Saturday, July 02, 2022

...scientists are looking for multiple sources to produce energy


...scientists are looking for multiple sources to produce energy, as it is well known, the amount of energy produced by burning coal and oil is of a great amount, and a sole source other than that is not sufficient to produce the same amount therefore, solar, wind, sea waves, should include new innovated nuclear plants and new tech devices that consume less energy and are more efficient. All together will make coal and oil obsolete to use cuz the other form of energy producers is much cleaner. One thing must be improved too: better devices to save the energy produced so as not to lose the energy not used in times of low consumption (exception nuclear power energy that can be controlled but wind and sea waves that is not and cannot be controlled), it would not be wise, in my personal opinion, to use subterranean heat cuz as time pass, would be cooling the natural earth balance of heat movement and, I think, humans would be cooling the earth core heat produced by its movement in its liquid state and the earth magnetic wave would decrease permitting Sun's wave to penetrate straight into earth environment, then humans would be extinguished cuz then earth would come to an end as did the Planet Mars that life is not possible if not with advance created scientific artifacts to protect living animals and plant to grow on Mars. In conclusion, multiple sources are important to create for humans to continue living and have a better life. Remember: oil and carbon burning are not renewable sources: they are pollutants of the worst kind.

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