Freedom, a need of humans, all. Darwin, predicted this in his theory. -an AXIOM in Survival of the Fittest- US, in fighting terrorist dreams comfused with reality, are surviving to their destruction to America and multi religious nations... "Their garments of pitch, and fire shall enwrap their faces-" "This is a message for mankind that they may thereby be warned" from the Koran, Verse 14 no. 50... Iran behold on this, and their 72 virgens... they dear for the Atomic Bomb!
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Trump's Showdown (full documentary) | FRONTLINE
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
¡Guao! Ustedes tienen razón, lógica, y están en la realidad. Me equivoque.
Opino que la Republica Dominicana no está en la capacidad, todavía, de crear la
ley para ejecutar eso de la "DNI" al menos que se observe el análisis
que ustedes, "En Somos Pueblo" exponen.
felicitaciones a la exposición de ustedes. Lo dicho y/o expuesto aquí, Se
necesita escribir y publicar en un periódico de la nación para que se sepa. En la
forma de observar eso del "DNI", se está creando un "CHIVO SIN
LEY" (palabras de un gran escritor, filosofo, catedrático y político,
quien fue presidente también.
Wao! You all are right, with logic, and are with reality. Am
Am of the opinion that the Dominican Republic is not in the
position, as of now, of creating a law to execute that of the “DNI”, unless the
analysis you all express in “Somos Pueblo”, is exposed.
It is needed to be written and publish it in a national newspaper
to be known. The way to see that of the “DNI,” it is creating a “CHIVO SIN LEY”
-a wild goat- (words of a great writer, philosopher, professor and politician, who
was president too.
¡Guao! Ustedes tienen razón, lógica, y están en la realidad. Me equivoque.
Opino que la Republica Dominicana no está en la capacidad, todavía, de crear la
ley para ejecutar eso de la "DNI" al menos que se observe el análisis
que ustedes, "En Somos Pueblo" exponen.
felicitaciones a la exposición de ustedes. Lo dicho y/o expuesto aquí, Se
necesita escribir y publicar en un periódico de la nación para que se sepa. En la
forma de observar eso del "DNI", se está creando un "CHIVO SIN
LEY" (palabras de un gran escritor, filosofo, catedrático y político,
quien fue presidente también.
Wao! You all are right, with logic, and are with reality. Am
Am of the opinion that the Dominican Republic is not in the
position, as of now, of creating a law to execute that of the “DNI”, unless the
analysis you all express in “Somos Pueblo”, is exposed.
It is needed to be written and publish it in a national newspaper
to be known. The way to see that of the “DNI,” it is creating a “CHIVO SIN LEY”
-a wild goat- (words of a great writer, philosopher, professor and politician, who
was president too.
Monday, January 22, 2024
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Speaker Mike Johnson LIVE | Rep. Mike Johnson Outlines Impeachment Inqu...
Larry C. Johnson: Israel REACTED HARSHLY After Russia Sent STRATEGIC BOM...
#INCREIBLE🔴 El cargamento de armas que acaban de encontrar cerca del pal...
Saturday, January 20, 2024
The way a Chinese citizen feels when they visit Taiwan
The way a Chinese Citizen feels when they visit Taiwan.

Thursday, January 11, 2024
observing on the case of Republican accusing Mr. Hunter Biden of infringing with
law mandates where there are so many charlatans insisting that Mr. Hunter Biden
be sent to jail and not presenting any proven violations made by him. It was
ever never expected that a group of congress people, would behave in this disorderly
show of organizing themselves with no facts with them with just saying: “you
are guilty”, that's all. What’s going on with these “supposed to be 'respectful law
making and law abiding high upper-level persons?"
Were they
elected by “We the people” to spend their time or using their time been “charlatans?”.
Just an advice, next time you go to vote for Republicans, think not once but twice,
not to elect clowns to one of the highest chambers of congress spending their
time in “if you have nothing to do, please don’t do it here”.
Thank you to
all Republicans, let’s learn who to choose to be in power, never elect again CHARLATANS: a person who pretends to special knowledge or
skill that he or she does not possess; quack; fraud.
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Private money exchanged by BlueChip, certified and patented.
Tuesday, January 09, 2024
President of Ecuador should turn into a "Bukele" president or else.
...cuz of this:
There is no choice for President of Ecuador but to morph into a Bukele, or else, abandon the presidency and let the people turn into a Haitish style.
It is a hard truth to tell, there is no solution for many Latin American countries... got one?
Monday, January 08, 2024
GIULIANI! (Here He Goes Again) - Randy Rainbow Song Parody
He's Just a GURL Who'll QUID PRO QUO! - Randy Rainbow Song Parody
Sunday, January 07, 2024
Saturday, January 06, 2024
#Revelador🔴 Los haitianos están regresando a RD / El detonante que provo...
Finished! Unable to Sell Anything, Domestic Demand Dead, 70% Goods Dumpe...
People that do not feel to have any obligation to serve their office.
- Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson was spotted on Monday in Boston City Hall not saying the oath of office
- Footage shows Anderson silent between two fellow councilors who can be seen raising their right hand and repeating the oath of office
- City Council President Ruthzee Louijeune and the city's law department eventually forced her to take retake the oath both verbally and in writing.
Friday, January 05, 2024
2024: A Year of ‘Ferocity’ Ahead for China; Chinese Investors Wake Up, R...
6th Generation Fighter Jet Is On US Aircraft Carrier! FINALLY!
'Should be investigated': George Conway reacts to new reporting on Clare...
...usted dice que
los haitianos se burlan de RD. Y le pregunto:
…una persona que
nunca ha llegado a asistir a una escuela y, después de ser mayor de edad se
viera obligado a ir, y su profesor le pone una tarea de matemáticas, digamos, a
resolver una ecuación. Al otro día el estudiante no lleva la tarea hecha (por
lógica no sabe lo que es eso), le pregunto a usted: ?se está burlando ese
estudiante del profe? Creo que no necesito darle más explicaciones, con esto
basta. Aunque quiero decir un poquito de toda posible interpretación: el
estudiante no va a seguir yendo a la escuela; el estudiante va a continuar
haciendo lo que siempre ha hecho, pues es lo único que sabe hacer; el
estudiante podría convertirse en un criminar social si se le obliga pues se
rebelaría contra aquellos que le estarían obligando ir a la escuela; el
estudiante se convertiría en un renegado contra los que les obligan y los
mataría. Creo que una de tantas soluciones seria darle alimento a cambio de
empezar la escuela para que no asista a diario con hambre, como lo hacen los
niños y de lo contrario darle nada y poner en alerta a las autoridades pues
podría convertirse en un revoltoso buscando hacer una revolución que ni el
mismo sabría que hacer si es que la gana. Cualquier repuesta es correcta menos
que "Haitianos se burlan de RD".
Wednesday, January 03, 2024
Politics as is, she bars former President Trump from their primary ballot.
Maine’s Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, made a significant decision
to bar former President Trump from their primary ballot, citing the 14th
Amendment and labeling his actions on January 6, 2021, as insurrection.
This decision followed
a similar move by Colorado’s Democrat-controlled Supreme Court.
Bellows emphasized the importance of upholding the right to
vote as a fundamental aspect of democracy. (Trending: Democrat Targets U.S. Troops With New Gun
Control Law)
“This decision is based on Maine law and the facts that
were presented to me in the Section 336 challenge. It was really important to
me to look at the evidence presented in the public hearing and the law and the
facts presented in the context of Maine law, Sections 336, 337, and 443. It’s a
very detailed decision,” explained Bellows.
“We lay out why under Maine law the Secretary of State has
the authority, indeed the obligation, I’m duty bound to make this
determination. We also, I rather laid out that the record demonstrates that in
fact, the events of January 6th, 2021, which were unprecedented and tragic,
were an insurrection in the meaning of section three of the 14th amendment,”
she continued.
“And finally, in reviewing the facts presented, the
evidence, the law, the history…We determined under section three of the 14th
amendment that Mr. Trump engaged in insurrection and therefore was
disqualified,” concluded the Secretary of State.
Bellows previously posted, “The fundamental right of any
American citizen to vote freely, fairly and to have their vote counted is the
premise of our democracy.”
“The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are not values to
be compromised away,” she continued.
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