History repeats.
Once upon a time
there was a lifeless girl on the road that my enemy enjoyed.
I remember my
mother one day asking, son, why are you going to fight.
Mother, for
others, their land, future, and honor.
I saw, on the way
to war, the face of the enemy I come to kill.
Once upon a time
there was lifeless innocent girl on the path my enemy lived.
In a country
distanced of mine, which its freedom I seek, and its neighbor attack.
Ukraine, whom Russia
envied, for being a people of peace and love.
A certain Putin
attacked its people; its females violated.
… by soldiers commanded.
Its men were
killed, families destroyed, its elders too.
Whom he accused
of being Nazis of the past they, Ukrainians fought.
They saved Russians
from their fate of utter destruction.
Ordered Russians,
to his defender of the past, of the future its women rape.
Preyed to
Russian, his defenders’ descendant kill, accusing they are Nazis who attacked
The world amazed,
Ukraine helped, with modern weapons to help them.
The blood spilled
from the girl's body, is the face of the enemy I come to kill.
Mother, it is
justice that I come to sentence, so others repent of abuse.
Ukraine is a
people that fights for freedom, honor, justice, seeking peace.
I saw the enemy I
am going to kill.
History: In World
War II, the Nazis of Germany tried to take over planet earth, because they
believed themselves to be the only true humans. Those Nazis, did experiments
with the Human race, written this in history, horrible experiments with people
of all ages. The Nazis used people of various religions, and since the vast
majority were Catholics and Jews, they suffered the most. Unfortunately, the only presented data were of
the murdered Jewish religious people. The Catholic Church has not presented
historical data of the murdered Catholics who were in the millions. Perhaps to avoid hatred against the
descendants of the German people, who are not guilty of these massacres, the
people of today?
History repeats itself.
Vi camino a la guerra
la cara del enemigo que voy a matar
Érase una niña
sin vida en el camino que mi enemigo gozo
Recuerdo mi madre
un día pregunto, hijo, por qué vas a pelear.
Madre, por otros
su tierra, futuro y honor.
Vi, camino a la
guerra la cara del enemigo que vengo a matar.
Erase la
inocencia sin vida en el camino que mi enemigo vivió
En un país de mi
lejano, que su libertad busco, y su vecino ataco
Ucrania, quien
Rusia envidio, por ser un pueblo de paz y amor.
Un tal Putin, ese
pueblo ataco, a sus mujeres soldados mando
A sus hombres, su
familia destruyo, sus ancianos, a ellos mato
A quienes acuso
de ser nazis del pasado quien Ucrania peleo
Salvando a los rusos
de su destino de absoluta destrucción.
Ora un ruso, a su
defensor del pasado, del futuro sus mujeres violo.
Ora un ruso, sus
defensores descendiente mato, acusando son nazis que a rusia ataco,
El mundo
asombrado, a Ucrania ayudo, con armas modernas para ayudar a vos.
La sangre
derramada del cuerpo de la niña, la cara del enemigo que vengo a matar
Madre, es
justicia que vengo a sentenciar, así que otros se arrepientan de abusar.
Ucrania es un
pueblo que lucha por libertad, honor, justicia, buscando la paz.
Vi camino a la guerra
la cara del enemigo que voy a matar.
Historia: en la
segunda guerra mundial, los Nazis de Alemania intentaron adueñarse del planeta
tierra, pues ellos se creían ser los únicos verdaderos humanos. Esos Nazis,
hicieron experimentos con la raza humana, escrito esta en la historia, experimentos
horribles con personas de todas las edades. Los Nazis usaron personas de varias
religiones, y como la gran mayoría eran católicos y Judíos, ellos fueron los
que mas sufrieron. Por desgracias solo presentan los datos de los religiosos judíos
asesinados y la iglesia Católica no ha presentado datos históricos de los
Católicos asesinados también que fueron en millones. ¿quizás por evitar odio
contra los descendientes de del pueblo alemán, que no son culpables de esas
matanzas, el pueblo de hoy?
La historia se
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