Freedom, a need of humans, all. Darwin, predicted this in his theory. -an AXIOM in Survival of the Fittest- US, in fighting terrorist dreams comfused with reality, are surviving to their destruction to America and multi religious nations... "Their garments of pitch, and fire shall enwrap their faces-" "This is a message for mankind that they may thereby be warned" from the Koran, Verse 14 no. 50... Iran behold on this, and their 72 virgens... they dear for the Atomic Bomb!
Saturday, March 08, 2025
Link to cartoon 2025-2028 dark age.
...enjoy this people!
Friday, March 07, 2025
2025-2028, Dark or Golden ages? Repeating History? To do, experience, or produce again.
In a Democracy Improvising a new Governmental System.
Mapping the below:
Open mind: based on Democracy composed of five axions, in physics is a hypothetical Quantum mass but, here it is hypothetical composition of Universal Democracy:
Free Enterprise
All those axions have specific definitions if linked together, on their own, it cannot exist for they are an aberration of human intelligence: The ability to …understand and use knowledge.
In the United States of America, its people are submitting its type a governmental system to new types of doing business without consulting any advisers nor any individual from congress even violating its century old constitution “We the People.”
…the above is mostly done, it is difficult to admit, by its President as of now …a man with lay instructions, knowledge or understanding of Constitutional mandates of our country. Appling self-tough business rules not apt to a nation but personal ownership of a business or industry.
A “country-manner of ruling” differs from a business. In a Democracy, you own a business but a country, unless you are a dictator (dictators feel they own the country, as it used to be in feudal time and regions, in which the owner could own its land and users, unless they were close to the owner’s family (sons, daughters, mothers and fathers and other relatives). Be it known that feudalism was and is as of today social archaic develops regions, an archaic type of personal government just to preserve someone’s property or a king’s ownership of large territories that included in it, the feudal territories conquest by the king and its high ranking militaries that in most of the time had to use a form of slavery in order to keep those feudal regions.
…as we all know, the king could follow advises or disregard them as his/her needs, “the majesty wish.” In its people, this is, the need of its people, all included, belong to themselves; in a governmental system of “all for one, one for all” things are distributed accordingly in a complex distribution: “Free enterprise” and ownership, Capitalism, the right to own and invest what a person earns via accepted acts of exchanges, Socialism, at which a very large population decide what is going to be done by their elected officials (authorities) in the distribution of worth; of course, those authorities with experience in any field and experimented people who are to in full knowledge of the people constitution and of the of a system that could be learnt through work, studies or who already acquired it through time, like a written map to follow; which department has which right is limited to its jurisdiction including the individual right of its inhabitants (call human rights) and depending on the elected one or if it is a non-elected individual, already trained to do the work, of course, based on his/her learnt education not cuz they are rich but cuz they have knowledge and are observed by, mostly, the congress and justices which rules are applicable for that individual to follow as in the militaries, teachers, political institutions or entities but learnt through time and so on using knowledge, new ideas acceptable as the constitution rule and the congress tell to be done: reasoning, logic, and whatever does not violate its people and its neighbours (geopolitics) in a win-win mutualism …of course, one might get more benefits than the other in accordance to their ownership of what is invested and its value of the investment and never abusing of the wins of the other but guarantying that the other wins too; that is working in peace.
In business, the government does not intervene with too many rules but with basic ones to protect those that intergrade that private institution, which rules (laws), have been already studied, discuss and accepted as above indicated; follow institutions (observed by courts, group of people (unions, neighbours, associations and the likes) yet they create their own rules in order to continue existing and/or create money, not war, or, and injustices.
In the case of “communism” in a democracy, people must and shall contribute or apport a portion of their income to support the nations in the case as of taxes of different types supporting local, states and federal government.
Dictatorship: once laws were created, it is for each and every one to comply with it, without exception to the rule and as defined by the governments. All those axions must work interrelated, not one independent of the other at which they destroy the other. Congresses of the governments make the rules of governments, not opposing the survival of one while destroying the other. No individual can oppose them unless a court of justice and the individual discusses specific situations at which an individual, group or entity demonstrates the contrary and the rules (laws), are illegals en perjury of and etnia (in Roman language) or ethnic, a social group or individual.
Here we go now: few people, who in my understanding of human civilization, are ignorant or ignore those rules or are part of them.
If the above is applied to a system of Democracy, be them as dictatorship (making it to be obeyed) be it in a Democracy or any other type of government but the law of the people, it is a Democracy by association. Though it may cause, through time, revolutions, international tours (protests), internal massacres (vandalism), selected abuse (stealing), and the infiniteness of things ending up with the existence of a nation. Result? It might be positive as that of the French Revolution and many other revolutions yet the French one is the most notable of all of them cuz it gave origen to the Human Rights (not well followed by dictatorships (it encloses its self-destruction), called by many different names: Communism, Socialism, and some time form of governments that could be called: government of savages as that of the Cambodia in Asia sometimes ago.
In the United States of the North of the Americas, the Inglish (take the money and run) speaking region (a country of a very rich and diverses languages), a new form of government is about to rise up, which yet has no proper defined name which as I call it: CapyCracy, a mix of the extreme capitalists and their rules (making a stress on the -y- of Capy, called in Spanish: an accent). See here that Democracy, lost the word “Demo” and Capy has subtitled the meaning of “We the people,” eradicated, killed, denigrated. The Constitution is not obeyed unless it is at their convenience; those that do not follow its rules, I call them: idiots, other people call them stupid’s. Why? Cuz, they do not read, follow, or obey the mandate of the Constitution of “We the People,” they guess it or interpret them as their likes and benefit out of it.
The USA, had survive a couple of hundred of year cuz if followed the way it is written, our government will exist a few more hundreds of years but, and it is a but worth to mention: “but” I think that some closure could be added to it, the “We the people” in order to avoid the above (CapyCracy) to happen, ending with the Magna Carta that cost so many lives, sacrifices and elaboration to serve us as the good for this nation. Just add to it these requirements:
To be a police officer, a requirement to have completed the full yrs of high school studies and know or understand the constitution of the country.
To reach the grade of Lieutenant in the police force, must have to had done at least two years of college+ had been in the force at least 4 or more yrs.
To reach a higher grade, to finish a full four yrs or higher.
…and to become the chief of the police force, had finish those four yrs and carry a diploma or college certificate in any field of studies, mostly in Liberal Arts or Science, if possible, Associated in Arts.
To be elected in the Congress of the USA, in the federal gov, must have an earned college degree in any field of four or more yrs. If the college degree is older than thirty yrs, the study of the Constitution is mandatory as a full course of study that had been done.
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