he had been subjected, so that our neighborhood association would start doing business with this Great Man! Mr. Egnio.

                                                           Sentence given as of
                                                             today, July 9, 2017
                                                         and sealed as of the same day

Seal of the United States of America.
Deal giving away any demand from US
to Russia on Hacking from them.
Seal of the White House.
 Excellence Honorable Appointed Judge by the people on the people on the left and Mr. Good neighbor on the right.

Monday, June 19, 2017

A Constitution or a piece of paper.

                                              US have a Constitution or a Piece of paper?
A constitution can be enforced applying the law, otherwise, it is just a piece of paper... whether you like it or not.
In the United States of America, it is been demonstrated that ours is just a piece of paper, that US is not a Democracy but a System of Capitalism, extreme Capitalism.  Our piece of paper of Constitution does not exist in the spirit of the so-called American people.  Bigotry, hate, ignorance and things like that is abundan in our minds, mostly within the mind of those that feel they are the true Americans, just because they came here first than all the others.
There are few people in the world, in power, whom has the spirit of Democracy rooted in their soul, one of them is the actual chief of the German Government and few others from the nations of the CONFEDERATED EUROPEAN UNION.
In our USA, EXTREME CAPITALISM is rooted in the heart of our very naïve congress people and our actual elected president.  Those in our government, the fed, those few with actual rooted Democracy are overpowered by those others greed ones full of ignorance, egoism and lacking any idea of the future of the UNITED STATES of NORTH AMERICA.
Does USA have a CONSTITUTION or just a PIECE of paper?
Think and think again and think trice.
The security of this nation rest only, and only in the hands of the FBI, CIA and NSA including other official institutions designed to be the backbone of our national fabric: "We the People..."
It is a petty, a shame and a guilt of our politicians, of some of them, who doesn't see that fabric as been the nation; that they, the few, are not the nation, the power but those assigned to dedicate their time to protect US, enrich US and advance US to a better future ...a petty to see their narrow minds, their closed mind and their one sided mentalities as if they were drunk.  US is in decadence starting the exact day "We the People..." elected an individual in 2016, to take the American Presidency having no knowledge of the fabric of our people: all those living, working and enjoining the fruit of our Democracy ...and investing in it.  Our descendants are been destroyed by greed ones full of ignorance even before they are born.

Thursday, June 08, 2017

Development data on President Vladimr Putin and President Donald J. Trump

Depending on former director of one of our highest and older dedicated USA security, an essay/research would be published tomorrow which will explain with details the Trump/Putin story.  Right here.
Developing data on VlPn or Vladimir Putin
After observing for days and days the involvement, if any, between President Donald J. Trump and President Vladimir Putin, I found the following: brief introduction.
Long before Trump asked to the Republican Party to be accepted as a party member, Trump had personal business with President Vladimir Putin, of Russia.  Vladimir Putin in order to secure his fortunes in case he loses his position as President of Russia, made personal investments with some billionaire around the world.  It is known that the FMI once lend money to Russia in 1998 and that around 5 billion dollars disappeared from the vault of the Russian government, money related to loans from the IMF aside of 20 billion lend to the Russia government by the same IMF.
When Vladimir Putin took power of the Russian government, he, Putin, had in his pocket some billions he could get from Russian government banks.  He, Putin, ignored all those former authorities that pocket Russian’s bank’s money as long as they didn’t mess around his new created government.
The body:
The money Putin had, could not be exposed to the people of Russia to be known; he, Putin, invested some of it in Russian Assets and started making personal loans to billionaires around the world who visited Russia with the purpose to invest in the country …Vladimir Putin, personally, lend money to them but he was very careful, not to all, but to those of the types of Donald Trump who were in debt and still wanted to make investments in foreign countries expecting to exploit any benefit given to him on special circumstances as that was of the Russian nation that President Obama had blocked, economically, certain economic acts in the international business.  Putin felt a large part of his investment was frozen, for he had some of it under the property of his best friends who turned into politicians and easily scaled up the steps to go into power by the help of Putin, former KGB.
Those other KGB agents and acquaintances who knew of Vladimir Putin assets and the manner how he got it, were killed, not jailed.  Those that just suspected of that, were jailed …one of them was killed in Great Britain, he was living over there and was known to be a former KGB agent, but he deserted.
Donald Trump did personal business with Putin, got personal loans from Putin and started investing that money in countries like Argentina, Great Britain and tried China.  That is a reason, the above, why he could not declare that money in his possession to the IRS here in USA.
How the trick works:
In order for Trump to pay back the money to Putin, Trump bought a building in New York City then resold the building to one of Putin best friends.  Trump invested in that building under knowledge of Putin, so that Putin’s friend would buy that and Putin were paid back with the investment done here in that estate.
To be continued
I got all the data, real data of where and how Putin got his fortune, then I tie all the nuts and got this introduction.
Here the conclusion of the analysis of the body:
I’m working on that, but it will take some time to show historical data that will answer all questions on the fortune of Vladimir Putin and the logic why Donald Trump withhold any info to be given to the IRS.  His family are emissaries to relate to people who he made business abroad in foreign nations.  His son in law reassured to Putin that his investment is in good hands.
Vladimir Putin is exploiting this situation for the President of the United States is his hostage and business comrade.  President Trump is showing to Putin that he has things under control …but he, Trump, is distracting the world, purposely, just to distract attention from his dirty business around the world with money stolen by other people who as of now are chief of other nation.  Trump uses his family to do under the table business for him and save his neck.  The United States of America is held hostage via Donald Trump acts.
Donald Trump is, purposely, diverting attention so no one knows the truth of his dirty business as told above.
Here my finding starting first with the IMF, for it had been easy for Trump to get money, faster and a lot from personal dictators.  Things were not planned to be like that, it just happened like that on the reason that Donald Trump all he does to get money has no limit as long as not killing but exploiting other people situations.  His philosophy: just money, money and money, period.  He cares not for politics, war, calamities, confrontation and the likes… with money he thinks he controls anyone, even judges that might give sentences on his favor.
The Data:
May the 7, 2012, Putin third term as President of Russia.
(15 years already in power of the Russian Federation).  It is assumed that Putin has forty (40) billion dollars in asses.  Has a Dacha (worth hundreds of thousand dollars).  A country house usually large and impressive in an estate; among various millionaire properties.
Born in 1952 from a poor working family, now a billionaire via unknown (?) politic practices.
1991, the soviet system went into a chaos, systematically and economically and got to an end.  That when Putin, at age of thirty-nine (39) turned from a KGB agent, into a business man as he stayed in politics been the right-hand’s man of Saint Petersburg’s mayor: Anatoly Sobchak; a communist and co-author of the Constitution of Russian Federation and the first democratically elected mayor of Saint-Petersburg.  Putin was his pupil, Anatoly his mentor.
City councilor of Saint-Petersburg Mrs. Marina Salye, who died in the spring of 2012, wanted to put a stop to Putin’s political practice, but a stop was instead to her: death, ten years after, no witness left.  Her sister Natalia Salye still has the record of the finding of the money stole in 1992 by the Mayor and Putin, his helper on the plot on the solution to bring food to the Russian communities of the system of that time, for the communist system was at fail.
In Russia, power went from Gorbachev to Yeltsin.  Saint-Petersburg was out of food supply.
Putin was assigned to supply groceries stores with food and manage the exploitation of the raw material to be sent to governmental assigned facilities to be exported for the food taken into Russia, the Western Hemisphere, mostly from Europe responded sending a huge amount of food to Russia’s territories and bringing back huge amount of raw material to be used by Europe and in some part of the USA.  Western capitalist contributed to save the existence of the newly form Russian Federation.
Remember, Putin worked for the Mayor of Saint-Petersburg and large quantity of raw material as well as food and money, of course, was place at the hands of Putin, former KGB who worked in preserving the best jobs to politicians in the former USSR.  Mrs. Marina suspected he was stealing part of the money, raw material and food to be sold in the black market internally and the black market that always arises from the Western capitalist business men, as was on that time very well known by Europeans and Americans.  Including the IMF that was not included in this type of Three-quel to help Russia.
The above was the sequel of Russia transformation from an empire communist dominant state into a Democracy that still is in its progress of been… now is the time to see, in its midterm, the transformation of Russia into a Democracy and how criminals from inside as Vladimir Putin and criminals from outside, make secret and personal alliances to benefit of this transition …still going on between Vladimir Putin and foreign capitalist business people.
The idea of Gorbachev was passed to Yeltsin: raw material such as wood, petrol, metal and others, for food: meat, oil, flour, etc.
Marina Salye triggered a municipal inquire on this system that gave a lot of food to Saint-Petersburg’s Mayor of that time, to handle, while the Mayor helped the government in the extract of raw material for the mandate of the fed exported under the mandate of Yeltsin.
This is when Putin, suddenly, became rich, (as Mayor’s assistant, Putin earned $400 a month) too much of a rich person and politician turned from that time  …he knew mostly, where criminal politicians were hidden, working on their behalves, not for the nation: corruption, something similar going on today in the USA presidency at which many inexpert rich people are named in high political positions which will undermine the system of Democracy, with all its institutions:  NATO, OTAN, NASA and NSA, DNI, FBI including the CIA, as well as Social Security, Medical Care, people fed pension …the Pentagon from within the federal government and other small institution that watch for the protection of the environment and to inform our people of scientific investigation for them to make decisions and researches before investing into the free market.
Marina Salye found that some raw materials were sold and the money made was pocketed by Saint-Petersburg mayor: Anatoly Sobchack’s right hand Putin and himself.  This all started to happen in 1991 when Russia started falling.  In 1992 an inquiry report of the second city of Russia, related to criminal behaviours of its mayor’s second hand: Vladimir Putin exists.  Our president contracted as a private USA citizens, illegal business with today’s strong commander in chief of the Russian confederated government, which person became President of the United State of America.  Putin, be it known, with today tech, is not going to ignore exploiting this situation by intending to take Europe military force off readiness to combat its Russian militaries to invade former USSR satellite territories …remember why Chechenia  revolted against Russia and we helped Russia to pinpoint the point of the Chechenia’s revolted people, its movement from place to place …Russia learnt our strategy and is working since, to improve theirs, but the Western economic blockade made by President Barack Obama impeded, unknowingly, their tech to take shape; China has that tech already.
Mrs. Marina Salye die, before her due time, ten years after her inquiry report, Putin was already President of Russia, and she would not stay alive to tell of the story, but her file still exists on her sister hands: Mrs. Natalia Salye.  See: “Putin’s Hidden Treasure”, by Netflix, in documentary, all the other actors can be found in “Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia”.
She will die after Putin find of this (her sister) and that doc will be burned, unless… she goes into the blue, and reappears in the USA.  Her testimonial argument is needed for historical reason, with those inquiries from her sister.
Note: an inquire did reach the local government, but either the local Mayor and Putin himself stopped it …see the analogy of today’s FBI investigation on Russian involvement in USA 2016 election?  Similar?  This mean then, if I am wrong, I am the only person that think that way?  No one in our investigative system would put the bell to the cat?
Once in the city of rats, a cat moved in, and started to be vigilant of rats’ movement, and hunted them, and ate them slowly one by one; each and every day the same story.
A very brave rat succeeded to get most rats and mice together to discuss the problem; they did.  And concluded that it was a bright idea to, that of one mouse, to put a cascabel (a small hollow ball, with opening and a small stone in it, when it is moved or shaken, the hollow ball, it produces a sound that is heard from some distance) on the neck of the cat when he get to sleep.  When the cat wakes up and move around to chase them, the rats and mice, they could hear it and run away from that menace.  Cats have a silent step when go hunting.
Extraordinary idea!  Claimed all rats and mice, unanimously …then the final question: who put the cascabel?
That what happened to the former director of the FBI and to anyone who makes the trial… but the Congress of USA.  And is happening as well in Russia, too.  Many people had been killed even a former KGB agent as pointed within this research without mentioning the name.  Putin could try here too.  Why not?  Evil has no frontiers.  For me, no offense, USA is as of now, a proxy gov of the Russia Fed gov due to the naïve of too many of our politicians in Congress and the main one: Donald J. Trump, President “elected” of US, and his ignorance in politics, a bigot of a person.  Thanks, that our constitution has a paragraph to work on this situation by removing from power any official that turns into a menace to the nation, but our Constitution by itself is just paper, someone must put the cascabel to the cat, who?
…another parallel to Putin: both, our President and Putin are co-founder or co-manager of a lot of companies not legally declared in any public institution on that time for Putin's Russia, and our time for President Donald J. Trump to the IRS.  Trump admires Putin, is that why? Yes, Putin's a generous money depositor into Trump estate using others people names and firms.
It is important to mention here, that Putin could not lend money for he would have to invested in a bank to do so, as the bank would use his money to lend it, Putin would get only a smaller dividen ...and he is not the IMF; it is of a better idea to lend that money to any billionaire that visit Russia, Trump is one of them.  There are others.  In USA, Trump sold a building to one of Putin friends, in this way, with this back business between Putin-Trump, and Trump as a private American citizen, there was no problem, except that could not be declare to the IRS, nor Putin has to declare it to our IRS even the building is not under Putin name but somebody else.  Trump is investing Putin money in other nations such as China, Great Britain and Asia: not his money, but Putin personal loans to him, our President before he became president (Trump).  The FBI was investigating, and still is, this transaction; then former FBI was fire as director of this institution.  President Trump would delay to appoint a new director and if doing so, would fire the new one if he doesn't get the message why the former one was fired. The President is playing with fire, he doesn't care, he knows that whoever gets the Presidency (its vice-president), would pardon him immediately ...while Russia weakens our militaries moral position in front of other nations such as EU, China and the rest of Asia.
Putin is already planning to force other nations former satellites of USSR, now the Russia Confederation, to join it -by intervening within its citizens to overthrow its government or make a revolution as done in Crimea.  US would be too busy dealing with the senseless acts of our President, distinguished elected President of the United States of America.  It is of Trump benefit to confront China or North Korea or offend other dignitaries of foreign nations as long as his personal debt with Putin is never known due to all the socio-political problems caused by his acts.
He is inept to direct a war, any war: so gave secret data to Russia to do that in Syria.  It will be used to destroy terrorist and anyone fighting the dictator of Syria.  He is capable to give Russia the exact location of USA nuclear submarine position in the seas around the world ...the way to do that: using any normal-non-secure communication channel to give orders to our militaries and national security departments.  Russia will immediately hear the data.  He will have a lot of private-official meetings with foreign authorities, but at his estates, not at the White House, here it is secure, on his premises it is not secure.  He, our President would facilitate to be heard by Russia spies.
I hope, you readers enjoyed this essay on the dangerous situation the United States is going through, and of course, would value this as a soft story, no it is not, I tried to use most of the time to contribute to the protection and existence of this nation, but mostly in the interest of Democracy.  You be the one who put the cascabel to the cat.
There is a documentary that would show our government authority that as explained above, President Trump is also a toy commanded by Vladimir Putting estate property at which USA is at danger.
That’s why Trump is forced, like it or not, to play the game on Putin favor or else.
And finally: the end of the analysis of the conclusion of the body:
All USA existence is at the edge of an abysm.

This work will be made public at any time when chance permit …first let’s see what former director of the FBI tells.  It will depend on that.

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Plot… Sunday, May 07, 2017 6:34 PM Author:
  People involved in this Plot.
James Comey:
  …actual chief of the FBI (he is compromised investigating a Plot by Russia to USA, at which investigation he can't reveal sensitive info he has, least to the actual gov of President Donald J. Trump:
 ...who is the primary object of the investigation; if any info is given to Trump, it might leak to Russia via whichever connection Russia has spying in USA, Russia uses the tech given to the secret spying agency of USA, which the USA totally ignored but Russia catch on it, developing it and using it against the rest of the world …the author. Mike Flynn:
 …former American General, former chief adviser (for just 24 days, he was then fired -a way for the Trump admin to save its involvement with Russia's President Vladimir Putin to today's President Donald J. Trump. Trump team, composed of: Evelyn and others...   Trump electoral team involved with Russia espionage? Notice that a Russian Ambassador "died" while in his embassy and Vladimir Putin has the habit of killing those people that could compromise his status as President. MSNBC of political analysts: (this MSNBC group makes social-political analysis of the function of the American government and its society as a whole, for a profit and in behalf to Democracy). And Fox News: analysis too, but favoring, a party over other party, this is: not making analysis including both governmental parties: Republicans and Democrats. This news chain prefers to make analyses viewing Republicans philosophy for their point of view eyeing the actual President of USA: Donald J. Trump. Fox News uses a psychology: laughing at whatever, sometimes, the opposition, Democrats, say in politics as making mock of them. It makes mock of any methaphor they (Democrats) create. In the lower chamber Republicans, not Democrats, passed a bill to change the so-call Obama Care (Health Care law) with a new one: TrumpCare (new Health Care law). It is awaiting the approval, remaking or rejecting of a higher Congressional House: the Senate of Congress. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca):
 ...She opposes on the way Republicans are trying to change the so-call ObamaCare, for they want to remove this law made to cover American citizens yet the law is not a very good one, she claims that if it is going to be ejected or remove, any new bill must be created submitting in a proper way the manner how citizens are going to be protected already elaborated in the bill, not after the bill is approve in Congress, for there is no guarantee it would be corrected then once it becomes law abandoning millions and millions of people, mostly elders and children that need health Care and can not afford it. Reince Priebus, White House Chief of Staff:
 …he agrees totally with the removal and replace of ObamaCare act by one so call TrumpCare act, such a Health Care bill, is expected to improve as a "hand-on" law, this is, approving a bill then correct the bill as problems occurs. A strange practice for it is not a guarantee that Congress, governed mostly by Republicans will do that. Vladimir Putin:
...on President Vladimir Putin of Russia: relations ...Putin wish is to destroy NATO forces without shooting a single bullet on the reason that USA has a superior force in alliance with Europe capable of wining a non-nuclear war against Russia.  This is this: Russia' intelligence system has invaded most USA institutions and European institutions with heavy secret surveillance malware difficult to notice capable of neutralizing the functioning of those institutions just in case of a war confrontation with Russia itself.
It is suspected that President Trump had economic alliance with Vladimir Putin who happens to be, Putin, a master in political negotiation by using secret killing against its own citizens, coercing, black mailing and intimidation in order to win (same as in Machiavelli, the Prince, a work of art book explaining how to stay in power and how to win power using whichever mean needed to do that; most famous world dictators fallow Machiavelli guidelines).  Trump, clearly indicated in his speeches that he favor (inferred and implied) whichever mean he could follows in order to get money (as in Machiavelli, the Prince, but in this case: money, he manipulate situations to do that, I see it that way based in his speeches and acts in his businesses).
The President of USA, is a naïve politician, but very clever, not smart, businessman who interest, the way I notice he is, is money, fake news, and some form of discrimination against others not of his states: black, muslin, religions in general but extreme capitalism associated with whoever give him money first, money second and money last (lacking patriotism and, I see, loving ethnocentrism of those like him. He is a person who master fake news as long as he could without mercy of the person, institution or whatever he attacks with words: a BIGOT, as some people see him.
 I might not continue writing this findings on the logic that FBI boss had been fired by President Donald J. Trump in order to block whichever finding on the President himself and Russia. This move is enough to understand that President Trump and President Vladimir Putin are deeply involved into a conspiracy from Putin side against NATO and enrichment from Trump side against the safety of the United States of America; the first to destroy USA, and the second to enrich himself at whichever cost.

This is what's happened in the Oval Office, the Palace that contains the center hybrid command of the USA: The President and Military power of this nation.

First thing first:

There is a spy agent working in the so call Mar-a-Lago ...of the President Donald J. Trump, where he prefers to meet dignitaries and pocket some money as people register to be able to enter that location too.

From here President Vladimir Putin does communicate with President Donald J. Trump. The spy allocated here is a simple servant who does unskilled work ...important, so no one take her to be noticed.  All the Mar-a-Lago had been bugged (by that servant) in specific places that only the former director of the FBI and two (2) or three (3) agents suspect (don't know), it is top secret amongst all secrets.

So, accidentally (?), Trump receives info from Russia at which he is told the investment he has in Russia is secured and that there is no way on knowing of it, unless he tells, and Vladimir Putin could delete it all, if he sees him in danger of been discovered. Tacitly Trump knows that he has time, plenty of time, to clean the mess of IRS reporting he has and hide the rest of fortune abroad, favor he got in Russia, places he visited for private satisfaction and amusement and the blah, blah, blah-like that.  Putin is the guarantor of his privacy, in Russia and around the world with his (Putin) sophisticated spy agency branching all around the corners of the world, including USA and directly in Mar-a-Lago including Putin has the complete story of Trump's family, his wife before and after meeting Donald J. Trump, everything known by Russia.

But there was a big problem: the former director of the FBI.


Getting rid of him, on that, Vladimir Putin informed Donald J. Trump via Trump's employee in Mar-a-Lago, that in order for Putin, to send his emissaries and have a clean, beautiful and "great" dialog, Mr. FBI director would be the problem, for he would interfere in his (Donald Trump) administration and not only that, would create misleading data that would cause his (Trump) impeachment. "that that guy had to go". so Russia and the USA could at last be in peace dealing Business that would be a win-wing among them.

So, President Donald Trump asked his vice President if asking the FBI director to leave his post, would be a correct decision so his government could govern at will, without been blocked by this guy. Vice-President told him that it would cost him nothing to fire him and suggest someone else to take over the FBI post then open it for new hire with somebody else willing to serve his Presidency in an ambience of peace.

This triggered an idea to Trump: fire him and see what comes next with Russia.

Trump informed, then, Vladimir Putin, consider the guy that, as unemployed and ready to meet me here as you will.

Said and done, Vladimir Putin prepared a committee of the best spies and emissaries to travel to the USA, without anyone in the nation knowing of it at the beginning (US, except Trump, he knew, but who on earth could read it in his popular interviews he gave before?  Or by reading his face? Clever guy ...but not smart), or around the world, knowing of that,.  The instructions: spies would pose as cameramen, security personnel for the emissaries and the likes.

...President Trump was happy, for he guarantees that his fortune abroad was secured.  After firing the FBI director, that was the opened door for Putin to send his bunch of spies directly into the White House, bug the White House with software directed to the White House eavesdropping, and add simple codes to be use in the future as needed to "follow" whatever happens in that room. just like that.

...and to make this story the more likable as possible, now, Trump must lie and lies in whichever interview he gives, but there is a problem: he can't coordinate what he's saying, for it is based on lies, and there are no real pictured-memories of his lies,  So, the best thing is to expose his Vice-President, and anyone supposed to clean this mess... that's their jobs, to work for him, not for the nation.

Just watch how Trump tells different things when speaking to the news, the more he speaks, the more nervous he gets ...look at the way he coordinates the direction of his eyes, trying to bring back to his memory what he said before, but not remembering a word, Trump's interlocutors, the news, when confront him, ask him or tell him: you said this and that before, and now you just said this and that, totally not in accordance to what you said before ...then Trump says "look, what a am after is for 'jobs, jobs, jobs: for the American people.  Sometimes the interlocutor brings him back to the real theme of the conversation and replies: the question asked, you didn't answer: why the FBI director was fired?

Observe the NBC news Broadcaster interviewing the President of US.  Then think, think twice.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Fake news: "Let's make America great again!"

US is a naïve governmental nation with fake news: "let's make America great again". America always been great since it is built by many ethnic groups. US is a naïve governmental nation: Russia's Vladimir Putin, with Russian hackers, been already within so many basic institutions that serves US all such as electric companies, Weather announcing institutions, Major civilian airports in big cities and hospitals including military registration offices and post offices. Vladimir Putin, with its former KGB had been eavesdropping many US Senators of the fed including any US President immediate family and close friends. Since when? Since Russia started invading Crimea, a large section of Ukraine. I call Russia's strategy: "one step ahead strategy" In case Europe and US had intervened, physically, against Russia invasion of Ukraine by sending advance land-air missile and anti-tank heat seeking torpedoes that US possesses to accurately destroy enemy tanks, Russia would immediately trigger its malware installed in our system on the civilian population in order to create chaos within our population and get adepts to strongly oppose us getting involved in any war against Russia. By weakening our civilian organized structure, Russia would distract our attention to fight them. Why? War is war, nothing else. When US gave a major attack onto the civilian population of Japan in WW2, Japan capitulated immediately, US did not give a major blow to their military although they were been beaten up slowly, but to the civilian population that were making ammunition and military devices to their armies. So, Russia is ready to first attack any European infrastructure as well as American ones in order to create confusion, chaos and use the civilian population against its own government to stop the war, any war. Plan A was first to flight over international Europeans seas -the Russians, with robust warplanes to signal Europe and US that they meant business. Plan B was then to use their implanted malware in many of the systems and institutions mentioned above ...major civilian airports are heavily infested by now within their computers, guiding civilian airplanes including airlines airplanes that could be directed to the Pentagon, the White House and against other airports... US is infested with their malware, not just from them, but from China too. Those malwares are dormant to be triggered at will in case of a war against one of them. Most large infrastructure with large sophisticated computer algorithm are made with the infection in them as part of the system that would not work if the malware is removed; cause of this: cheap inexpensive devices bought in China and re-infested by Russia. Russia has a win-lose plan: I win, you lose, but it must be implemented before a possible war starts against any European nation or US. And Russia has a man in US presidency that would kill himself before rather hurting his business investments in their country (Russia). US is naïve. How I know that? Amongst others: I've been following Trump's political trajectory since he first announced his intention to enters the political aquarium years ago. I've been following Vladimir Putin dirty moves on his intention to annex again, those Nations that once were part of the URSS (Soviet Union). I've been following China's Communist-Capitalist new form of government since the year 2000. I've spent more than 2,848 hours per year in the last 10 years researching on the above due that I am predicting that China would be the greatest world power due to the extremes of Capitalism practiced by our super-rich people in US and other parts of the world and due on the reason that their advisers (US lobbyist’s) are followed by our politicians in congress due that too many of them are just naive-greedy politicians; individuals with economic interest of self-enrichment out of their positions as such ...too many of them lack cognitive structure of the future. Those that had that knowledge, are already dead... now US have many cheap politicians. Be it known that, yet there are a lot of very intelligent politicians, some are bias and see Capitalism, not Democracy, as the only condition to succeed. And they, then, turn extremist capitalists into the only rock solid enough to support Democracy …corrupting it. Distinguished President to be: Donald J. Trump. If there is someone to be a fool, it is you. You are a fool ...on the reason that you, with no facts, insist that Russia is not hacking against the USA. You are a fool ...on the reason that you, do not comprehend the danger that nations carry on themselves when someone, with malicious or not intensions, enters their business data and "know' what their future investments is going to be made. You are a fool ...on the reason, that you, with no good knowledge on computer hacking, denies what others, who creates hacking software, have no proof of what they say that other nations such as Russia, did and are hacking into governmental,and private institutions, and US citizens to eavesdrop on their national and personal business. You are a fool ...on the reason, that you, without any knowledge in the hacking business, say that you now a lot of what hacking is through computers or something like that. You are a fool ...on the reason that you, distinguished president to be, think that everything for you that you try to do, get done. You fool! Our militaries have spent millions and millions of dollars creating a virtual military department with the sole purpose of protecting the interest of this nation around the world, that what any nation would do, and US is doing, China, and Russia as well as France, Italy and Germany plus many other nations. You are a fool ...on the reason that you think that Russia has not interceded on your behalf. Fool you are, a complete CLOWN FOOL with bigot ideas... of the most crazy one. You are a fool ...on the reason that you think that other nation must pay for the need USA has to build a wall, to stop illegal immigration coming to US, without changing with analyses the law needed to be obeyed to protect our nation from people entering this territory without been counted and added to the population in accord with the demography need based on our economy and security. You FOOL! You are a fool, yes, a clown, yes, a stupid clever person set to exploit any corner of the law to benefit your interest. You fool! Too many countries had the type of fool you are... Germany, Italy, Russia, Ecuador, Spain and the Dominican Republic and other nations as well. China had a fool one, a bigot: Mao Zedong: This man was a bigot the same as you, a fool is. So, distinguished president to be: You are the FOOOL! Russia, including all those others that don't know a lot about Russia's intentions in eastern Europe and what Russia was before and is now, can't comprehend the danger that many nations around Russia mainland are exposed too. Okay, I would say, USA and Europe are malicious nations and China and Russia are the salvation of humanity ...well, if not, then Europe is the bad guy and Russia the good guy, then if not ...well, then US is the bad guy and Russia the good guy, no? You people, it is not whether a party of the USA is good or bad. It is our nation that could be exposed to a big war, and the one to be fought having the upper hand and win that war. Does Europe want a war? Does US want a war? I think none of us want that. But Russia has nothing to lose by sending a large army and invading or try to invade its former satellite territories... just a few thousands of its military men... Russia would feel relief of an economic burden once and for all by having a war. Russians would fight like demons to protect their interest: Russian patriotism; Vladimir would gain two (2) things: stay in power for longer time for his nation would prefer that on the cause that there is a war and he would know better how to direct it (he was a former KGB person who terrorized its own people to keep the communist party in power) ...US would not intervene if Trump is Our President on the simple reason that he has a lot of money invested in the Russian territory and would lose all his investment. Europe would not get involved to protect the former Russian satellite that would beg for help to them... and Russia would feel so much joy in "taking back what is due to them: their former allies". That's next act of the terrorist Vladimir Putin to do: regain those territories as did with Crimea, but now by direct involvement (thanks that US have a fool in government, a commander in chief of one of the greatest power on earth: The Clown President Donald J. Trump. No American general would deal with that issue for our fool President would remove him from the military and appoint another one with less experience to take over. Russia won the lottery with that idiot irrational clown as President of the United States of America unless the Congress of the United States of America remove him from power with the support of the Supreme Court. Now, the Clown is assigning diplomatic position to super riches people, with zero experience in politics, who would defend their own personal interest than the national interest of this nation. If that happens, and I hope I am wrong, 100% wrong, if that happens, it is the end of the United States of America. All that due to the greed of extreme capitalism and so many idiots in politics that elected Donald J. Trump based on poor perception of the importance to elect any well experienced individual to be our President. Sorry America, now it is not the fault of the "We the People..." who elect that idiot, but the fault of Congress and the Supreme Court that are sleeping on the laurel of Democracy.