Thursday, July 28, 2022

...a second contains 3x10 to the eight cycles in the space of one-meter wavelength.

Want to know how to measure “time?”

Let us see:

299,792,458 metres per second or what is the same as 3X10 to the eighth cycles in one second. These are the units of a second in time express cuz space and time are the same:

Monday, July 11, 2022

Who wants to put the Cascabel to the Cat? To Banon and Trump?


Who wants to put the Cascabel to the Cat? To Bannon and Trump?

Updated as of Friday, July 15, 2022

Edited as of Sunday, July 17, 2022

It does not matter whatever is said here cuz none of us commentators have any followers to support any argument. If anyone here had a ton of money, well, whatever that that "ton of money commentator" says, has a lot of weight ...but, who is that one? None! So here we go too many good people do not suspect that, and listen, pay attention, that this man called Bannon, is one of the main accomplished people who advise Donald Trump, former president of the United States of America, too: give a coup d'état, in order to keep himself in power. Putin's representatives, those that visited the White House, engage in the coup d'état advised given, but one is not related to the other yet both coincided with the same unti-constitutionally suggestion. Bannon is much safer if he does not accept anyone questioning him cuz the weight is too of a great consequence than whatever could happen if he testifies by keeping his mouth shut. Donald Trump feels he will not be called to testify cuz if done so, millions of people would go and overturn the court building or whatever location keeps this man for questioning. A second civilian revolution will erupt out of this situation. Hundreds of people would revolt against that, would burn cars, kill innocent civilians and Texans, simple civilians of those that want Texas to be an independent country in the USA, would take arms to start that revolution. Judges are scared, law enforcement are scared, and wall street, its investors, mostly extreme capitalists, are scared. Too many absolute idiots love that man of Trump. Yet, if compared to the rest of American citizens, they are in the minority group, about 30-35 % of voters. ...the most that could be done, as a form of justice imparted, is forbidding Trump to participate in politics and sentencing Banon to a court, to discuss the situation offering him a few years sentence (from 10 to 20) for pushing to overthrow the government of USA instead of life prison. Judges, other politicians, other authorities fear a "second" revolution and the international consequences to come if so, unless the FBI, NSA inclusive the CIA start a hunt of those people involved in that coup d'état on January the 6th. of the year 2021, of the 21st. Century in the USA. Remember, history repeats, in the future, other USA president will give a try unless the example of punishment is set now or never.

Once upon a time a big cat moved in, in Mouseville (mouse-land).

Mouses and other animals lived in peace.

Mountains were splendor locations to go and hunt for food.

Beaches were safe, lakes were professionally cleaned and preserved.

Schools were full administering new students from all around the nation, lot of new teachers were needed.

Mouses were getting married amongst diverse types of other mouses.

Food was abundant.

The law was kept and obey as a blessing sent from God down to earth.

Oh, how beautiful was Mouseville!

Until one day.

…a cat moved in together with others mouses from Mouseville, observed and told them most:

You, beautiful mouses, thinks are happy, but I would make you happier as living in haven.  New elections are around the corner, always been electing a mouse as your leader.  Why not elect a Cat instead?  I am handsome, strong, wealthy and have the strength to protect all of you from vicious of them some cats that would like to devore all of you, to make themselves fat, fatter.

I am handsome, rich, healthy, strong, and noble. Why not elect me as your leader? Who else could protect all of you from vicious cats around the corner, interested in eating you all?  I have no need of that cuz I am on a diet, I eat no cats, and am healthy the way I am.

…if you all vote for me, I will be a guarantee for you to be respected by all other cats, I will make Mouseville Great Again!

Many mouses listened to him, a substantial majority voted for him, he won the elections, turned into Mouseville leader.  Secretly, started changing the way Mouseville used to be ruled, in such a way, he, the new leader, could eat whichever mouse he pleased, at will.

Former Mouseville leaders started noticing that and opposed fiercely against.

Donald the Cat give eloquence arguments to kill, if needed, when needed, those former leaders.  Even invited to Mouseville, those Cats around the corner that wanted to eat many mouses from Mouseville ...they were foreigners.

Firely (full of rage), Donald the Cat directed each and every time, Mouseville’s mouse against those that lost the elections.  Said blasphemies against them. Radios, television news casters; newspapers which published a lot of abuses that Donald the Cat was eating mouses, stealing a lot of money out of his offices, appointing Cats in his government leadership and removing any mouse out of their position of leaders on behalf of many mouses, were attacked with fabricated lies.


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…still there were mouses, they were called, “absolute idiots”, they belief vehemently in Donald the Cat.

Next election, as always, came by …Donald the Cat lost it, he intended to give a Coup d’ eta, to his own government before the next leader were put in place.  Even intended to kill his vice-leader and a mouse from the opposition, its voice-woman, the leader of it.  In his coup d'état, Donald the Cat convinced around, or more of eight hundred mouses that went to the palace of the leader, broke furnishers, windows, doors, killed a police mouse and carried with them a 13-century device to hang them. They were, mostly, from Texas Mossville.

…after the new mouse leader were put in power, in Mouseville, authorities want to legally, punish Donald the Cat, but they are afraid, scared cuz he has many followers capable, cuz they are absolute idiots’ mouse, capable to cause a revolution in Mouseville.

Authorities in Mouseville are looking who would put a Cascabel to Donald the Cat, so that wherever he moves around, the cascabel rings and all mouses in Mouseville get aware that an evil Cat is coming by, and do not let him in.  His former adviser, a mouse, is defiant to Mouseville authorities.

Donald the Cat in Mouseville

…still there are people with Hitler mentalities in plain 21st. Century. 


...there is a hidden answer here, in each and every one of the dialogs of them ...just to mention one, something like this: I am Christian, do not want Muslin messing in Europe, Europe just for Christian (that the spirit of his words); then the man tries to confuse the audience by shifting from Muslin to terrorist in such a way that by saying Muslin, it should be understood: terrorist. Well, in a government preaching his mentality, what would Europe or any Nation State composing Europe should do? Kill Muslins? Cuz they are terrorist? Wow! Man! That is a Pre-conception of Hitler just that: killing people who were not Arians (he himself was not Arian!) History repeats: hope that man never get a governmental top job in any gov and remain forever as a person thinking' like that. That is not a Democratic manner of thinking but of "dictatorship-ism" by way of imposing a mental manipulation of my own feelings on others (taking a personal feeling and imposing it on others or face death if not) in mass killing... "Adolf Hitler (German: [ˈadɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ] (About this sound listen, it on others or face death if not) in mass killing... "Adolf Hitler (German: [ˈadɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ] (About this sound listen; 20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was a German politician and leader of the Nazi Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP). He rose to power as Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and later Führer in 1934. [a] During his dictatorship from 1933 to 1945, he initiated World War II in Europe by invading Poland in September 1939. He was actively involved in military operations throughout the war and was central to the perpetration of the Holocaust. 


" P. S.: is using AI read aloud! Enjoy the link above using AI directly from them! 

Mouses who tried to give a Coup D’état in January the Sixth, 2021. 

Former President Donald J. Trump. 

Supreme Court Thomas. 

Supreme Court Thomas’ wife

Former military General Michael Flynn 

Radio announcer Steven Bannon (Trump’s aide)

Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s lawyer. 

The Proud Boys: 

To be continued and corrected. 

Here below, there is a “supposed linked tape) of something Trump said, or Bannon said, time before Jan 6, 2021 

What “Bannon confirms” is not true, it is a made-up story for him to justify, as a leaker, that he was not a conspirator together with former President Donald J. Trump. 

Mr. Stephen K. Bannon, you, and your beloved Donald J. Trump, initiated a PLOT, to see the US Constitution as a piece of paper, should confront now, people from the Congress of the United States of America who do not see it as a piece of paper but as the heart and spirit of a nation: "We the People..." see and listen to the people appointed by me and millions of others, they have questions for you to answer. Don't be like "Mary the stones thrower, who turns her back and hides her hands". Show your faces "We the people..." want to see how dirty your hands are.