Monday, June 19, 2017

A Constitution or a piece of paper.

                                              US have a Constitution or a Piece of paper?
A constitution can be enforced applying the law, otherwise, it is just a piece of paper... whether you like it or not.
In the United States of America, it is been demonstrated that ours is just a piece of paper, that US is not a Democracy but a System of Capitalism, extreme Capitalism.  Our piece of paper of Constitution does not exist in the spirit of the so-called American people.  Bigotry, hate, ignorance and things like that is abundan in our minds, mostly within the mind of those that feel they are the true Americans, just because they came here first than all the others.
There are few people in the world, in power, whom has the spirit of Democracy rooted in their soul, one of them is the actual chief of the German Government and few others from the nations of the CONFEDERATED EUROPEAN UNION.
In our USA, EXTREME CAPITALISM is rooted in the heart of our very naïve congress people and our actual elected president.  Those in our government, the fed, those few with actual rooted Democracy are overpowered by those others greed ones full of ignorance, egoism and lacking any idea of the future of the UNITED STATES of NORTH AMERICA.
Does USA have a CONSTITUTION or just a PIECE of paper?
Think and think again and think trice.
The security of this nation rest only, and only in the hands of the FBI, CIA and NSA including other official institutions designed to be the backbone of our national fabric: "We the People..."
It is a petty, a shame and a guilt of our politicians, of some of them, who doesn't see that fabric as been the nation; that they, the few, are not the nation, the power but those assigned to dedicate their time to protect US, enrich US and advance US to a better future ...a petty to see their narrow minds, their closed mind and their one sided mentalities as if they were drunk.  US is in decadence starting the exact day "We the People..." elected an individual in 2016, to take the American Presidency having no knowledge of the fabric of our people: all those living, working and enjoining the fruit of our Democracy ...and investing in it.  Our descendants are been destroyed by greed ones full of ignorance even before they are born.

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