Sunday, May 07, 2017
6:34 PM
People involved in this Plot.
James Comey:
…actual chief of the FBI (he is compromised investigating a Plot by Russia to USA, at which investigation he can't reveal sensitive info he has, least to the actual gov of President Donald J. Trump:
...who is the primary object of the investigation; if any info is given to Trump, it might leak to Russia via whichever connection Russia has spying in USA, Russia uses the tech given to the secret spying agency of USA, which the USA totally ignored but Russia catch on it, developing it and using it against the rest of the world …the author.
Mike Flynn:
…former American General, former chief adviser (for just 24 days, he was then fired -a way for the Trump admin to save its involvement with Russia's President Vladimir Putin to today's President Donald J. Trump.
Trump team, composed of:
Evelyn and others... Trump electoral team involved with Russia espionage? Notice that a Russian Ambassador "died" while in his embassy and Vladimir Putin has the habit of killing those people that could compromise his status as President. MSNBC of political analysts:
(this MSNBC group makes social-political analysis of the function of the American government and its society as a whole, for a profit and in behalf to Democracy).
And Fox News: analysis too, but favoring, a party over other party, this is: not making analysis including both governmental parties: Republicans and Democrats. This news chain prefers to make analyses viewing Republicans philosophy for their point of view eyeing the actual President of USA: Donald J. Trump.
Fox News uses a psychology: laughing at whatever, sometimes, the opposition, Democrats, say in politics as making mock of them. It makes mock of any methaphor they (Democrats) create.
In the lower chamber Republicans, not Democrats, passed a bill to change the so-call Obama Care (Health Care law) with a new one: TrumpCare (new Health Care law). It is awaiting the approval, remaking or rejecting of a higher Congressional House: the Senate of Congress.
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca):

...She opposes on the way Republicans are trying to change the so-call ObamaCare, for they want to remove this law made to cover American citizens yet the law is not a very good one, she claims that if it is going to be ejected or remove, any new bill must be created submitting in a proper way the manner how citizens are going to be protected already elaborated in the bill, not after the bill is approve in Congress, for there is no guarantee it would be corrected then once it becomes law abandoning millions and millions of people, mostly elders and children that need health Care and can not afford it. Reince Priebus, White House Chief of Staff:

…he agrees totally with the removal and replace of ObamaCare act by one so call TrumpCare act, such a Health Care bill, is expected to improve as a "hand-on" law, this is, approving a bill then correct the bill as problems occurs. A strange practice for it is not a guarantee that Congress, governed mostly by Republicans will do that. Vladimir Putin:
...on President Vladimir Putin of Russia: relations ...Putin wish is to destroy NATO forces without shooting a single bullet on the reason that USA has a superior force in alliance with Europe capable of wining a non-nuclear war against Russia. This is this: Russia' intelligence system has invaded most USA institutions and European institutions with heavy secret surveillance malware difficult to notice capable of neutralizing the functioning of those institutions just in case of a war confrontation with Russia itself.
It is suspected that President Trump had economic alliance with Vladimir Putin who happens to be, Putin, a master in political negotiation by using secret killing against its own citizens, coercing, black mailing and intimidation in order to win (same as in Machiavelli, the Prince, a work of art book explaining how to stay in power and how to win power using whichever mean needed to do that; most famous world dictators fallow Machiavelli guidelines). Trump, clearly indicated in his speeches that he favor (inferred and implied) whichever mean he could follows in order to get money (as in Machiavelli, the Prince, but in this case: money, he manipulate situations to do that, I see it that way based in his speeches and acts in his businesses).
The President of USA, is a naïve politician, but very clever, not smart, businessman who interest, the way I notice he is, is money, fake news, and some form of discrimination against others not of his states: black, muslin, religions in general but extreme capitalism associated with whoever give him money first, money second and money last (lacking patriotism and, I see, loving ethnocentrism of those like him. He is a person who master fake news as long as he could without mercy of the person, institution or whatever he attacks with words: a BIGOT, as some people see him.
I might not continue writing this findings on the logic that FBI boss had been fired by President Donald J. Trump in order to block whichever finding on the President himself and Russia.
This move is enough to understand that President Trump and President Vladimir Putin are deeply involved into a conspiracy from Putin side against NATO and enrichment from Trump side against the safety of the United States of America; the first to destroy USA, and the second to enrich himself at whichever cost.
This is what's happened in the Oval Office, the Palace that contains the center hybrid command of the USA: The President and Military power of this nation.
First thing first:
There is a spy agent working in the so call Mar-a-Lago ...of the President Donald J. Trump, where he prefers to meet dignitaries and pocket some money as people register to be able to enter that location too.
From here President Vladimir Putin does communicate with President Donald J. Trump. The spy allocated here is a simple servant who does unskilled work ...important, so no one take her to be noticed. All the Mar-a-Lago had been bugged (by that servant) in specific places that only the former director of the FBI and two (2) or three (3) agents suspect (don't know), it is top secret amongst all secrets.
So, accidentally (?), Trump receives info from Russia at which he is told the investment he has in Russia is secured and that there is no way on knowing of it, unless he tells, and Vladimir Putin could delete it all, if he sees him in danger of been discovered. Tacitly Trump knows that he has time, plenty of time, to clean the mess of IRS reporting he has and hide the rest of fortune abroad, favor he got in Russia, places he visited for private satisfaction and amusement and the blah, blah, blah-like that. Putin is the guarantor of his privacy, in Russia and around the world with his (Putin) sophisticated spy agency branching all around the corners of the world, including USA and directly in Mar-a-Lago including Putin has the complete story of Trump's family, his wife before and after meeting Donald J. Trump, everything known by Russia.
But there was a big problem: the former director of the FBI.
Getting rid of him, on that, Vladimir Putin informed Donald J. Trump via Trump's employee in Mar-a-Lago, that in order for Putin, to send his emissaries and have a clean, beautiful and "great" dialog, Mr. FBI director would be the problem, for he would interfere in his (Donald Trump) administration and not only that, would create misleading data that would cause his (Trump) impeachment. "that that guy had to go". so Russia and the USA could at last be in peace dealing Business that would be a win-wing among them.
So, President Donald Trump asked his vice President if asking the FBI director to leave his post, would be a correct decision so his government could govern at will, without been blocked by this guy. Vice-President told him that it would cost him nothing to fire him and suggest someone else to take over the FBI post then open it for new hire with somebody else willing to serve his Presidency in an ambience of peace.
This triggered an idea to Trump: fire him and see what comes next with Russia.
Trump informed, then, Vladimir Putin, consider the guy that, as unemployed and ready to meet me here as you will.
Said and done, Vladimir Putin prepared a committee of the best spies and emissaries to travel to the USA, without anyone in the nation knowing of it at the beginning (US, except Trump, he knew, but who on earth could read it in his popular interviews he gave before? Or by reading his face? Clever guy ...but not smart), or around the world, knowing of that,. The instructions: spies would pose as cameramen, security personnel for the emissaries and the likes.
...President Trump was happy, for he guarantees that his fortune abroad was secured. After firing the FBI director, that was the opened door for Putin to send his bunch of spies directly into the White House, bug the White House with software directed to the White House eavesdropping, and add simple codes to be use in the future as needed to "follow" whatever happens in that room. just like that.
...and to make this story the more likable as possible, now, Trump must lie and lies in whichever interview he gives, but there is a problem: he can't coordinate what he's saying, for it is based on lies, and there are no real pictured-memories of his lies, So, the best thing is to expose his Vice-President, and anyone supposed to clean this mess... that's their jobs, to work for him, not for the nation.
Just watch how Trump tells different things when speaking to the news, the more he speaks, the more nervous he gets ...look at the way he coordinates the direction of his eyes, trying to bring back to his memory what he said before, but not remembering a word, Trump's interlocutors, the news, when confront him, ask him or tell him: you said this and that before, and now you just said this and that, totally not in accordance to what you said before ...then Trump says "look, what a am after is for 'jobs, jobs, jobs: for the American people. Sometimes the interlocutor brings him back to the real theme of the conversation and replies: the question asked, you didn't answer: why the FBI director was fired?
Observe the NBC news Broadcaster interviewing the President of US. Then think, think twice.
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